Saturday, February 27, 2010

Pink Saturday, February 27

Just who does Lustre Creme think it is?! Pink is for girls? Harrumph.
Right. I'll go along with that when pink pigs sprout wings and fly!
Now, I agree with Revlon. When it comes to men and pink, you can't have a prissy pink - not a sissy pink....
No, the only way to go is a bright, bold, studly pink.
And I ask you, does anything speak of masculine allure and machismo like a mankini?! And in pink?!?! Too manly for words!

And the same goes for men when they wear pink high heeled platform dress shoes. Make sure that pink is alarmingly pink - a pink that will stop traffic - a pink that will weaken your opponents. Most likely with laughter.Of course, a more subtle pink is certainly acceptable for men's underwear and socks. Utilizing this color in these garments make you understand perfectly why they're called unmentionables. It also will help you if you're single and don't have a chance in heaven of undressing in front of anybody else. Especially somebody else of an opposite gender. It could cool off the moment, I think.

Can anybody say that pimps lead a prissy, sissy life? Yet, a three piece pin-striped suit with pink tie and matching hat band will certainly keep this mec's girls on the ball and not lazing about. Call this bad boy a prissy sissy, and you may have to run to get away from his big bad Leroy Brown act!
Now, I'm personally a huge fan of going to any store when there is a sale, and buying every single item of your outfit from the same line. Does anything really have the effect of a tie and pocket square and hat that match? And, make sure that vest does not coordinate, but, rather, matches each other. That's how to make the biggest pink impact on the club patrons when you arrive.Okay. I have to admit. I actually like this shirt from Armani Jeans.
Maybe there is something to Lustre Creme's statement. Even that Armani shirt can't compete with this Jose Castro couture gown. This pink is definitely for the girls!
And, even though I think it looks just fab, I really can't see myself living with this all-pink decorating scheme. But I'm sure my sister would go crazy for it. Maybe it is about gender after all!
Nah. If pale pink is good enough for Brad, it's good enough for me! To hell with Lustre Creme!

Okay, I have to fly...Why don't you grab a (pink) cup of tea and head over to Beverly's Pink Saturday and check out all the other participants in this weekly event.
Then, go make something beautiful! Maybe something pink!
¸.•´¸.•*´¨) ¸.•*´¨)
(¸.•´ (¸.•´♥ Tristan

Oh! Don't forget! Today is the last day to enter the GiveAway. Click image to read details and enter...winner announced tomorrow!


  1. HAHA what a funny and interesting post.
    I wanted to stop by to say thanks so very much for the 4x4 pages you created for me! Thanks! Cassandra

  2. whahahaha! Oh My too early in the morning for Borat pink one piece! haha Great post! I love all the pictures. I love visiting your blog you make me smile! Grace xoxox

  3. OOO weeee! love the gown and bikinis ha ha

    Happy Pink Saturday!

  4. Wow are you on a roll this morning! Beyond funny! Great way to start my day.

  5. pink mankini's at breakfast are interesting! i did it! i followed your directions and i think i did it!!! i shpuldn't get too excited until i am sure though!

  6. Interesting collection of Pinks sure made me LOL. Have a wonderful Pink day.

  7. ROTFL, you should have had a warning sign posted . . do not be drinking coffee (or anything for that matter) while reading this post . . . coffee splattered everywhere, I was laughing so hard!!!

    You sure started my day off right! Thank you!! :)

    Have a wonderful day wherever you are flying off to in your pink flying saucer!!

    Marsha Marsha Marsha

  8. OMG, Tristan! TOO funny. These pictures are so great! Your Pink Saturdays just keep getting better and better! However, the pictures would be nothing without your fabulous comments.
    Have a wonderful weekend!
    ♥ audrey

  9. Your blog is so funny, the pink mankini is frightening!!!

    Happy Pink!

  10. The man pink marblebag is certainly the place to hold your shooters. Love the pimp striped suit though...great for a night of sca music. Sea Witch

  11. I agree! I should have known better than to be drinking my coffee!
    ROTFL !!!!

  12. Ha Ha Ha! I needed a good laugh this morning!!!! You sure come up with some doozy ones!!

  13. I'm speechless! What do I say! I giggled all the way through your Post.

    Have a wonderful PS!


  14. That's a whole lotta pink!!! Thanks for a light and fun post for a dreary snowy morning! :) Theresa

  15. You made my Saturday...Now I'm going to go make!

  16. Okay, I love pink and I even love a nice pink shirt on a man, but I do have to draw the line at pink suits. That's just a bit too much for me. As for pink patent leather, stacked heal oxford's for men? Ah, NO!

    Great post, though, and Happy Pink Saturday to you!


  17. Happy Pink Saturday Tristan...
    Job well done. So entertaining always, and I do love the Brad P look. Yep, I would say if it is good enough for Brad, it would be good enough for any man. He wears class for sure.

    Loved the pink tea set. So exquisitie. Thank you for sharing good friend. I can't wait to see who the recepient will be of your stage. She will be lucky. This I know first hand.

    Have a beautiful day Tristan. Country hugs...Sherry

  18. Just popping in to say hello. My mother used to dress me in pink and my older sister in dusty blue. Needless to say, we hated those colours and avoided wearing them in our youth, ah but age has a way of softening prior prejudices...I love pink and wear it now. As for dusty blue, we both decided it's not as fun as pink!!

    Have a wonderful weekend.


  19. Thanks so much for giving us such a delightful pink post, filled with a wealth of pink treats!! Not sure which one I loved most but they all made me laugh!!

  20. BWAHAHAHA...."bold and studly" wins my LOL pic of the day - of course your commentary definitely helps!

    I actually like that pink striped
    suit - vintage, no?

    Great Pink Saturday post, as always


  21. Well, alright ditey! LOL

    Best pink post I have seen in a long time with fabulous commentary. I will be chuckling the rest of the day as I work on my plain boring black and white signs. Have a good one! xo

  22. Tristan...I am a bit speechless today. The pink mankini about did me in. haha....I hope noone shows up at my pool this summer sporting that baby. HAHA Have a fabulous weekend, and be sure to pick me for your giveaway. haha
    xxoo Valarie

  23. Well you came up with a lot of pinks here, some I had not seen before haha..Yeah pale pink on Brad I liked that one. Thanks for the visit to my Retired in Alaska blog. Nice to meet you Tristan.

  24. I feel all pink now!!!
    Thank you!!!!

  25. OK OK enough enough. I told you before that when ever I am feeling low I just come to your blog. However, today I am rolling on the floor in laughter. Tears are runny down my face. You out did yourself today. You crack me up. OK deep breath.... sighhhhh... tissue to cheeks. Thanks for the great laugh. I needed it today.


  26. Budgie smugglers in pink hey?And of course you know about our local politician who wore pink shorts in Parliament? The shorts are now in the Museum of Costume!
    Love to see the chaps in pink especially at the Sydney G&L Mardi Gras

  27. You are good!!!!
    Love it!!!


  28. I must have a "bug" in my computer! Seriously! It won't let me get past the fourth photo! Every time I try to make it go to photo 5, the "bug" makes the fourth photo come back up on the screen! What in the world is wrong with my computer? Oh, wait...that isn't a "bug", it is my finger! Sorry, I gotta run. Time to look at photo four again! Thanks!!!

  29. are so funny!!! This was a great post and I still like pink!!!

  30. Hilarious...I LOVE pink ;)

    Jamie :)

  31. Pink prefection - what a fun post (as always). I adore the Big Bad Leroy Brown outfit. Did you by any chance ever see Antonio Fargas in I'm Gonna Git You Sucka, with his platform shoes... glass heels with goldfish swimming in them? The perfect accessory maybe, if it was angel fish...

    Happy Pink Saturday!

  32. I agree if Brad can wear Pink well, you can too. Loving all the fun of Pink Saturday.

  33. Ok Mr. T...that Mankini sorta creeped me out. Too much for this sometimes SHY GIRL. :) :) :)

    Lovin' the pink zoot-looking-suit, though. A real man would wear this.

    Off now to read more. Missed a couple of days.


  34. Thought you might enjoy these...apparently pink for girls is a recent phenomenon! Love your china darling...wish we could sit down with a cuppa together! And the theatre...the black with the pink looks fabulous!
    "At one point pink was considered more of a boy's color, (as a
    watered-down red, which is a fierce color) and blue was more for
    girls. The associate of pink with bold, dramatic red clearly affected
    its use for boys. An American newspaper in 1914 advised mothers, "If
    you like the color note on the little one's garments, use pink for the
    boy and blue for the girl, if you are a follower of convention." [The
    Sunday Sentinal, March 29, 1914.]

    "There has been a great diversity of opinion on the subject, but the
    generally accepted rule is pink for the boy and blue for the girl. The
    reason is that pink being a more decided and stronger color is more
    suitable for the boy, while blue, which is more delicate and dainty,
    is prettier for the girl." [Ladies Home Journal, June, 1918] - "Gender Specific

  35. LOL!! LOVED your Pink Saturday post today. A mankini?! Say it isn't so! In ANY color that is so not cool. LOL

  36. WOW! THis is one of the most daring and wonderfully conceived Pink Saturdays I have seen! Only Chez Tristan! Where did you find those,uh, uhemmmm.....mankinis? :)

    Bisous to you, you wonderful artist, you! Anita

  37. Hilarious! Your posts are truly the BEST.

    You give new meaning to "in the pink!"

  38. EEEEWWWWWWW! I thought pink would make anything cute, but not anymore. Hope you have a Happy Pink Saturday.

    Sherry @ A Happy Valentine

  39. I love this post. Totally made me smile. I'll take that teapot and cup! :)

  40. Oh this made me laugh- it's great!

    Happy PS!
    Maggie Mae
    "Do these shoes match this purse?"

  41. I haven't read today's pot yet but I will. however I wanted to share a blog with i think I remember that you are a big quilter, no?

    anyway...I just happened upon this:

  42. Hi Tristan, your post today is awesome. I LOVE the comparisons in pink between men and women. When I was a teen in the 50's pink, gray and black was in!!! Those colors still rock. Thanks for a fun post with pink between the genders.
    Happy pink Saturday.
    Hugs, Jeanne

  43. What a great post on pink! The pink bikini..hmmm..yes too many words to say..

  44. OMG, I'm giggling here...Your posts always make me smile, teehee!!

    ~ Carolee

  45. I've never seen a pink shirt I didn't like!

  46. Hello Tristan,

    Lots of fabulous piNks and several hideous ones..LOL

    Thomas wears pale PiNk..A man in touch with his feminine side wears PiNk...and muscles and pink go very well together! Ok, I'm gonna hush before I get carried away..LOL

    Happy PiNk to you...May your week overflow with PiNk bliss!

    ♥ Love & Faerie Dust ♥

  47. Hooray! I always am excitedly awaiting your pink posts! (specially with the mankini pics and all!) *blushes*

  48. I wish I had that Cindy Sherman china in your bottom photo. I've seen it in yellow, but never pink. I've missed a few posts and am catching up. Where have I been? You're too prolific. Enjoy those pancakes...I'm making a Croque Madame for my husband this I guess you could say that I'm going to make something beautiful.

    Still waiting for my flock to arrive - Very excited.


  49. OMG! You are too, too funny! I always know I can enjoy a good chuckle when I visit your blog!
    I don't know how you find all the pics you use...but they're great!

  50. I'm behind on my Pink Saturday visiting, your post is delightful, and your creations are wonderful. Congrats to Marsha!

  51. Oh My, The mankini in bubble gum thats an everlasting gobstopper...Great post, i could 'chew' for ever on this!
    Many Hugs,
