Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Two For Tuesday Blog Hop! Altered Pages and Bombshell Stamps!

Today's the Two-for-One blog hop collaboration between

Bombshell Stamps 


Altered Pages

More than likely, you're already familiar with these two fabulous supplies for the mixed media artist.
If not, Bombshell Stamps sells vintage art and stamps (both digital and rubber) - with attitude!
Altered Pages has long been a favorite supplier to artists and crafters with a wide array of artists supplies, materials, tools, media - and a bazillion-and-one collage sheets with something for everyone and every taste! Almost all the images I use in my work come from Altered Pages - and I'm proud to be on their design team!

Let's the get the blog-hop-business out of the way right now. There's some terrific prizes being provided by Bombshell Stamps and Altered Pages for the blog hop. I'm sure you've been reading about them on all the other blogs, so I won't bog you down with a list of the goodies - but there's some terrific stuff! All you have to do is follow Altered Pages on Facebook, and leave a comment on every artist's blog who is participating in the hop. That's it!

My western bombshell art is a mixture of vintage fabrics and handmade papers. The images are digital (Bombshell Stamps) using the digi-stamps 'Hearts of the Old West' and 'Wanted Poster'; and image transfers to coffee-stained fabric using photo images from the Altered Pages collage sheet 'Vintage Cowgirls AP250.' Of course, since it's me, it's overly embellished and heavily decorated with both vintage and aged new doo-dads and gee-gaws. As always, if you click an image it will enlarge and you will get a much closer view.
Thanks for stopping by! Time for you to mosey along to the next ranch on the hop! Please leave a comment - and come back to visit again, ya' hear?!

So what are you waiting for let's get hopping!
Start at

and then hop onto our Design Teams Blogs

Kathi Rerek

Gia Lau

and finish back here at

Altered Pages Blog

Then, go make something beautiful!
¸.•´¸.•*´¨) ¸.•*´¨)
(¸.•´ (¸.•´♥ Tristan


  1. This is wonderful Tristan, Love what you did with your Bombshell images!!

  2. Awesome work Tristan! And there is NEVER too much embellishing!! LOL!
    I also read your "Under the Dome" post. I have been watching the show. And, like you, would usually read it first. But I don't have time for 1300 pages! King can be soooooo long winded sometimes!! My question is, there are 3 episodes left. Will it be over? Or is there so much left that they will make another season?
    You are awesome!

  3. Tristan, what can be said? It's amazing, I adore the 'ticking' torn fabric, can't get much more authentic that that! The parade of horses made me giggle!
    I guess I better live outdoors, cause I would love to avoid housework!

  4. Oh Tristan this is stunning! *love*

  5. Tristan, there is another way to avoid housework. (Live as royalty in one of those palaces you like to post on FB) But it would be awfully unfair to the servants--unless we let them eat cake. Oh I guess cowgirls and gypsies it is. I have been both in past lives. Your art is always so recognizably you. Love it. I agree with Jean- the parade of horses is charming! The whole thing is absolutely brilliant! (That was a SImon Cowell imitation)

  6. Loving it!!!. can't wait to see more and try some digital stamps. It will be my first time and I am really looking forward to it!!

  7. Tristan your sneak peak you gave us had me dying to see your project and I have not been disappointed. Its fabulous. It's obvious the amount of effort you put into creating this beautiful piece and I am so jealous of what a wonderful trove of treasures you must have given all the fabulous embellishments you have added. Love the cute little horses especially. xx

  8. WOW an amazing creation for the hop - great detail and love all the imaegs - fantastic!!

  9. Oh my! This is wonderful! You put a lot of work into it and it shows. I love that the focal image is a Bombshell stamp that you've colored beautifully.

    I also love all the smaller images and dimensional embellishments you've added. I especially love that row of horses. It makes me smile.

    BTW, I love the little photo in your blog header. The kidbunnies are cute, yet edgy, which equals FUN!

    Welcome to the world of Bombshell Stamps. I hope you come play with us on other challenges!

  10. Having the bombshell as the mainfocal point sets this piece off great

  11. I love both works of art ♥ I love all the embellishments and fabric ♥

  12. OMG Tristan! I love that you OVER embellish & HEAVILY decorate everything!! And the aged new too-dads & gee-gaws" are fabulous!!" I love your work!!

  13. WOW!!! AMAZING! Love your collage of textures, layering, found items, images they all meld to make one beautiful work of art.

  14. Gorgeous art work! I love the vintage fabrics and the pistol embellishment! The texture on this piece is wonderful. Great choice of collage sheet & digi stamps.

  15. You had me at red vintage pillow ticking! What a gorgeous sampler and use for the collage sheets and stamps.

  16. What a fantastic piece of art! I love all of your doo-dads and gee-gaws! Amazing job...I will need to poke around your blog some more.

  17. And by the way....we can definitely exchange Halloween cards! <|:)
    Shoot me an email!
    skyprincessdesigns at gmail dot com

  18. what an awesome collage piece. lots of things to look at. its great

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