Sunday, April 26, 2009

Okay, So It's Not Pretty

but do you think it warrants being an arrestable offense?

I do.


  1. What were they thinking letting him sing...that was the worse rendition I have ever heard.

  2. Oooh, that was a bad one. I wonder if he volunteered or was forced to do it. Eeek!
    How are you feeling? Any better?

  3. are you kidding me??? I'm grateful knowone clapped...what do you say to him? I can't believe he didn't know the words. bad, bad, bad.I will be trying to block it out of my head all day when it comes to mind. Heidi

  4. Oh dear. I can only imagine what Simon would have said...

  5. Oh Yikes!!!!!!

    I hope you are feeling better my dear.

    Happy Sunday,

  6. OMG! And he didn't even know the words! I probably could have forgiven (well, maybe not) the singing, but to not know the words??????

    Thanks for the laugh for today - and take care of that ear - being off-balance is never fun, especially when it isn't your fault....

  7. Now he knows he was wrong! trying to sing and on top of that, not even knowing the words. Whoever asked him to sing needs a big kick too. Still, it was a hoot to see.

  8. AND he probably thought he was good, which is sometimes the case with people who sing in public, even though they're not. That was horrific!

  9. OMG, who let him out? That was horrible, but the National Anthem isn't said anymore in most school districts. I hope they took his aside and advised him to never sing again and at least learn the National Anthem...still quite funny. I don't know if I could practice that kind of control, I think I'd have to leave the room to go into a hysterical laugh session.

    Hope you're feeling better, Tristan. I've been keeping up with what your illness. Have a cup of tea and a couple of spoons of Wild Turkey!! LOL


  10. oh dear. I kept waiting for a Britain's Got Talent type buzzer to go off.

  11. I am beginning to think NO ONE should be allowed to sing this song. Yikes, bless him for the attempt, but ye gods...

  12. OH dear, I think I feel a little sick now!

  13. OMG, What were they thinking?? (My ears burn, make it stop, make it stop!!!)

  14. Hi Tristan,
    I have an award for you.

  15. Gave proof thru the night that the stars were still there?? I shouldn't have laughed, but I had to. Amazing!! I hope you are feeling better!!

  16. Good on him,I say.At least he gave it a go,badly I admit.Now if that doesn't make your ears feel worse I don't know what would! Hope your feeling better soon.
    Love Debs xxx

  17. Yikes!

    Hope that you are feeling much better in this heat wave we are having...
