Wednesday, October 10, 2012

That's the Sound of the Men Working on the Chain Gang ...

...wait! No! Not the chain gang. I've been having fun - and working hard - in the art mines.

I'm working on an altered tag album kit for Altered Pages.
I was inspired by Jocelyn, at the Art for the Creative Mind group, who made a sweet album for all the altered tags she'd received in swaps over time.

If you can't tell, there's a pocket in front of each page to put an altered tag - or any other mementos (I think photos would be very nice!).

I, of course, had to take it over the top and embellish it within an inch of its life!

So, today, I have to bind it and embellish the binding (hmmm. More embellishments ... are we noticing a trend here?)

I figured this would be a good place to put another photo of my Altered Pages October "Think Pink" altered tag challenge piece. Wouldn't this album be a good place to store such things?
Thanks for stopping by ... you know I love to hear from you, so please leave a comment just to say Hi!
... and then go make something beautiful!
¸.•´¸.•*´¨) ¸.•*´¨)
(¸.•´ (¸.•´♥ Tristan ♥ 

Ann Miller letting you know that there's only 21 days until Hallowe'en!


  1. great tag! i haven't thought about ann miller in a looooong time!

  2. Wonderful tag book and tag.


  3. Beautiful job on both the book and tag Tristan. Love all the embellishments that you used.

  4. what an incredible book you've made! and the embellishments are just perfect! my favorite is the dancer and the yellow/cream colored dangly embellishments... awesome!

  5. Hello Tristan,
    I thought I would drop in and say hello.I know its late, but the altered pages are stunning.I like your over the top. I'm creating a couple of journels for Christmas presents.They are so much fun.Although I do not have your flair for embellishments.You are the King there...LOL.Halloween now has passed and now Christmas is fast Christmas village will be featured in our train station/museum.Did I spell that right? Anyway I am all pumped up and scared at the same time.
    T talked your ear off enough. You take care Hon and happy creating ,
    XXOO Marie Antionette
