Sunday, April 25, 2010

If It's Sundy, It Must Be a No-Theme Post ...

I've been having a difficult time keeping up with all the new followers and members ... please know that you're most welcome, and I appreciate your visits and your comments! I seem to be having a more and more difficult time perusing my favorite blogs and keeping up with my own.

So, speaking of keeping up with my own, hold your breath and take a leap with me through Bloglandia and beyond!
Our church just commissioned a new handcarved and crafted communion table. It's hard to see with all the flowers on dedication day ... but it's really beautiful. Our church, founded in 1746, and our current building erected between 1812 and 1816, is always a stunning environment. But the new table adds to the elegance and dignity of the chapel.

Terri at Artful Affirmations made this really pretty glittered crepe paper flower. She was also generous enough to share her secrets on a tutorial video. If you would like to learn how to make these - which I think would be terrific gift wrapping embellishments! - just click the image.
Gross. His bag doesn't match his shoes.Does anyone know who that is on his tee shirt? I’m focusing really hard on that question in order to block out everything else going on here and to keep from bursting into tears.

You know that creep with the cigar and the cell phone who cut you off on the highway - the one you really wanted to turn into a frog ... well, learn how to do it! - and for only $3.99!

I hate to shave on Sundays ...

Self-taught Oakland, CA artist Scott Hove has created an astounding series of sculptures - and environments! - titled "Cakeland: Pretty Enought to Eat, Fierce Enough to Bite Back." Aren't they amazing?

His artist statement includes: Cakeland is a series of sculptures and installations resembling perfect delicious cakes - wall mounted, hanging and standing - and walk-through cake environments complete with their own lighting.

The sculptures have all the appeal of the best cake you have ever tasted, but it can never be eaten. The nature of edible cake is fleeting, lasting only as long as the brief celebration it was made for. These cakes last as long as the artist or society have the wherewithal to preserve them.

Click any of his photos here to go to his site and see much much more...including a virtual VR360° tour of Cakeland!

I have no idea what is going on in this photo from the early 20th century Folies Bergére, but I bet they're having a lot of fun doing it.

I know a few weeks ago I wrote "if you got it flaunt it." It's clear I should have made it much more clear what "it" is. Please note: this is not "it." However, I'm so glad this photo was shot from the back. I don't even want to contemplate what ... well ... never mind ....

I've been fortunate enough to have seen my fair share of Broadway shows over my lifetime - probably even I should own up to seeing a few of somebody else's fair share as well! However, even with all the turntables and electric tracks and miracles of modern engineering, it's still rare to see a stage set as enchanting and magical as this one from the early 20th century. It may not be as complicated as "Wicked" - but it's every bit as lavish and extravagant, albeit via a more simple avenue. (Like almost all my photos, click to get a larger and more clear image!)
Costumes, sets, lights, and - as my theatre professors always stressed - stage pictures!

Isn't it interesting. Fashion always comes full circle. Beards are popular again, though today they're shorter - really more like stubble. But it's nice to see where the trend started, isn't it?

And, I mean to ask you ....

I found this fun chandelier at Heidi's Bird of a Feather. I think it's very clever - not really my personal style - but, still, really creative. It even took me a second (okay, a nano-second) to realize it wasn't a "real" chandelier!

I want to have dinner at this table. Or lunch. Or a light snack. Just let me sit and enjoy it! I discovered this gorgeous tablescape at Habitually Chic - where everything is always habitually chic! The blog's mantra is Glamorous Lives and Stylish Places - and they're always shared lavishly.

Remember when Judy was going to play Helen Lawson in "Valley of the Dolls" (my number one favorite guilty pleasure)? Before she was fired and Susan Hayward was hired, this is what Helen Lawson was to look like. Quite a switch to Ms. Hayward!
Okay. When I saw this next photo, these are the things I noticed, in the order that I noticed them:
1. Dog
2. Moustache
3. Dog!
4. Mullet
5. Popped Collar
6. DOG!!
7. Sunglasses, hand weight, white wine (I kind of noticed all of those at once)
8. Shorts
9. Dog!
10. Wait a second ...
11. DOG!!!
12. Is that .. in his shorts ...?
13. Let's just keep looking at the dog!
14. Oh, no! Please tell me it's not ...
16. [violent sobbing]

Oh, please. Some beauty! These magnificent floral arrangements, complete with ostrich plumes and miles of strung cut glass crystals was excitedly discovered at Mahogany Madisson. Check out her blog and all the links to wonderful products - including soap that looks JUST like macaroons straight from Lauderee!

Polychrome roses and cherubs - for no reason other than that they're exquisite ...

Some child in the seventies grew up in a home with these patchwork velvet chairs in the living room. No wonder our nation has a drug problem of epidemic proportions.

This mid 20th century French iron folding screen would be charming used as room divider, wouldn't it? I love folding screens that have absolutely no function beyond being pretty!

This 1860's French birdcage is almost 6 feet high and 3 feet wide! It's so graceful and grand ... I don't even have birds. But, if I could have this cage, I would immediately get lovebirds!
Harrumph. I thought I heard somebody rummaging through the recycling bin last night. Excuse me, you Adam Lambert wannabe, I ask that you kindly give me back that giant wad of aluminum foil. Stealing from the city's recycling program hurts us all.

Remember, this is your last reminder before I choose the winner of the free custom printed greeting cards from UPrinting! Remember! The more people who you refer and mention your name, the more chances you get to win! Click on image to enter ...
Just because it's a fabulous photo of a fabulous character ...Now, go make something beautiful!
¸.•´¸.•*´¨) ¸.•*´¨)
(¸.•´ (¸.•´♥ Tristan


  1. OMG, Tristan, there is just so much to comment on, but I'll be brief (tee hee thinking of that one guy with the not so nice cheeks tee hee) you never fail to make me laugh, cringe, ew and ah!

    I am most definitely going to check out the tutorial! I am just packaging up a doll and one of those flowers would look so nice on the package!

    Have a grand day!


  2. i look so forward to your posts. i especially love the bad fashion (understatement) pics. that is so cool that you have the same toaster. did you just get it? i thought they just came out?

  3. As always I love your whole array of disjointed pictures.......
    Where did you get the last picture of my MIL??!!??!! bad.....ROFLMAO!!
    Love You !!

  4. Tristan you always make my day when I read you great posts...I love all the pictures you post and yes I'm going to check out the Tutorial, that is just so beautiful...I can see that on top of the present for my Grnadson's up coming wedding...

    Yes I saw all the same things as you but wanted to crop it so the only thing I saw was the DOG...That was a major EW...And the Butt Cheek Shot..well another major EW..I've always enoyed looking at a nice set of buns, but totally encased in a great pair of Jeans..
    Where did you find my Graduation picture...I've always been the "Wicked Witch" have worked hard all my life for that title...I really could have done more with my hair that day though..:-)

  5. This is THEEEEEE blog to visit when you want to release any tension, have fun, be glad you are alive, and to see the most AWESOME and unusual photos ever taken!!!!!! And your storytelling, Tristan, YOU are the storymeister....Gosh I adore you. Anita

  6. Tristan all I can say is YOU ROCK! Happy Sunday Man!

  7. Thanks for the smile the giggle and the laugh, having one of those weekends
    I second that, you Rock!!!!

  8. I become totally engrossed in your images, one after the other! Just hysterical!


  9. I want to live in Cakeland! Yum-o! I do not, however, want to live with the guy with the dog. *shudder*

  10. Howdy Hoo Kiddooo!!!

    I guess i'm going to finally have to let go of that dream of running away to join the circus as the bearded lady :( I just never have mastered that hair braiding technique!! :)

    I sure hope he realizes that Chihuahuas are bred to hunt small rodents :)

    Pattie ;)
    Mazatlan Mx.

  11. Tristan, you are beyond amazing!
    I was trying to pick ONE photo to comment on, but heavens....this post is just completely over the top! (maybe the guy in the pink shorts and little dog tho....)
    You have made my evening!!!


  12. Ha! OMG, such a mix of photos! You show us something nice and then....Bam!, you hit us with a shocker!
    I guess that is what makes it so fun!
    I love your sense of humor and your love of beauty.
    Thank you for posting about my tutorial! Wow, I was so surprised to see it!
    Now I am off to do a little pre-bedtime crafting.
    Have a good night.

  13. There yah go again, great post. I am laughing, smiling, grinning, sighing. You do it all.

  14. That crepe paper tutorial was awesome! Thank you for posting--I love finding out about new blogs :)

    The last photo=greatness. Such a good movie :)

  15. Tristan, where on earth do you find these photos? On the net or do you have the books/magazines? You must spend hours finding what you do to humor us. This is the place to come to release the stress of the day. Thanks for sharing.

  16. Never realised beards could grow into dreadlocks!

  17. Oh god, this posting made me laugh out loud so many times...especially with the pink shorted "boogie nights" wannabe and his dog or trout or whatever. Your posts are as creative as those lovely quilts...where ever do you find these amazing and hilarious and beautiful photos you share with us. "Wicked" is one of my personal favorites and I reread the books all of the time. Caught the show at the Fabulous Fox in Atlanta several years ago. Amazing and the theme, "Defy Gravity" is certainly a persoal mantra. Have a beautiful day. Sea Witch

  18. Man those hot pants photos made me feel a bit sick. Cheers for that! Ah well, at least I know what I have to do if I want to become a witch.

  19. You are a riot! I love this post. A few of the photos made me cringe! Ha ha. VERY funny. Love your writing and sense of humor! Take care, Riki

  20. Tristan,
    That new communion table looks lovely. What a pretty church too.

    I can't wait to see the tutorial on creating that beautiful flower, and those cakes are amazing.

  21. Wow - there is always something new and fun to see on your blog!!! LOL These photos are real treasures. Theresa

  22. What a great post to read on Monday morning! So many giggles (and eye candy). Thanks for the link to the flower tut Tristan. I have saved the one you gave out last week for the coffee filter roses and am anxious to try them - this keeps up, I'll have a vertible bouquet of fabulous faux flowers.

    Okay, it's Monday, but the first "bag" I looked at in the "bag doesn't match shoes" pic was not the one our fine fella was holding. And you are right - gross.

    I was watching for your bearded lady after you mentioned her last week. She's very elegant no? She is sadly overshadowed however by the dude with the blue weight, pink shirted dog and very pink shorts!

    Thanks for starting my day off so wonderfully LOL!


  23. It always brightens by blog day when I get a message from you! Then of course I have to come take a peek at all the amazing images and funny commentary you provide on your blog. Thanks!

  24. Thanks so much for another hilarious selection of images. I just know that I'll find relief from the stresses of life whenever I visit your blog!

  25. I haven't ready your post yet...wanted to comment back about the jasmine...YES, something does smell that good...Arabian Jasmine!!! Completely different than the star, but just as intoxicating. Now off to read your post. **kisses** Deb

  26. Oh dear oh dear...the dog was NOT the first thing I noticed. I do believe that you are incorrect about the matching quilted chairs...I believe they are a product of drugs in the 60's. No other way to explain that one. Witty as always, Tristan.
    **blows kisses** Deb

  27. I saved the pic of the pink sweatered pup as my desktop background. I love it that much!!
    The crepe paper rose is so pretty, but the guy with the cheek peek going on not so much :)

  28. Hey Tristan email me. You won. I need your mailing address. You now own a Nicole Campanella gourd


  29. I don't even know where to begin to comment. There is so much to talk about here. And those cake sculptures are making me hungry!! His bag doesn't match his shoes doesn't match anything. Gross!! Love the bird cage and the cherubs.

  30. LOL!!!!!! THANKS once again!!!!!!!!!!!!!
