Friday, April 24, 2009

Not-So-In-the-Pink Saturday

Okay. I had the best intentions of finding the most wonderful pink stuff for you this week. And I was going to do it well ahead of time, so I wouldn't be so late with my post as last week. I had planned on finding wonderful shots of classic stars surrounded by - or wearing - pink treasures.

But, did the good pink faery bring me all the wonderful photos of movie stars in pink settings and pink couture and pink gel lighting that I had spent a week searching for?

No, indeed she did not. Instead, she put on her pink Doc Martens (which are exactly like the deep purple ones I wore during my hippie punk communist worker phase) and kicked me right in the ... shins.
I had planned on wearing this wonderful Tommy Bahama tie today, just to get myself in the Beverly's Pink Saturday mood.

But, instead, I feel as if all the pink things that I found have crowded into one small room of my body and congested it like 5:00pm traffic in midtown Manhattan! Can a person actually overdose on pink and become ill as the proverbial dog?

Actually, the ear infection I had two weeks ago has returned - with a vengeance. And has spread to my sinuses. I'm just a miserable pink lovin' son of a gun these days, without the energy to be clever or witty or even upload that many pictures.

So instead of showing you fabulous pink interiors...

or inviting you for a leisurely cup of tea and mountains of pastries in a pink wonderland...

or even asking you to sit for awhile and watch the latest antics of Lucy and Ethel...
I'm going to crawl into bed with a box of chocolates and some books and some Kleenex and an armload of dvd's that I want to far, I know it will be "French Lieutenant's Woman," "The Departed" (a guilty pleasure of mine), "La Vie en Rose," and "Eastern Promises." I've seen them all before, so it will be a comfortable day of spending time with old friends.

There seens to be two beds in this room, so if you'd like to catch the flicks and share in some pink chocolates and just kill the afternoon, climb in your bed - and stay away from my poor sore nose and throat! I always feel better with company in my misery!
Now, I hope you will go make something beautiful, because you have to do it for me. The only thing I'm making today is a dent in the TempurPedic!
¸.•´¸.•*´¨) ¸.•*´¨)
(¸.•´ (¸.•´♥ Tristan ♥


  1. sorry you're not feeling well... :(

    that one picture made me want to claw my eyes out! lol

    get better!

  2. Ab Fab Pink!

    Wish you to get better soonest.

  3. Oh how fun! Love your blog and I can never get enough pink! Feel better, nothing worse than an ear infection! I'm going to leave your blog up, plug in my speakers and enjoy the great music while I do my housework...unless you need me to come over and take care of you! I can think of just about anything to get out of my housework...just let me!

  4. Let's be miserable together my friend, my sinuses are making me miserable as well. I'll bring a box of bonbon's, some amoxycillin and a Russ Meyer flick.
    Get well soon and thanks for such a lovely pink post. I always look forward to Saturday's on your blog!

  5. love you... right down to your pink baby toe, feel better. Heidi

  6. Even with feeling ill, you still manage to make a fab Pink Saturday Post. I do love those pink bonbons. I will do a video soon to read your favorite sonnet, so look out for that.

  7. Always creative and witty.......even in your time of sickness. If I was in bed with some favorite DVDs and chocolate I would be in heaven. Hope you feel better....have a restful and lovely Pink Saturday.

  8. Does the good pink faery usually email you the photos, slip prints under your pillow or simply make jpegs materialise on your hard-drive?

  9. Enchanted pinks !

  10. Oh Tristan, you are a hoot. Your pink Saturday is MARVELOUS indeed. You EFFORTLESSLY bring us the elegance and posh of pink. Everything you touch turns into pink and that is a good thing! My favorite is the photo of Audrey Hepburn surrounded by pink. OH! I GOT MY BOOK! Now I want to curl up this rainy weekend out here in Minn. and enjoy every page. Merci bien et mille fois mon cher...gueris-toi! Anita

  11. Fab photos...tres chic, as always. Lovely, funny, witty post. Sorry you are feeling under the weather. It will be a very warm weekend--perhaps you can catch a little sun. Feel better soon!

  12. Happy Pink Saturday!

    This is a super cool pink post!
    Love everything I see...

    ~ Gabriela ~

  13. Great post for not feeling well. Hope you are better soon. Love the Audrey pic. Happy Pink Saturday!

  14. Happy Pink Saturday - I am always in awe of your beautiful posts. Thanks for sharing.

  15. If this is not witty and creative, I certainly do not know what is! Take good care, eat plenty of pink chocies, hope you feel much much better real soon. Your movie selection should help do the trick = well done you!
    ~*Happy Pink Saturday*~

  16. You are so funny! Great juxtapostion of serious pics with silly pics. I love those Domino style rooms with lots of pink.

  17. What a great Pink post for not feeling well! Audrey looks beautiful as ever and the pink fairy is adorable as is the rest of your pictures.

    My husband would love the Tommy Bahama tie.

    Feel better!

  18. Love your pink pics! I must say I like the pink docs the best!
    Happy Pink Saturday to you.

  19. Happy Pink Saturday. Your blog is just such a delight to visit each week. Of course, all of the pink goodies always warm my ♥. This week everyone seems to be out-doing themselves!

    Wishing you, and all those close to your ♥, a purr-fect weekend filled with joy, peace and gracious living.

  20. Sorry you're not feeling well, I'm sure the pink chocolates will help!
    Love all your pinks!

  21. Tristan,

    This just goes to show that you can be creative even when you are sick! So sorry to hear you are down and out again...I knew something wasn't right when you didn't post.

    Get to feeling better...we miss you.


  22. For such a sickie, you did a wonderful post!! Feel better!!
    ¸.*´¸.**´¨) ¸.**´¨)
    (¸.*´ (¸.*´* HAPPY PINK SATURDAY *

  23. My goodness .. . that's one FAB PinkPost for such a sick boy!!
    I must say, my heart did a little leap when I spied those glorious Docs... do you still have your purple babies????
    My BFF and I had an unofficial contest to see who could garner the most Doc Martens; I conceded when she showed up with the white lace Wedding Docs ( now, I'm showing MY age!)


  24. Dearest....
    You need to be Mothered!! You did a great post in spite of feeling so lousy.
    We are FINALLY creeping toward 80 today!! FINALLY ! ! My Summer Cometh! (is that a word??)
    Take care...

  25. Oh! I hear ya brother! I had that shtuff for the past week! Just STAY in bed. And stay away from the chocolate; you know better than that! Feel better and thanks for the post, even when you're down with that bastard cold!

    Get well soon,

  26. Oh you poor poor thing!! I hope that you are back in the pink really soon. Now you put me on the spot to make something glorious for you. Oh the pressure.
    Have a restful day.

  27. weird but true: with a little square of cotton fabric and some string or whatever, make a little bundle of salt. heat it in a double boiler (you rascal, you probably actually HAVE one!) or improvise. i use a little frying pan over a pot of boiling h2o. get the salt nice and warm, BUT NOT WET. now lay down and keep the little salt bundle on your ear til it cools off. heat and repeat and heat and repeat. i have NEVER known this to fail. it's a serb thang! hugs, b

  28. I agree with the others, for a sickie, that is one great Pink post. Hmmm, if I didn't know better, I'd think the nurse had already been there. LOL

  29. Wow, bummer, I went through the same thing a couple weeks ago, I hope you are seeing a DR.
    Feel better, I'll trade you some pink Champagne and strawberries, for a couple Fanny Mae Chocolates. Hey, I wouldn't mind being sick just to hang out in Chicago. Great Pink Post!
    Kaerie Faerie

  30. Great post! ;) Loved your sense of humor and all of you fun pictures. I am sorry that you are sick....I am too! Chocolates sound great right about now! I'll have to settle for reading all of the pink Saturday posts. Get better soon!

  31. I'm sorry you're under the weather! Rest lots, let the house boys tend to your every need, and get some really good drugs - the legal kind! *giggle*

  32. I'm sick too so you won't infect me if I come over to watch movies too.
    I've only seen The Departed, so tragic. You still found lovely pictures, I want those pink boots!
    Hope you feel better soon.
    Tracy M.

  33. Love your pink pics!
    Happy Pink Saturday.

  34. I am so sorry Tristan that you are down in the dumps, and an ear infection, that is the worst. I hope by now with all the chocolates in your tummy, the DVDs that you have watched and the cozy bed linens, maybe you are feeling a little better, or maybe not because you now have tired eyes and a stomach ache to boot. Of course you could always put on your lovely docs to help......loved it all, great job and Happy Pink Saturday, Char

  35. For not finding pink... you did a good job...
    I loved the pink Doc Martens! And the hippie communist worker phase... I can remember those days sometimes too clearly.

    Are you taking antibiotics?

    If I could I'd jump in that other bed.... but I think I'd be taking a nap... : )

    Get well soon~

  36. I am always amazed as how you start out saying you didn't have time to.......and then proceed to post all kinds of delicious pictures!!!!
    Do you feel green or blue when you are sick?
    Hope you feel in the pink soon(I know, bad joke), but intended to make you smile.

  37. That was a better post than I do when I am well!! Take care and thanks for sharing.


  38. I certainly hope you are well soon. I have to say those pink chocolates should do the trick.

  39. Oooh Tristan I just love your blog right back! Would it be ok if I added your link to my blog?


  40. I'd say it is pretty good if you can pull off being so sick and still be charming. This post was great.

    It seems that the majority of times people get this type of infection it takes two rounds of antibiotics.

    Take care of yourself, and yes, I would like one of those pink chocolates.

    Happy Pink Saturday, Tristan.

  41. I think that is most pink I have seen on one place, wonderful... hope you get to feeling better soon.

  42. Tristan, You never disappoint us with the amazing pink you find for all of us!

    I sure hope you feel better soon!!!! Ears and sinuses...YUCK! I know every move you make ushers in a new pain. I totally feel for you. Warm compresses and put your feet up.

    Hope your weekend improves tomorrow.


  43. Happy Pink Saturday!! Sorry you are not feeling well, but sounds like you have a great plan to making yourself feel a little better.

    I was not feeling well yesterday, sinuses as well and had Bagel Pizza Bites and Doritos to make myself feel better. There goes my diet.

    I have not seen Eastern Promises but have been wanting to. I'll have to rent it.

  44. The first picture is stunning!
    I love the boots, and that TV???? oh, my....gorgeous....Happy Pink week!

  45. Awwwww Tristan, so sorry you feel yucky! I enjoyed your pink Saturday anyway....I love all the pinks today...even the box of chocolates! talk to you soon...Becs

  46. Hope you feel better soon; maybe the chocolates will do the trick.

    LOVE the Audrey pic - she is my all time favorite.


  47. Tristan your Pink post is marvelous! I hope you get better soon, ear infections suck especially the second time around. Enjoy your flicks and I'm dying over here with that Pink Audrey photo! Great image :)
    Paris Atelier

  48. Tristan, I hope you feel better soon! You sure have had a hard time of it lately. You deserve those chocolates and more - love your post and Happy Pink Saturday!

  49. What a cute post!

    Oooh! A TempurPedic! I'm envious! Pass the pink chocolates and get better soon! :)

  50. Fabulous post despite you being sick. I had that infection or what sounds as if it is the exact same one for 2 months. the drug that cured it is Biaxin XL 500mg (clarithromycin) twice a day. Ask your doc about it...


  51. Hey Tristan my pink buddy, hope you get well soon, and rid yourself of this ear infection.

    I took your advice and got really creative.

    So keep warm and enjoy those chocolates and your movies.

    See you next Saturday!

  52. You always share lots of pink pictures. You never fail - even when you're sick.

    Do feel better though, Rest on the comfy pink pillow while I go take a piece of that chocolate :-)

  53. Your 'under the weather' too!Luv the pink doc martens..I had doc's in 80's and more money? es buxun Antoinette Pirate has similar facial features I had..eons ago in another life!

  54. so sorry you're not feeling well-i always look forward to your fun posts and comments! the pink docs are fab!! i too think everyone who lives here should be able to sing the national anthem-especially if you're gonna be on a mike!! that was horrible! happy pink week and hope you feel better soon!!

  55. You write such fabulous posts about pink!! I don't know how you do it, especially when you are not feeling well. Hope you get better soon.

  56. Love that pink bedroom... wonderful! Have a great day!

  57. Hope that you are feeling better. Thanks for visiting my blog, I love your pink Saturday entry especially the box of lovely pink chocies.

    L x

  58. Happy belated pink Saturday, I hope you are feeling much better soon. Now pass me one of those meltaways : )

  59. I adore that last pink room with the two beds Tristan. That is the stuff dreams are made of.

  60. I think you've been overdosing on the pink stuff... maybe a nice restful day or two without any pink in it (you have enough with the nose and the sore throat). Wishing you better, enjoy your DVDs and Happy Pink Saturday (belatedly). Hope to see you back on form next week.

  61. Happy Belated Pink Saturday. I sure hope this Sunday finds you feeling better. One of these days I am going to spend the afternoon in bed, watching movies and eating bonbons. :)

  62. I just finished eating a healthy salad and I've spotted these Pink Meltaways! I am going to get a box of them one of these days. Yes I am, yes I am, yes I am!Hope you're feeling better, Tristan.

  63. Loved the pink pics anyhow! Get better soon!
