Monday, March 9, 2009

Rainy Days and Mondays Always Make Me Want to Make Art!

Hope you enjoy the little song. I though it was the perfect little ditty to play to celebrate Barbie's 50th birthday! And - really - has she ever looked more lovely? I admire a celebrity who forgoes the instant rejuvenation of botox and (for real!) plastic surgery, don't you?!
Started playing yesterday with altering poker chips into circus tokens for Lisa's token swap and Carnivale Soiree. If you don't have a clue what I'm writing about, click on the Carnivale Soiree button to the left and read all about it!

So far, I've only got the gold leafing and glitter spots completed. That leafing takes forever - and the drying time is ridiculous. But, it's so much nicer than gold spray paint, don't you think?! Next I think maybe some marabou or some sequin trim on the outside, and a circus or carnivale character bouncing off the top. I'll post a picture of the final tokens.

Support Our Troops Blog Day was created by Mimi's Rose Chenille Boutique. Please click on banner below and read all about. Seems like a small thing to do for people who are doing so much for us. *shiver* Was that God Bless America I just heard playing in the background?

I found this old fruit box label and had to chuckle. I know it's going to find it's way into a piece of art. Perhaps for my friend Anne at el Milagro Studio, as she was one of the people who took "the challenge" last week and I owe a piece of art to. I think it's kind of 'her.' Now, will she ever speak to me again, is the question!

Another giveaway to pass on the news about! I love this little heart that is being given away by Ayala Levinger - her first giveaway. Her drawing is the 12th of March, so you still have time to enter. I really like these keychains - and I believe one in black, purple and gold would be terrific! Clicking on the photo below will take you to her Etsy shop where she sells these and other little goodies!

These are three ATC's I made yesterday for a 3/3 swap. It was a dictionary word and definition challenge. So I chose "cherish," "precious," and "paradise" as my words. I used some vintage and some new dictionary pages, some rubber stamps, some handmade papers, a few dried pieces of - well - assorted vegetation - some German glass glitter and some rubber stamping. They're done and all packed to go off to the hostess for the swap. I have no idea why, but these three little cards took me about two hours to get done. I needed a Red Bull!
I just want to leave you with some words that I can totally relate to. It's from a tee-shirt, but I think I may tape it to the tinfoil I place over my windows to deflect aliens' mind waves.
Have a really terrific Monday and start off the week the right way!

OH!... and - go make something!

¸.•´¸.•*´¨) ¸.•*´¨)
(¸.•´ (¸.•´♥ Tristan ♥


  1. Tristan, I love this and got quite a chuckle out of Barbie with the ciggie, "Itsy Bitsy Teeny Weeny Yellow Polka Dot Bikini," and the sign for your friend! LOL! Love your projects you've done and are working on at present. Neat!

    I posted a link on my sidebar to your giveaway.


    Sheila :-)

  2. Thanks for permission to "make something" - it's true:
    Art Saves Lives!
    Love your ATC's and that Barbie@50.
    Did you hear about the latest (and so controversial) Barbie ??
    Tatoo Barbie ... . who comes with press on tatoos.

    Pressing sticker tats on Barbie's Butt really doesn't count for "making something!"

  3. LOL love the smoking Barbie, LOL she is NOT aging well is she?? funny..Love that heart as well, just beautiful.

  4. I love your blog! You're a true artist and it's so much fun to have a peek into your world.
    Have a Happy and Creative Day!

  5. I'm just not speaking to you for what you did to Barbie! I collect the damned things---I aspire to that *perfect* figure (hahaha!) but I do have the Barbie-blonde hair color down pat...heehee! Of course, it was a later model Barbie with the platinum hair color. All natural, of course. AHEM.
    Buxom melons; ah! IN MY DREAMS! What a hoot---love it! Yeah, I guess I still will talk to you. :)

  6. OMG, what a funny post today. Can't wait to show my son the picture of Barbie, he will die! Did you get the 50th anniversary edition barbie, $3.00 yesterday at K-Mart, Woo Hoo!
    Have a great week,

  7. Oh dear if that's all the better Barbie has aged in 50 years with all the pampering a world celebrity gets... I'm afraid to even get close to a mirror!! I guess I'm all the more thankful I never took up smoking :)

    Snow melting yet??
    Pattie ;)
    Mazatlan Mx

  8. Oye,

    With that whole Barbie/aging thing, I forgot to tell you i'm really loving what you did redecorating!!! Very impressive!!

    P ;)

  9. Love your Barbie... finally the ageless hag got caught up with!! LOL!!
    I had one of the earlier Barbies. The Brunette with the ponytail. Yep, worth zillions?? Nope, Mom saw fit to give it away!! Consolation she was really played with. Would have been worth nothing anyway! :) :)
    Gotta' love her!!
    I so Love you Blog.. It always makes me smile!!

  10. I loved the video. That is the cutest version of the song I have ever heard. The buxom melons is funny. Yes, I totally agree with the t-shirt!!

  11. Hi there,I've followed your blog for a few weeks now and just felt complelled to leave you a little note today.You are soooo funny, I love to read what you're up to,it brightens my day!
    Love from England
    Debs xxx

  12. Well happy birthday Barbie.I'm 10yrs minus one day ahead of you.But we're both pretty good chicks,huh?...Ann

  13. lol- maybe it's time she went in for a little work!

    thanks for your sweet comments - let me know if you added string lights to your creating list today!

    60 degrees yesterday and 3" of snow today, but that's new england for you, right!/

    xo Heidi

  14. Tristan,
    I just love that photo of Barbie! I know exactly how she feels as I am 7 years older that her and have earned every wrinkle on my face. That cigarette makes me think of wanting one. Sigh...I quit 2 years ago in April. No side effects or anything just quit after 38 years. Do I still want one...heck yes! Will I ever smoke again...NO


  15. Wow, 50? Ok, she scared me when I was younger and STILL is disturbing! The "ciggie" is an interesting touch. yikes.....
    I must say that my daughter didn't even want Barbie when she was young...she showed great judgement, I think! hahaha I'm older than Barbie and think I look better than "Ms Plastic Perfect".

  16. Hi Tristan,
    I love your blog, I'm so happy I found it. I just love sparkle too. Yes you can post about my shadow box, thanks for asking. Have a great day.

  17. can't wait to see what you do with the poker chips. They look pretty good already. What awill you make your circus characters from? I am intrigued.
    I love the pink regency bedroom in your post below, A heart shaped tub sounds pretty good to me too :)

  18. What a fabulous post! So much to enjoy with lots of eye candy! I kept waiting to see the songstress IN her bikini LOL! So glad I stopped by!

  19. Barbie is just too funny! Love about the buxom melons and the t-shirt saying is soooo true.
    Now I need to go craft.

    Hugs :)


  20. Your link to the soiree button not working :(

  21. Buxom Melons! HA!!! I love it! Gee...I wonder why my doll reminds you of Qtips...I would love to see what you do with them to make a doll for your theater! And yes, she si for the doll swap...she is going to Brazil to Mme. de Versailles. Thanks for visiting!

  22. oh tristan, y'know YOU are the real doll! just wanted to say a quick hi. the work and the blog both look terrific!

  23. Your poor Barbie looks "rode hard and put up wet"! Bless her heart! By the way, your buxom melons label is too, too good and I am bound to use it in the future!


  24. Oh, the Barbie is hilarious. As a grown up girl who has yet to get over my psychological wounds of having been exposed to this gal, I think she deserves those wrinkles. Hey, if I have them she ought to have them.

    I just discovered your blog from A Thousand Clapping Hands. What a lot of fun and creative things you have here. Thank you! I'm enjoying it...


  25. All your creations are just too lovely, and Barbie, well, even with that cigarette dangling oh so uncoquetishly from the corner of her mouth she'll always be my muse ;)
