Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Mid April Already?!

Spring has finally arrived on Wooster Square! I was truly beginning to think it would never happen. But, it's here! This is the line of Yashino cherry trees in front of our condominium complex which is right across the street from the Square. It's like walking under huge fluffy pink clouds.
It's been a long weekend ... busy, fun, and beautiful. Friday was the opening of our Cherry Blossom Festival here on Wooster Square. This year the festival included an outdoor art show, which I took part in. It was a terrific day - lots of people attending - four different bands - so much fabulous food from local restaurants - souvenirs - and some very nice art exhibits. There are a lot of super talented people here on the square!

We spent a couple hours clearing out a lot of the winter mess of leaves and assorted dead vegetation from our enormous front lawn. Just a couple more hours, and it will be looking spiffy!
How dapper and stylish was Duke Ellington, eh? The look on his face, however, does appear to represent the question that I seem to ask so often:
Does the end game of every fashion trend have to be nudity?

Don't get me wrong. I don't want to go to jail. But, somehow, this was never the way I pictured it when I thought of being in a prison cell. It kind of looks like a starving artist in a lonely and tiny Paris atelier. Well, a lonely and tiny Paris atelier with bars. But, still....know what I mean?
☂ "The rain in Spain stays mainly on the plain" ☂

Here's another one of those items that just call out to me. I know most of you are aware that I'm fairly certain that I was royalty in a past life. Not only do I like crown, and thrones, and all thing splendid and extravagant, but I also really like people to do what I say. This is Empress Catherine the Greats' throne, which resides in the Hermitage Museum in St. Petersburg. It's just one of the fantastic and extravagant treasures to be seen on the "Russian Art Cruise to St. Petersburg" sponsored by Fine Art Connoisseur Magazine. If you're free August 7 - 14 this summer, there are still ten rooms left! Click on the throne to get more information.
Is old age an excuse for not wearing underwear? ... or, is it just less effective?
Finally, the mothers of JockMahoney, JohnnyWeissmuller, RonEly, and JamesPierce let them all out to play together on the same Saturday afternoon. I wonder how many were screaming, "mommy, mommy! watch me swing so high!"

I hope this is a shot of Edith Head making a gown for Bette Davis ... or new bathroom curtains. Whichever, she - and the fabric! - look marvelous.
Don't these floral arrangments look straight from the Versailles court of Marie Antoinette?! They were posted on Donna's amazingly creative entertaining blog, Party Wishes, and I just couldn't resist them. Love those plumes!

"I just couldn't decide what to wear. My sloppy ugly muumuu, or my ugly, sloppy, lazy pajama bottoms. So I figured I'd just wear them both and make a really cute little outfit."

Ah. Does anything just scream "Entertainment!" like performing geese and musical donkeys?
I'm pretty sure that whatever you did with that plaid skirt and the mess going on underneath has just ruined picnics for people across the globe. And I bet every night, without understanding why, you cry to yourself ...

Ladies! Know your rights!

He represents the Lollipop Guild. The Lollypop Guild. The Lollypop guild. And in the name oooooooooof the Lollipop Guild. He wants to welcome you to Frozen Foods.

Ah! We haven't gone shopping in a while! Let's head out for some window gazing ...

This 18th century wedding armoire is from Normandy France. Decorated with turtle doves, grapes, branches and flowers, it was commissioned for a wealthy vineyard owner's daughter as a wedding gift. I want to fill it with lovely old leather first editions and all the beautiful vintage and antique inspired gifts and swaps and prizes I've won from bloggers! Or my underwear and socks - whichever.

How about a late 19th century hand cut Venetian glass chandelier? This Italian beauty is only six feet high, so I would only have to raise the roof four feet to accommodate it in the dining room.
Okay. Here's a treat I would really love to own! From early 20th century France, this J&P Horse Racing game is only 6" x 10" x10" ... I am totally enchanted with it!
This mid-20th-century sign is really dynamite! It's over six feet tall - has all the aged patina of a vintage sign and all newly restored neon. Trust me, you don't want to know how badly I would love to have this over my bathtub!
A gorgeous pair of late 19th century crystal and marble girandoles. These are so beautiful; they could even be fashion accessories - I mean, can't you see them as earrings on Joan Collins?
From 1740 England, we have this exquisite piece of Spitalfields brocaded silk. The silk floral design is brocaded in polychrome. The 39" x 21" strip of fabric (about 1/2 yard) can be yours for a mere $3,500. At approximately $7,000 a yard, this is the most expensive fabric I've ever seen - or heard of. You know what's really weird? I think it's worth every penny.I can't even say anthing...
I agree with this little fella - under threat of physical harm, get home and change your damn pants!

Ah oh - another royal treasure! Maybe if when I am crowned King of the World I will be able to use this Indian litter to be carried to my coronation. I hope I have very very strong slave/litter bearers.
Now I'm not saying this woman is a prostitute. I'm only saying that to be able to buy these pants and wear them in public, you have to be a prostitute.
Well, I must go get to the studio. I made a big bowl of ham salad. And you know what that means! More Day-of-the-Dead-Ham-Can shrines just around the corner. I'll post pics when I've finished them up.

Thanks for spending some time here with me today. I hope you've found something beautiful to see ...

... and found something to make you chuckle.

Before checking out for the day, be sure to click the image below to sign up for the free custom greeting cards being provided for one lucky winner from our sponsor UPrinting.com Be sure to see how to get multiple chances to win!

Now, go make something beautiful!
¸.•´¸.•*´¨) ¸.•*´¨)
(¸.•´ (¸.•´♥ Tristan


  1. Those Cherry trees are simply divine and how lucky you are to see that every year! The floral arrangements are FABulous! And the other pictures of the "wonderful outfits"...well they don't say much for us women now do they! LOL All I can say, with my jaw dropping open is...what WERE they thinking?!

  2. Tristan I just found your blog and your are too funny!! I needed a laugh today. I think some women dont own a mirror. What..... do you walk around WalMart with your camera phone ready to go???
    Robin (MAMA)

  3. Wow, my head is spinning after all that. Lovely cheery blossoms Madame Butterfly!

  4. you are royalty and though your throne is not as elegant, I know you sit on it each day!
    I hope you don't mind a little "bathroom" humor!
    I can always count on fun surprises from you and I always giggle out loud!!!
    thanks, your Highness!!!

  5. Eggads, people's attire . . . or lack thereof!!! And you know they think they look so goooooddddd!

    You did it again, as I read your post I go ewwwwww, ahhhhh, chuckle, ewwwww, ahhhha, laugh so hard that my pants almost looked like that one gal!!!!

    Have a grand evening!!


  6. Another fab post. I am going to check the back of my pants...hehehe...where the heck do you find this stuff??? The cherry blossoms are gorgoeus. You always brighten my days.

  7. I would so like living on your street...What a Beautiful way to start a Spring morning..So pretty..

    Some of your great fashion shots gave me a good giggle and a crossed eyed look at the same time..As for the Prostitute Look..well what can I say but..ewwwww! Love to see what her pip is wearing...maybe the cut-outs..ya think?

    Hey got a giveaway going on for Mother" Day over at my place...

    Have a good one..

  8. LOL!!! I think a good title for this post would have been 'Beauty and the Butts'. Oh my ga...where DO you find your pics? And do you think ANY of those people actually own a mirror?

    Your cherry blossoms are sooo beautiful...I'm glad spring is finally here.

  9. Tristan, I often read your blog but don't comment. However I am impelled to tell you that I adore your sommentary style and your blog is priceless! I so appreciate the time you take -- awesome job. Thanks SO much!!!!!

  10. how funny that I had checked the peeps of hellmart just this afternoon, I wonder if we were there @ the same time?

  11. Oh how I love cherry trees and their blossoms. I believe I was Japanese in another life. I so miss living in Vancouver for the blossoms alone. We have extremely few cherry trees here in Atlantic Canada because the weather really won't sustain them--boo! :(

  12. Oh my, You definitely amaze and amuse! I was gleefully wandering through enjoying the lovely scenery and you got a burst of "what the?!" out of me. Thanks :)

  13. What a heady pleasure those cherry blossoms must make each year. Love the furniture and floral arrangements. You are the best. Happy creating...

  14. I just love your post Tristan! All the pictures you fine a fabulous!

  15. YU ARE HILARIOUS!!!! Where on earth do you find these precious, priceless "back" shots of people's derrières? And that one with the green stained paints....the little boy following with the lazer gun.....oh my gosh Tristan, you are the best.....


  16. you are TOO funny. i love your posts. you make me look at the very things i try to avoid looking at in life!!! reading this is a great way to start my day! you are the best!

  17. Some unbelievable photos there. Fashion trends, or lack of. Wet pants. Dry pants. Low pants, thongs. Good grief, it's never easy coming here...Lovely cherry trees though.

  18. Musical donkeys FTW!

    I love cherry trees! That throne would look marvelous in your home I'm sure.

  19. Tristan, you need your own show. Seriously. And I LOVE the pic of the umbrellas, and the one of Edith (although it does almost look like she is a beekeeper). As for the pics of the ladies and their pants, and underwear, holy toledo. I always feel much better put together when I've visited you! :) Pam

  20. Darling I feel so chic after visiting you today. I do hope they're not going to be dragging you off to jail for taking illicient photographs...take care honey...keep that camera unobtrusive and wear your regal demure...

  21. Ahhhh, Tristan....Your Cherry Blossoms were well worth the wait!
    Pants with "crack"??!!?? I have a neighbor across the street that is disabled???? Anyway, he is home all the time & when he ventures out I swear he wears the same sweatpants & everytime he bends over.....Well, you know!! He is built just like the guy who played the father on "Everybody Loves Raymond"....((Frank)).... Oh My eyes!!
    Love Ya'!!

  22. OMG Tristan, those Walmart pics are horrible. What's with these people??? Don't they have a mirror?? I can only assume they don't care, or am I giving them too much credit?? LOL

    Have a great week and weekend.


  23. OOOooooo the cherry trees!!!
    **swoons** Favorite line today:
    "I also really like people to do what I say."

    The Walmart pics are a good clue as to why the Book of Revelations was written...someone has to put an end to this! **blows kisses** Deb

  24. Hello Tristan,

    Oh, my Goodness! Wow!
    I really needed to read a post like this...I will be laughing all day! Thanks so much for that.
    Love your cherry trees photos and please know that red throne is absolutely mine!

    ~ Gabriela ~

  25. I love when the cherry tree petals start to fall and turn into pink snow. Duke Ellington looked cool.

  26. Oh what a fun romp! How I love tacky fashion......HAUTE COUTURE for the strange bizarre.

  27. LMAO...looks like just another day at my local Walmart. Seriously, I love costumes and interesting wear and I enjoy adult fare, but what is up with these people in public. Mother of all that is holy, have some dignity. Just back from visiting raviolis and my son gave the love of his life his great grandmother's engagement ring. My honey and I flew into bring the ring to him and meet his love and her children. Oh how I love a growing family of really cool, happy and insane people. Sea Witch

  28. I spend the most enjoyable moments on your blog! The cherry blossoms are glorious and of course, Johnny Woefuller was the best Tarzan, ever!

  29. Wooster Square must be absolutely breathtaking in Spring, judging by those wonderful trees. I love what you did with your expansive lawn and I hope it didn't take too much out of you. The Eiffel Tower is a brilliant touch in the corner. I would have loved to have gone to your Art Show.
    I don't even know what to say about those under/over/frumpily dressed people. I am sitting here with my mouth open. Thanks for the entertainment as always.

  30. What a gorgeous square! And isn't it amazing how this year the spring seems to have come all of a sudden! Thanks for another collection of images that make me smile, make me envious and make me happy!!

  31. oh Tristan, love those flowers in wooster square -Thank you for the breath of CT spring!!! : ) lenna

  32. FLip flopping between desire and revolt. Another successful post!

  33. Hi Tristan! Wow - Wooster Square sure is looking pretty right now. Haven't been down there in forever, even though I'm only 20 minutes away! Wish I had known about that little festival. Would have been nice to go.
    Where in the world do you find these fabulously hideous "fashion" disasters??? Wow - some people just don't know how to dress themselves. Sometimes my mouth falls open in shock when I see the "treasures" you post here! LOL
    Hope you are well...Theresa

  34. These pictures leave me speechless! It's like me walking the streets in a speedo - a sight nobody in their right mind would want to see!

  35. I want a lane of cherry trees outside my house! Sooooooooooooo beautiful!

    I'm always fascinated (as in watching a train-wreck) at the shoppers in Walmart pics. Where do some of these people come from?

    Love the window shopping Tristan. Before reading your text about the horse racing game I thought someone had altered an old child's turntable. (hey, there's an idea!!!). The Spitalfields brocaded silk??? Nothing modern can compare. Exquisite!


  36. Hi Tristan! What a FAB post...the good, the bad, the ugly, the beautiful...it's all here! I go from ahhhh....to oooohhhh...to eeeeekkkk....to yukkkkk...all in the space of mere seconds. Thanks for the smiles today : ) ~ xo Joy

  37. Such a great post..plenty of humor and horror!
    My garden has a glorious pink carpet from all the cherry blossoms...it's the official welcome of spring!
    Poor Edith Head... bespectacled, talented and eccentric in the midst of all the frightening apparel sightings! What would she say?
    Love the brocaded silk...delicious indeed!
    Thanks for sharing!

  38. Hi Tristan,

    I love the pink blossoms. And you made me chuckle, especially the Lollipop Guild representative!!


  39. I love how you combine the beauty of the trees outside your house and that throne with people who didn't check their mirrors to walk outside like that!
    Happy you enjoyed the Chinchilli day video. It's is hilarious.
    John Barrowman. He's my new obsession. I've stopped watching Desperate Housewives a while ago..i may have to tune in to see him in all his fab glory.

  40. Is that an Eiffel trellis I spy in your garden?
    The view you have of the cherry trees is so amazing! I love that cloud of pink!
    However, I don't like the panty-less lady.

  41. Once again ...I'm in awe of some of these prints.I just can't get over some of the things these people wear.Thank god you put some gorgeous furniture and chandeliers for viewing...LOL.
    Really ...do you think she peed her paints?LOL
    By the way .I save old comics and my fav is the old romance,so i read thse...LOL Am I beautifull,Do you think he loves me...so on .I also collect Haunted house,Ghost stories,Twilite Zone.
    Do you like to read old comics Tristan?
    Later gator...XXOO Marie Antionette

  42. lol love your humour!!!think you are obsessed with bottoms!!!hee hee
    love the bottom whoops!! i mean blossom trees,they are like that here at the moment.Well until the wind blows them all.But so far we are having a fab spring

  43. Ahhh cherry blossoms, I love standing under them when the petals are falling - so wonderful!

    ...and butt cracks - I've been on daily patrol for years, and this just made me crack up! Recently I gave my 14 yr old $ to buy new jeans (based on past experience, this was VERY risky on my part.) She came home claiming I was going to LOVE them! She ran in the room with them on, bent over - see Mom, no butt crack! This is what it's come to...but they are my new favorite jeans!

    Have a wonderful weekend -
    xo Heidi

  44. Mr. T...I can count on you for my daily dose of muse.

    Smiling as usual.


  45. Tristan, you've done it again!! Brought a smile to my face. I agree..I would love to have some of that fabric. It snowed at my house today, it is spring in Colorado.
    Have a fabulous weekend.
    xxoo Valarie

  46. I don't know whether to laugh, cry, scream or .... anyway, when you are Emperor can you get me a spot on that cruise and ban all the scary half dressed passengers? Once again, a fabulous fantasy trip through your post. Also, the cherry blossoms are fabulous.

  47. Oh dearest Tristan! I saved you the head from Marie's Birthday cake...I hope it was delish! YOU MADE IT DEAREST....thank you for coming; I thought you would enjoy some Gene Kelly in Paris, some fun paper crowns (aren't they just killer-diller gorgeous?) and some bruhaha with the gals....I hope you are getting out to enjoy this beautiful spring. Many thanks for coming love.

    BISOUS! Anita

  48. Pink cherry blossoms - how divine! I hope you are enjoying a lovely weekend (with a minimum of butts on display).

  49. The most beautiful pink blossoms...how fortunate to see these every Spring!! I am so glad that you added beauty between the insanity....I needed the break to get off the floor from laughter...oh my...
    Happy Weekend xOxO

  50. Cracks!!! I've never seen so many in one place - that's quite a collection. Too funny! :) Nancy

  51. Oh those Tarzans!!
    such a divine Edith image!

    I guess I'll have to fight you
    for the horse racing game ... .


  52. Tristan...just what I needed today! You are truly a blast to watch and read! No one...I mean no one...brings it like you! Love it!

  53. My gosh! 52 comments? You are now the official Big Man On Campus! Woo Hoo! Those trees in front of your home are absolutely gorgeous! Thanks for making me smile!

  54. Hi Tristan,

    Those cherry trees are divine..what a great location for the arts festival.

    Have a lovely day...
    Stephanie ♥

  55. Without a shadow of a doubt, you must know I would go shopping with the Lollipop Guild man...into the frozen isle and over to the chips, back again to the candy isle that end up on my hips!
    I would also hang the Jesus Saves anywhere...because He does!
    Love your life, and your humor, that keeps us all in stitches but also has the impact to make us THINK!

  56. Oh I just love this post....those wet pants followed by space boy and then that golden King Carriage....you will be KING! And sweet friend, you come by anytime and sit in the niche at Much Marcle and dream....dream of all the beauty you can muster up and give back to us, who love you so!

    CARRY ON! Anita

  57. wierds funny interesting pictures i like them all very interesting pictures

  58. OMG! I'm here at work just CRACKING up! I should never read your blog whilst at my desk... ;)

  59. you are the KING of posts...thanks for my morning giggle(S)
