Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Pssst. Have you heard the news?

Well, girls, hold onto your hats, but I heard that an award was given to ... WAIT!

Really??? Oh, no, No, NO, NO!!!! It's for ...

Yes, indeed! That's absolutely correct. I was presented with this Kreativ Blogger Award by Lola at Lolas Enchanted, who runs one terrific flea market! (Be sure to check out her offerings!).

So, the rules are to name the person who awarded me, list 7 things that I love, and then award 7 fantastic bloggers. Okay.
7 Things I Love
1. My Spouse
2. Art
3. Theatre
4. Anything and Everything That is Vintage, Retro, Antique and Beautiful
5. Things That Sparkle, Shimmer, Glimmer and Gleam!
6. A Hearty Chuckle and a Surprised Giggle
7. The Friends, Family, Artists, Students, Teachers and Lovers Who Have Enriched My Life

I will have to think about the 7 bloggers I'm going to forward this to ... I juuuuust did this with another award and I don't want to overwhelm anybody with award duties.

But, I - for one - couldn't be more pleased if this award was made of meat.

Now, to completely change the subject. I had to share this tiny little shadow box with you. I think it's just a delight. Simple, but absolutely charming! This was made by Sue at Gossamer Creations...which I think is a swell name!
The little piece is only 6"x5" - and I just thought it was terrific. I know I (and, 'fess up - a few of you, too!) get a little carried away with adding and adding and adding embellishments to my work. I like it and certainly am a fan of 'more is more!" But it's nice to step back and remember that a sweet idea doesn't have to be crowded with stuff to be delightful and effective!

And, speaking of overdone. I finished the mini-theatre and sent off the photos for the judging of the "Life's a Beach" theme challenge. I could have gotten more carried away ... but, luckily, the deadline made it quite clear that the piece was finished!

There are some fun images "above the sea" ... I especially like the diver! But, I have to admit that my favorite part of the second story is the vintage crepe paper 'water' and the gold bullion used as the sun's rays. I love that stuff!

The "below the sea" area has a lot of shells added, as well as a piece of some kind of rock that I found years ago, which I have never been able to discover what it is. It looks properly under-watery, so it's finally found it final resting place!

Now, I know that everybody is getting ready for Lisa's Carnival Soiree coming right up! As you are getting your circus/carnival/masquerade outfits together, I can only hope that you are wearing the foundations which will make you the stand out on the midway! If you don't know about the Carnival Soiree, click the button below and read on!

and, finally, when shopping, make certain no snide, condescending, fashionista salesclerk talks you into anything, which, when you arrive home and look in the mirror, makes you say ...

What the hell am I wearing?!

Enjoy your day ... I plan on enjoying mine. I'm going to actually sit down and sew something today. Quite a plan for somebody who is - oh - say - a professional quiltmaker!!!

Now, it's your turn - GO MAKE SOMETHING!

¸.•´¸.•*´¨) ¸.•*´¨)
(¸.•´ (¸.•´♥ Tristan ♥


  1. Hi Tristan,
    congratulations on your award!

    Deanna :D

  2. Well I for one think the minitheater is way to fab, and perfect!!! How can you go wrong with a mermaid anyway? There is no way I can even pick a favorite part cuz every time I see something new it's instantly my new favorite part :) I LOVE everything about the whole little jewel box!!!

    Have you been over to Lisa the Whimsical Bohemian's blog and signed up for her Project Blogway?? You just have to, it's a licence to go over the top!!

    Pattie ;)
    Mazatlan Mx.

  3. You certainly deserve an award! When I look at your posts, I am astounded and amazed - every day! How you have time to write such clever posts that are illustrated with amusing and artistic photos is beyond me. It takes me hours to write a plain vanilla post with one or two photos! You are simply amazing. Bravo!

  4. Congrats on your award, Tristan!! I adore your Life is a Beach challenge. It's sparkly. I love the big happy sun with the lovely Mermaid. Beautiful. I do hope your win!!

  5. Thank you(!!) for not forwarding any award to me..
    The mini-theatre is something else!


  6. Now, how can I go make something when I am too busy laughing at your outrageously wonderful vintage pictures? You put me to shame! This post was the highlight of my day!


  7. It's always fun to check out your blog but today is especially so. You make me chuckle and fill my eyes with fun things to look at. Hope you win the challenge!

  8. Congratulations!
    Once again your pictures and comments have made me smile!

  9. I always look in the mirror and think What the hell is that! LOL! I LOVEEEEEE (hear the ever increasing squeal?) that beautiful theater! Congrats on your blogging award too! Have fun sewing...I shudder when I have to use the machine, preferring needle and thread to the mechanized nightmares or high quality German engineers! Rebecca

  10. What an interesting and fun blog you have! I shall return to join in the fun.


  11. LOL I love your blog :-}
    Lutra helped me find it again :-}
    Speaking of vintage crepe paper, I was just reading one of my Weldon's Practical Needlework volumes (the 'Practical Crepe Paper' section) and wondering what I could do with all those ideas.

  12. Congratulations! You deserve a million of those awards. Your blog is AMAZING! I absolutely love the things you create, you are so funny, and I love, love, love, your pictures and music!
    Have a Beautiful Day!

  13. I love your blog! It's magical!
    Congrats on your award.

  14. Congratulations on your award, you deserve it. Once again so many luscious images. I loved both pieces of art. Each artist must have their own style after all. Pam

  15. Always lots of fun and surprises here in your sparkling world .. . you certainly deserve many awards!
    Really loved your note on the foundations to make one stand out: I remember when those were referred to
    as Proper Foundations.
    But, then that was a time when being Proper was
    something to aspire to. JJjjj

  16. Congrats, your blog always leaves a smile on my face and a chuckle in my throat. Oh..Your quilts are yummy,too.
