Tuesday, March 10, 2009

A Gorgeous Tuesday...But, First, a Drumroll, Please...

The One and Only Original Genuine Great All American Tussie Mussie Give-Away

First, stop whatever housework chores you're doing and be sure you have chosen an appropriate gown for the occasion. Then...

check the mirror to be positive you've done your hair fittingly for this event, and you're

ready to jump on a table and do a little dance, just before

you join the rest of the participants ready to do a high kicking salute to the winner...
and the winner is...
Vanessa from A Fanciful Twist!

Well, that was fun! Vanessa, please email me with your address and I'll get your prize out in the post to you this week.

And thanks to everybody who entered my first ever blog give-away! There were so many of you, I'm really thankful for your interest!

Okay. Back to the real world. Or, at least the world as I live it...which may or may not be totally real.

I did finish up the little tokens for the Circus Token Swap at The Carnival Soiree. I had planned on getting a little fancier, but frankly they're too tiny for me to work very much on. I get into some pretty small things sometimes - but these poker chips are really TINY! Now I just have to get them sent off, and wait for the big day of the carnival!

This morning when I went out to walk Dusty, I discovered this vase full of beautiful flowers on my doorstep! Now, the sunny bright day was enough to get me smiling - but, floral gifts!? - now I'm happy! My dear neighbor, Beverly, had forgotten to stop the mail for the week while she's at her home on the Cape, so the flowers were a bribe for me to pick up her mail while she's gone. I would have done it anyway - but throw flowers into the mix, and I'll WAIT for the postman to bring her mail! Aren't they nice? I love fresh flowers - but have so much STUFF all over the horizontal surfaces, it's hard to find a place to put them. This will do for now ... but they look a little precarious there. Maybe for inspiration in the studio ...

Well, that's it for today. I have to get so much done today ... some of which is such boring and mundane activity that I shudder to even make a list...the kitchen floor, sweep the front landing, replace the batteries in the keyless door lock...and on and on. No, no, no! Don't the fates know that I'm an arteeeeeeeeeeeeeeeest????

I do have one final question for all of you. Now that the economy is bad, and money is tight, and we're also all trying to live in a more green fashion, how many of you will follow Joan Blondell's lead and start growing your own clothing?

Okay, okay, okay. That was bad.

Now go make some cool stuff!!

¸.•´¸.•*´¨) ¸.•*´¨)
(¸.•´ (¸.•´♥ Tristan ♥


  1. Yes,that was bad.Bad boy!But I haven't thought about Joan Blondell in years.She was lovely wasn't she?
    Congrats to the winner.Maybe next time for me,huh?...Ann

  2. Well done to the winner.... and I'm off to weep into my tissue in the corner! LOL
    Nice flowers..... not sure you deserve them after the Blondell remark you naughty boy!! And why is poor Dusty hiding inder the table????????????????

  3. T,

    So, you already heard my initial reaction ;) Freak out loonsville girl ;) ;)

    Sigh, I won!! I won!! I won something "fabulous special and perfectly fitting" for my world. Something from you!! Yipppepee doooo!! This is grounds for a day off in the garden with a Happy Meal!!

    I have been jumping on my bed, and blowing giant bubble gum bubbles in a fit of glee. But I want to know, how the h-e-c-k did you know i wore my hair fittingly today, exactly like the photo above, haha!!

    (ps: Your bloglette looks dashing!!!!)

    Huge hugs, V

    Thank you ooooodles! Oodles I tell ya!!

  4. ps: The flowers are delightful, I love bribery ;) And they look stunning in your beautiful home!!

  5. heheeh' that was bad, but very funny!

    Hey where did you get the photo of me mowing my lawn? haha

    Congrats to the winner.

    Have a Happy Day


  6. ooops I'm not mowing (I had just put away the mower, silly me) I'm moving plants.

  7. I can't stop smiling from your post! The pitures are just wonderful...HiHo Heidi

  8. I love the post so much I forgot how to spell...*pictures.

  9. Oh, all your posts always make me laugh out loud! And I love the flowers and such a truely spendid mirror. And it looks dust free. Are you actually doing all that housework??!!

  10. I can't think of anyone more perfect to win that, so congrats to Vanessa. I have to tell you that I haven't started growing my own clothes b/c I don't want PETA on my back! LOL! Those flowers are gorgeous. Love the green paint color too!

  11. Oh, my gosh! This was my kind of post! Humor, sarcasm and kick-ass pictures! But how did you get that photo of me mowing my yard? Anyway, your post is amazingly cool!


  12. Well, Joan does look fab ... . but, I do adore the gowned girl mowing her lawn beside the trailer.

    I must admit to being more than a bit tres Noveau TrailerTrash --
    as you can see here:


    Ever Downwardly Mobile - JJjjj

  13. Tristan these are great pics..you must spend hours collecting them!

    In regards to those frozen chars...they went for almost $400!! yes, that's right. holy coW!!

  14. This post was hysterical! I love your sense of humor! I'm eating the last of the madeleines. Cracked any eggs, yet?

  15. Visiting your blog is always a joy and full of smiles!!!

  16. OMG!
    I just love reading your blog....
    I love the new look and the Rabbit...I'm a big Alice fan. The poker chips came out great, I know they are tiny but fun to work with...
    I think I need to get some more glitter...Lots and lots of glitter... and I don't think it would be too green of us to go and grow our own fur coats...
    My kitties would get mad at me....
    And as fierce as my Westies think they are, one of those big kitties would probably eat them for desert...
    Off to make some not as cool as your stuff.....
    Nope, no fairies at the bottom of my garden....

  17. Oh my ... a fanciful twist indeed. Vanessa is just the perfect recipient for this wonderful give-away. Loved this post, you are such a comic. I love learning new things about favorite bloggers.

  18. Congratulations Vanessa!

    Today was a long and tiresome day but, as always, your blog leaves me grinning from ear to ear. Never a disappointment......

    Oh and let me just say....Your circus tokens turned out lovely.

    Oh And just one more thing.....where does one find a satin gardening gown? I tried Macy's and the sales clerk looked at me like I was nuts.

  19. Vanessa is one LUCKY gal!!!!! Bravo to you!!! And, I'm in the process of leaving you a blog award on my blog!!! Stop by for it!!!!

    Take care!!

  20. I'm happy Vanessa won. I love her!! Your Tussie Mussie is lovely. I look forward to your next giveaway. The picture of the showgirls is just the best.

  21. Wow! Off the hook! I love Joan Blondell! And your swaps! And you!

  22. I do love Joan Blondell but I think I'll leave the coat on the Kitty Thank You Very Much! Nothing wrong with faux.

  23. Congrats to Vanessa! Now about Joan, that's just to funny! Well I'm off to make something for my "Project Friday".

    Hugs :)


  24. Lucky girl!!!

    I love your photos!

  25. Yea for the winner. I hope she enjoys "my" tussie mussie! LOL! Just kidding. I am happy for her. Winning is fun, but so is cheering for the winner.


    Sheiia :-)

  26. I AM A CAT LOVER!! That was BIG TIME BAD!! (tongue-in-cheek..) Maybe we should skin Joan Blondell.. (Now that was worse!!) LOL!!
    Thanks for the visit to my blog!!

  27. I love your blog. Honestly you are so darn creative, I love unusual and unique blogs and the creative forces behind them. I love all the things you mentioned you liked....retro, vintage, antique etc. and the images of all the pink Hollywood Regency stuff - fabbbbbbbbbbulous . I hope you see this post, gosh I would exactly faint on this spot if I ever got 27 comments. I got 5 comments recently and I thought I had won the lottery. THANK YOU sweetie for being YOU, keep inspiring me/us with your uniqueness. Have a fabulousity day ......

  28. What a delicious little tussie! I'll certainly keep my eyes out for more give-aways♥
