Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Announcing the Altered Pages Blog Hop Winners!

Have you heard?

Last Friday these was a mad rush and wrestling match to see who would win all 
the fun prizes at the Altered Pages Blog Hop.
Okay, the time has come to announce the winners of the
Altered Pages trophy winners!

Here, on Enchanted Revelries, the two winners of a free
Altered Pages collage sheet are
Barbara Rankin
Susan Guzy
Would both of you please contact Jean at artassociates@gmail.com with
the words "Blog Hop Winner" in the subject line - and you'll be getting your
prize in half no-time!

The winner of my little Autumn 4"x4"
is Nicie Ibarra
Nicie, if you will email me your snail mail address 
I'll get your little prize right out in the mail to you!

Now, for the Grand Winner of the Scissor Mouse,
you'll have to check out Altered Pages Blog.
I don't know who won - except I know that I didn't! Darn it!

Don't forget! This month's Altered Pages Challenge is
For all the information, click the image below and go to the 
Altered Pages Challenge Blog.
The prize for the winning entry is an awesome collection of 
Altered Pages goodies!

 So, check out Altered Pages for the newest altered art products! Check out
the Altered Pages Facebook Blog to find out who won the scissors mouse grand prize!
And check out the Altered Art


  1. Oh darn, didn't win, but I'll be around for the next one. Have a great week, Tristan.


  2. You are a very generous Prince! Peace, Mary Helen Fernandez Stewart

  3. WOW I needed something good to happen right now, thanks so much!

    I just got my "pink" order from AP. I can't wait to make my challenge offering!
    Love n hugs, and thanks, Susan
