Sunday, December 13, 2009

What Have I Cooked Up For You Today ...

Well, I think today is going to be a long sequence of unassociated images that have nothing to do with each other ... but have intrigued me nonetheless.

So, put on your heels and hike up that skirt ... let's travel!
...not exactly the most admirable holiday sentiment - but it still makes me snicker...

I've heard of signature accessories, but this just seems a little extreme to me.
I'm so glad that my mom doesn't read my blog, because she would kick me if she knew that this sort of reminds me of her...
Will you just take a look at this! I finished up all my mini theatre commissions, and cleaned and straightened the studio. Isn't it depressing that these jumbled and cluttered shelves have been straightened up? me, you don't want to see the before!

Am I the only one that found these Christmas decorations from childhood creepy as all get out?! I think they were German. Whatever they were, I don't know why they were popular, nor why they were used as Christmas decorations! I think they're capable of permanently scarring children.Apropos of nothing ... but don't these two decked out dollies look like they're straight out of "Some Like It Hot?"
What would a little traveling be without some window shopping? I would like to have this French 18th century Louis XV armchair, upholstered in toile de jouy refinished, gold-leafed, and reupholstered in the same pattern upholstery, but in a red and black colorway.
I'm sure you are all fans of Catherine Delors' Versailles and More blog. But for those who don't subscribe, I thought this was an awesome photo. Doesn't it look like a gown straight from the court of Louis and 'toinette? Actually it's a half-size model, which traveled around the world as a sort of three dimensional fashion plate so that other countries would know what the latest trends in Paris fashion were. There is more information on her blog. But I found it a very interesting subject (I didn't know there were such things as half size models!) - and a gorgeous photo.

...ah, memories of our water disasters and dilemmas last year ...
Now, I usually find boxes of chocolates a miracle. However, it took this polaroid photograph by Andy Warhol to truly make me look at them as works of art in themselves. I am absolutely fascinated with this photo.
oooh oooh oooh!!! I won! I was the winner of the hand embroidered pillowcases by Marilyn at Our Victorian Cottage! Aren't I the lucky boy?! Not only have I been a long time fan of the lovely vintage style work that Marilyn produces, but I will love having a piece of her embroidery, as I consider her a good bloglandia friend.
Have you watched Mark Morris' "The Hard Nut" yet? If not, get yourself a copy and enjoy! It's a totally fab retro 1960's version of "The Nutcracker." All the basic story lines are there, of course, but the look and the choreography is decidedly original. It's on our traditional Christmas season must-watch list - such fun!
Well, that's it for today ... hope you've enjoyed yourself and will be back soon! Get a good night's sleep - and in the morning, go make something beautiful!
¸.•´¸.•*´¨) ¸.•*´¨)
(¸.•´ (¸.•´♥ Tristan


  1. your theatre commissions look awesome!!!
    your posts always make me smile!!
    < : ) > (that is santa!

  2. Tristan...... 3:32 a.m. here. Hubby had early delivery....nap later is a definite! Yawn....
    Your 1st pic of Ward Cleverish cooking reminds me of my Dad. My parents built a new home in the late 50's & it had a knotty pine kitchen like that one. (not a fan of knotty pine!)
    Love all your creations & this post is a hoot!!
    yawn.... need coffee....yawn.... need more snooze time!!
    Merry Christmas!
    p.s. Love the new computers.... Windows 7 is a hit after so many Microsoft misses!!

  3. I'd love to see the "turkey-skirt" lady sitting in that little French chair.

  4. Oh Tristan my dearest, visiting you is always so much fun and what a great mixed-bag today! I love, love, love that pink chair and I wish I could see and touch those divine little theatres that you have made! I am dabbling in making some and yesterday I did some shopping in antique stores to find some little metal embellishments for them and I had so much fun! Your photos are are gorgeous, funny and original as ever! Happy week and countdown to the big day!!! Bisous, Anita

  5. Tristan, the little hedgehog guy is German. They were considered good luck, as I recall. I used to have one similar to that, which makes me wonder what happened to it....
    It's all a cultural thing; I would almost bet that was a Steiff, though I have not seen one holding a candle before. You used to see so many toys in Germany that were small forest creatures or gnomes. I do miss Christmas there!
    Fab post---I want the petticoat!!!!


  6. Tristan,
    I love your sense of humor, and those twins do look like Jack Lemon in Some Like it Hot. I remember those animals, and I laughed out loud when you said that they could scare little children.

    Well have a great day, your posts are always the highlight of my blog hopping. Love all the eye candy and congratulations on your embroidered pillowcases.

    Have a great day,


  7. Tristan,

    I must say I a really happy for you that you won those beautiful pillowcases! I love the embroidery.

    I think I have some around here that my mom made - same type of pattern...

  8. Congratulations on finishing your commissions, Tristan! I love the "cooked something up for you" photo too! xo lenna

  9. What a awesome win! the linens look lovley!

  10. wonderful post, love it all, got the giggles while reading, thank for sharing, you are tooooo fabulous!!!
    Your fairy friend

  11. My kind of post...lots of vintage pics! You know I am stealing that can can photo! I miss the days of the can can! Sigh. My mother doesn't have a computer...doesn't want a computer...and "better not get one as a gift"! However, the few times she has read a couple of my posts, I got scolded like a 5 year old! So I'm not telling your Mama nuttin' about the cartoon strip! :)

  12. Hello Tristan, I always enjoy your posts. Such fun. Crazy about the blunt postcard. Sounds like my favorite uncle (now deceased and setting up cocktail hour 24/7 in heaven) would always say..."I wonder what the pool people are doing today?", as he swam in our pool. Oh, wait, I'm one of the pool people. We would laugh hysterically and hand him another highball. All the best this season has to offer to you and Dusty!!! Sea Witch

  13. Tristan dear ... .

    SO much to enchant and amuse today!!

    That blunt postcard is perfection .. there's nothing like a bitchy attitude to diffuse reality.

    Love Andy's chocolate box - the pattern would make a great wallpaper design.


  14. I've said it once and I will def say it again, where do you come up with such haute images?

  15. Tristan, your blog is always such a delight to visit!! That hedgehog is indeed scary, lol - and I'm cracking up at the cartoon....

    Wishing you a magical and creative holiday season!

    ~ Carolee

  16. Scar children, heck those things could scar ADULTS! Love your posts, they always bring a smile to my day, no matter how cloudy. Have a wonderful Christmas and Holiday season!

  17. Although we do not do the same fiber crafts, I have still always found your blog to be incredibly inspiring. The picture of your studio looks fantastic -- I can see the fabric in color order and I can only be impressed. My mother quilts and she has done the same thing with only some of her fabric. Oh, the little hedgehogs that you find so disturbing [and I do as well] are called Mecki dolls. My grandmother LOVED them and had tons of them. You actually make a killing on those silly things on eBay!!!

  18. Oh Tristan, thanks for starting my morning with a laugh and some very interesting photos. It's always a big treat to come visit here...even more than Andy's photo treat!
    Congrats on your beautiful win and don't stress about those shelves...they are beautiful just the way they are!
    everything vintage

  19. What a wonderful mix of images!!!

    I hope your Christmas will be relaxed and beautiful! Tomorrow, before I travel to India, I will start up a contest on my blog, welcome!

    Peace and Love

    Agneta from Sweden.... of course o;)

  20. Tristan, you've done it again.
    Love all these little wacky and quirky snapshots of what has intrigued, inspired or enchanted you.

  21. Ha! I don't let my mom read my blog, either . . . it's easier to be funny when my mom isn't looking. I'm not sure that says anything good about our relationship, but it is what it is.

    I always enjoy your blog. Thanks!

  22. As usual, you have shown us so much that I am left speechless!
    I too cleaned up my studio yesterday as I'm planning on taking a 2 week break to refresh and restore my spirit.

  23. hey you! haven't seen you around in a while. you might want to pop over and enter my giveaway!

  24. I would love to jaz - but you have the dreaded i.d. drop-down menu, and I can't post comments on the blogs that have those.

    I'm missing several of my favorite blogs...well, I'm not missing them - I still visit - but I can't leave comments until the settings are adjusted LOL.

    Your giveaway basket looks terrific, though!

  25. Why yes you are the lucky boy! Now why do I forget how much I like your blog - there's always something witty and interesting here. Had to laugh at your organized shelves. I did the same thing for the house tour and ended up unrolling old piano rolls to hide part of them. Have a good one...Nancy

  26. Guess I stumbled onto you on a good day full of random musings and fascinating pics!
    Love your work and your blog is amazing!

  27. Hey Mr. Tristan,

    Love this post...I am finally starting to get back to my "normal" life after a few insanely crazy busy weeks...

    What a refreshing post!
    Why did I see the three stooges faces on the carriage? And then looked again and I realized that I was delusional? LOL I am tired...

    Of course I loved Catherine's doll...amazing.

    Anyway...I hope you are all right...

    ~ Gabriela ~

  28. Hi Tristan,
    I did snicker...LOL.
    I need to do some shelf cleaning myself. Yours look so neat and tidy.
    I've deciced not to make anything new till the new year. I think I will make something for Mardi Gra, what do you think? A theater doll with a float inside.
    Some old orns.are creepy. I always thought that some of the plastic Santas were creepy. If you say Mark Morris's Hard Nut is good,it must be but it looks creep scary to me with that rat...LOL.
    Merry Christmas Tristan to you and Jon, May your hoildays be bright ,full of love and joy.
    XXOO Marie Antionette

  29. Hi Tristan, Love all the photos but my favorite is that creepy German ornament. That is too creepy! Speaking of creepy, just found a blog called HILARIOUS! if you have ever been frightened of santa as a child you must take a look. We laughed out loud. Your blog is always such a treat. I know how long it takes to find interesting photos and you always do such an amazing job with the commentary.

  30. I think those shelves look pretty organized and also gorgeous, Tristan! Congrats on your win, and what a win, lucky you!!! As for the box of chocolate, that's my sort of art!

  31. Great images as usual. It is always fun to visit. Since I didn't win the pillowcases I am glad you did. They will have a good home with you. Marilyn does beautiful work.

  32. Hey Tristan! Merry Christmas! Becs
