Monday, April 27, 2009

Now you can say that you have seen it all........

I don't know what's happened to me. I keep looking for lovely inspirational images, stories and videos - but lately I keep coming up with the most bizarre and unfortunate items! This is definitely one for the books!

Modern Toilet is a Taipei restaurant. It accommodates 100 seats with
each made from toilet bowls. The specialties at the restaurant accompany
sink faucets and gender-coded 'WC' signs that appear on the three-story
structure. The food is served in mini plastic toilet bowls. The toilet rolls
that serve for wiping hand and mouth are hung above the tables, which
resemble glass-topped jumbo bathtubs.

I'm sorry I/you had to see all that. I just couldn't leave it without sharing forcing it on others. I know that I've come up with some weird ideas in my time...but...never anything know

I promise - no! really! - I promise something beautiful for tomorrow!


  1. I've always wanted to be able to eat and go to the toilet at the same time. I mean, sometimes I do, but having a table in front of you is a real plus...

  2. I have seen it all Tristan! Thank you! The ice cream bowls are a scream! LOL!

    Loved the Storm parody video too! I had seen Prop 8 The Musical...but not this Storm one. For some reason I have "It's Raining Men" by the Weather Girls playing in my head now! LOL!

    Enchanted Blessings,

  3. Now I can die & know that Humanity has sunken to it's lowest!! Well as far as eating establishments go anyway.....
    I am pretty sure I would go hungry first & I know DH would too!!
    Yuck... Blech.... Gad Zooks!!
    Love Ya' Tristan! Hope you are feeling better!!

  4. Tristan,you are hilarious...and that restaurant is so over-the-top that I burst out laughing aloud! Thanks for a Monday laugh...I do hope you are feeling ever so much better!

  5. I wasn't completely horrified until I saw what I hope-to-God was chocolate ice cream...yikes!

    Funny - the same time.

    Thanks for sharing - I think!


  6. uh, ...BWAHAHAHA...for just a tiny minute I was speechless. Tristan, as far as bizarre goes, this is one of the most bizarre ideas I've seen. I'm wondering if the owners got the idea while having some 'quiet' time in the loo?

    Bizarre? Yes. Esthetically pleasing? No.

    Definitely not a restaurant to go to for a nice romantic meal.

    hmmmm, some names they could have called it:

    * Porcelain Bowl Eats
    * The Hungry Crapper
    * No. 1 and 2 Diner
    * The Eat 'n Go (my fave LOL)

  7. Hello Tristan,

    OMG!!! This is hilarious!
    I love asian food {no ice cream, please}...and regarding the toilets...well...we can't take the "amazingly creative" credit away from this restaurant. Can we?

    I think this is an awesome find, but not surprised coming from you!

    I hope you are feeling better and gift wrapping something for my photo gallery.

    ~ Gabriela ~

  8. What is wrong with these people??? I am praying my husband doesn't see this and get any ideas because then he would never come out of the bathroom! :)


  9. How novel, great idea though but I'm not sure I'd eat there!!
    Debs XxX

  10. Tristan,
    You are a hoot. I cannot believe my eyes...who in their right mind would eat there? What a great Monday blog! Shock is a great way to pick anyone up at 2:30 in the afternoon. I love it! Please get well soon!!! Anita

  11. BWAAHAhahaha!!

    Gives all new meaning to that cleanliness phrase I could never figure out. "The place was so clean you could drink out of the toilet" But now thanks to your pains taking internet research I now know!! Thank you ever so much :)

    BTW steal away, I have borrowed a couple of your more priceless ones :) Which let me say Thanks for.. Thanks :)

    Pattie ;)

  12. Definitely modern, 100% gross. I refuse to sit on a toilet and eat poop looking ice cream from a toilet looking bowl.
    Thanks Tristan for this eye candy :) lol

  13. This is the most bizarre thing I believe I have ever seen. No wonder you are feeling ill if you are looking at these pictures!
    Get well soon, please!

  14. Wow! I'm speechless, except to say that my husband always says when I can't make up my mind of where to eat: "I don't care; food is food; you're just going to "oops" it out...."

  15. Ouch if you have "roids!!!" LOL As for eating on the john, my 4 year old grandson, Zachary, does that on occasion! In fact, he's actually had a drink out of the john, with a straw no less. He gives a whole new meaning to "potty mouth!"


  16. I'll have to wait to post a proper comment ... . ..
    my jaw is still on the ground!


  17. Okay, it's time for you to go back to the doctor with that ear infection!
    OMG......I have never in my life seen anything like this and I am not even sure what to post, other than maybe---Some people will eat anything.....ANYWHERE!!!!
    Words run from trying to describe the whats or whys of this place, or worse yet, why someone wants to eat out of a mini-toilet?
    I think I'll go back to bed. Like in "Dallas".....It was only a dream.....


  18. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA...That really cracks me up HAHAHAHAHA. I thought I had seen it all...but now I see I haven't.

    Who on earth would have thought of this...

    Soooooo funny looking. Can you imagine trying to eat in something that is used know...for something else????


  19. And I was just saying how you always post such lovely and extravagant pictures.....ROFL! That is disgusting! And what (maybe I should not ask) are the urinals in there for???? Becs

  20. Oh god! I think I better go wash my hands!!!!!!!

    hee! hee!

  21. OMG, I so could not eat there. Could look and laugh, but not eat.

  22. wow! This is taking recycling and reusing to a whole new level!

  23. OK that is pretty wild, teenagers probably think it is the coolest, leave it to the Japanese to come up with something gross
    Kaerie Faerie
    Hey something pink tomorrow

  24. OMG -this is too funny and too gross, all at the same time! Your off-balance ear-ache is really playing havoc with you - you;re searching out some really weird stuff - and just too funny!

  25. HAHAHAAAAAAAAA!! Oh, me oh my! I just don't know. I am soooo visual, I don't think I could eat out of a toilet bowl... I just can't see it.. Could you???

    Oh it is just hilarious... and I wonder, how do they clean all those toilet bowls????

    Tee heee!! xo, V

  26. Haha, what a fun post! A couple of weeks ago I saw some pics of this restaurant on TV. It's really cool. I would love to see it in person, but I think I could not eat there.

    Gaby xo

  27. I am loving all your odd posts. Too funny. I think Japan is on another planet,have you seen the restaurant where you rent a cat to hold while you eat lunch. Hmmm, cat fur and eel, not so much. Thanks for your kind comment. I girl my age needs all the compliments she can get. Keep the craziness coming, Pam

  28. Hmm...somehow now very appetizing, is it?

    We are so culturally imprinted, I would worry about having suddenly, subconscious physical urges when sitting down.....

    Hilarious find! I am trying to imagine the "creative moment" that this idea sprang from.

  29. You crack me up..if only I could find a mate that would want to touch it too!

  30. I have something for you on my blog!

  31. You had me til the chocolate ice cream.

  32. This is very, very, very strange. I have no comment other than that. One of my sisters used to wonder why toilets were never mentioned in kid's stories, when she was young. (1960-1970 era) There were also no pictures of toilets, so she began to wonder if we were the only family that had toilets in the house. (she was very young at the time) I will send her this link. Ha...ha...

  33. I remember a film where everyone was siting round the table, each on their own toilet, but had to ask very quietly if they wanted to eat something - and then they were directed in this private little room... sorry I don't know the title or anything, this post just reminded me of it.

  34. Too funny, I would not be able to eat in there though. I would have to bring a maid to clean my seat before I sat down. I have seen it all now thanks!

  35. uhm...interesting! I dont know what else to say.

  36. The scary thing is that I am oddly attracted to this place....What does that say about me? Does the sundae have nuts? Ha ha ha ha ha ha haha.(amused at my self..) sorry..

  37. I received an e-mail featuring that restaurant too. Love to eat ice cream and sundae but I don't think I'll be able to let myself eat out of those. . . . . .Nope, I don't think I can

  38. No way could I eat there, Ewwwwww : )

  39. Well I don't know how I missed this post. That is the craziest thing I have ever seen. I will have to show this one to my family. Sadly toilet humor is high on their list (at least my son's). Can you imagine sitting on a toilet eating dinner.
    Great post as usual Tristan.

  40. I just hope they are not fracking reusing those bowls and they are brand new! Just think...go into a deconstruction site and get a bowl that has some rust stains and skid marks on it EEEEEUW!!!! The one area that I hope that the Japanese are not environmentally conscience....go out and get some new ones already!!! Great stuff your sense of humor...makes my day marvelous!
