Monday, December 7, 2009

Tuesday Thoughts and Ramblings and Stuff!

Well, I've been busy, busy, busy! I'm tired from the work out ... so I've decided to sit and have a cup of coffee with you for awhile. I haven't posted in several days, so I warn you, this could get long. Maybe you need to get yourself a cup of coffee...I'm having French Vanilla flavoring in mine. If you'd like me to wait for you to run to the kitchen, I'll be more than glad to do so!

I received two very cool awards this week. The first is from oh-so-stylish Marilyn at Our Victorian Cottage. Marilyn is having a give-away drawing now for two of her delightful embroidered pillowcases (I just love them!). I probably shouldn't tell you, since it lessens my chances of winning, but I'm in the holiday spirit, so please click on her link above and enter the drawing! Aren't they pretty?
I'm to pass this on to two more stylish people. Gee! There are so many stylish blog writers out there! But, I have to pick two - so I'm choosing Ingrid at Fashion Is My Muse and Gabriela at Gabriela Delworth. Be sure to check out both of their blogs ... you'll see why I think of both of them when I see the word 'style!'

The other award is so thoughtful. It's from my dear friend, Anne, at el Milagro Studios. I always strive to keep my blog honest - if at times hyperbole rich! So, I appreciate it. Please take some time and visit Anne's fabulous blog. She shares her art and her process and her - everything! It's a terrific blog, and I'm sure you'll become a follower!
This is the fourth - and, alas, final - of the large circuses, which are going to be installed in the Ballroom at the Banker's Suite. Click here to read about the Banker's Suite and here to read about the opening of the ballroom and see some of the amazing fashions that will be sold in the boutique! It's going to be oh-so-fabulous! - and I'm so proud to have had a small part in it.

I also - FINALLY - gathered the vintage Putz houses and counted and measured and listed them on eBay. I've been meaning to do this for WEEKS. But I hate the long form you have to fill out for eBay, so I always put it off. I finally did it. If a collection of vintage Putz houses is your thing, you can check out my auction here.
I had to share this photo with you ... it's the huge carousel set for the Yale production of La Ronde by Arthur Schnitzler. Isn't it just marvelous?! We have tickets for this weekend and I can't wait! I love the play, but this is the first time I will have seen it with this elaborate a set. I hope the costumes are equally as terrific. If you're in the area, click here to read more about it.

The Peak of Chic posted this photo that I really wanted you to see - those who don't already subscribe to Peak of Chic, that is! It's Alan Jay Lerner (of "My Fair Lady," "Camelot," "Gigi," "An American in Paris," etc) and his wife in their uber-fab living room. Of course, I love yellow and I love gilt and I love crystal - so this would be an interior that I love! And doesn't Mrs. AJL look quite pleased with the effect of her flowing pink chiffon stole? Does anybody really have style anymore? sigh.

Well, what do we have here? A shop window from 1916, all decked out for the holidays. I guess we know time that means it is ... an Enchanted Revelry shopping trip! (Remember, all the photographs will grow when you click on them, so you can catch every detail!)

I would certainly not complain if Santa left me this five foot high French Victorian bird cage! Usually, I like my antiques pristine and in excellent condition ... but the worn wood and chipped paint on this piece really appeals to me. I don't even have the urge to have it gold leafed!Far more possible, is my actually getting this fabulous paper chandelier. It's only a party decoration - but I think I could live with this handmade beauty by Jeffrey Rudell in my studio every day of the year! Click here to see the myriad steps involved with creating this charmer.
Usually I don't pay too much attention to jewelry. I don't wear it - and though I appreciate hand made artist's pieces, I don't have a lot of interest in vintage articles. However, this brooch might change my mind. I don't know exactly what I'd do with it ... perhaps put it in a shadow box and hang it on the wall. Of course, as the price tag is $48,000, I don't believe I'll have to worry about what to do with it in the foreseeable future.
I'm in awe of this pair of 1750 King George III giltwood mirrors. I especially like the detail of the smaller mirror installed above the long one. These six foot treasures would be perfect in my bathroom. Actually, they'd be perfect in a palace restoration - but I'll pretend.
I know this isn't for everybody - but I am totally in love with this Italian 2009 armchair by designer Alessandro Mendini. It's a wooden structure, covered with hand painted fabric. I want it. Really. Right now.
This is another piece that isn't in the best of shape right now - but I am still fascinated with it. It's an American Victorian gilded dressing table, covered and swagged with with stamped and embossed velvet. It's good that I don't really use a dressing table, because to me it looks as if that bottom shelf is going to make it very difficult to actually sit at this table. But, it would look so beautiful just sitting there, I wouldn't care about the lack of function!

Ah, yes. Here we go! One of my favorite things - French 18th century furnishings! This 1745 gilded settee with Aubusson tapestry upholstery would fit right into my dream house. That's right. My dream house - in which I'm the king...of a small country. I once was told by somebody that I was probably a king in a former life. I thought this was because of my sense of fairness and justice and taste. Turns out, it was because I really like people to do what I say. Oh, well ... if it gets me this settee - I say OKAY.

Wouldn't you love to find this delightful Victorian shadow box in your stocking on Christmas morning?! The baby "hatching" from the egg is adorable - and I love the brass filigree on wood case. It's quite small - only 8" high - so it would fit in MY stocking very very nicely, thank you.

Perhaps it's all the glitz and glamor of Christmas that's getting to me. But I find myself being oddly attracted to these flashy trashy 1940's Las Vegas wall sconces. Okay. You're allowed to point and laugh at me behind my back. But I think I could make these work somehow.
Now, this I know I could make work! A 19th century French miniature cathedral box; hand carved and gilded, this box is only 18 inches long. Hmmm. Maybe this is where I could keep that royal brooch above and just take it out and admire it when I wanted to feel particularly entitled.

Well, that's our shopping excursion for the day. I feel very shopping-sated. And, not only didn't I spend a single penny - but I don't have to dust any of those treasures ... now THAT'S the way to shop!

After Christmas shopping, this the setting in which I want to have dinner. The gorgeous setting was designed by the venerable Charles Pavarini for the 2009 Holiday House Designer Tabletop Showcase to benefit the Greater New York Affiliate of Susan G. Komen for the Cure. If I actually was able to sit at this table, I would have been in charmed company. The donors who sat at this table were Bernadette Peters, Derek Jeters, Brad Pitt, Michelle Obama, Ellen DeGeneres and C.B. Sullenberger. I think I could have found something to chat about!

Speaking of tablescapes. If I were going to host an incredibly elegant and chic New Year's Eve soireƩ - which I'm not - I would definitely want to have it designed by Timothy & Associates Designs. Isn't this time-inspired table just incredible!? So festive, so lavish, so fanciful - so ... perfect! (Be sure to click on this image to make it grow and really look at the details!)

Well, as you can see, I'm all decked out to the hilt. I'm going to re-visit Marie Antoinette (yes, that's her name!) and look at her amazing Christmas village video. She has an astounding Christmas village display that she puts up every year. I've watched the video once already, but it really deserves another look. She also shows her new pieces this year - a circus and a cemetary! This is a very very complete village. Take a moment and give yourself a treat - you can visit her here. It's worth the trip! And be sure to check out her amazing dolls while you're there!

I hope you've enjoyed your time visiting today...and that you'll be back soon! Now that I've given you lots of images and links to wonderful places to inspire you, go make something beautiful!

¸.•´¸.•*´¨) ¸.•*´¨)
(¸.•´ (¸.•´♥ Tristan


  1. Well, Your Highness.......
    (Like that??) Anyway, not that I want your head to explode!! LOL!!
    Thank you so much for the Giveaway plug......
    While I am not too much into the guilt look I do like the mirrors & I love that settee!!
    Have a great day & I am off to visit your auctions!! Just a peek... (I promised my better-half!!) tee-hee....
    Season's Greetings!

  2. What a wonderful post!

    I just have to say that chair is totally to die for. I am still sitting here with my eyes bugging out! I love that chair!

    Your new creation is amazing and I love all the colors.

    Happy Holidays to you and Dusty,
    LuLu Kellogg

  3. I am loving the multi colored hand painted chair. I'm curious to know, cost?? I can only imagine, thousands!! But, it would go with so much... <---insert justification for expense here!! :)

  4. I was trying to avoid getting any more awards but how can I possibly turn down a style award!!! My friends will attest that I always pay attention to issues of style. Even in my down-time, I dress up!
    I hope Santa brings you all that you are wishing for ;) LOL!

  5. I am always amazed at the volume of interesting, beautiful, amazing STUFF you post!!!!!!! I can only say thank you for showing these treats!!!
    The peacock table is awesome!!!
    And the chair!
    And the carousel!
    And the yellow room!
    And your circus!
    And on and on and on!!!!!!!!!

  6. Hello Tristan "King of a small country",

    Thanks so much for the award!
    It's very kind of you...
    I had no idea I was stylish?

    ~ Gabriela ~

  7. Oh Tristan, I thoroughly loved your blog brought back so many would have loved my grandmother's house and my, crystals,mirrors, the whole works. When I was a child, I used to love to sit in her living room because I felt like a fairy princess. She experimented with mirrors because she loved Versailles. However, she was so down to earth, didn't at all mind us going into her closets and put on all her fabulous jewelry she had in a crystal jewelry box she bought in Paris..she was a crazy, wonderful lady who had more class in her little finger than anyone I've known. I'm far from that style, but I try to be the fun, a little bit of a kooky grandmother (ok, a lot kooky) to my boys...I think I've succeeded!! Thanks again for such a great terrific blog.


  8. Wow and double wow, love all the glamor and glitz, my fav the New Year's Eve table with snow white Peacocks amazing, would like to try something like that, all the feathers YeeHaa
    Thanks for sharing
    and I thought Pink Champagne Mermaids were cool!

  9. I'm dazzled by all the beautiful and opulent things in your post.
    And that armchair by designer Alessandro Mendini, I want that too!!
    My mom and all of my friends agree Kim Myles and I look a lot alike. I like to think of her as my HGTV twin.
    I can see you as King, Tristan, very easily.
    Now, i'm going over to visit all these blogs you talked about.

  10. Tristan, between my bum computer and you not posting for awhile, I have really missed 'visiting' with you! Have to say that the coffee and the company were great and my eyes are still glazed over from all the eye candy. Love it all!

    I would KILL for that little Victorian shadow box piece! Want.


  11. Well, it doesn't pay to grow old. When I read your line about remembering to click on the pictures, my eyes saw "glow" instead of grow. I thought, leave it to Tristan to be able to figure out how to do that! Needless to say, the picture grew but didn't glow. Oh well. The pictures were magical anyway!

  12. Tristan dearest,
    These articles are magnificent and I too, love that brooch and the sconces!!! Everything, really! And oh, you are tired from having put in so much detail into your work...put up those feet, enjoy that yummy vanilla coffee (my favorite) and relax; you deserve every bit of dreaming and rest. Bless you, Anita

  13. Tristan, you put together the most fabulous of posts!!! That vintage Putz buildings...oh, I have one tiny one and seeing that makes me WANT to go to eBay but I am NOT.....DH would kill me and I know I can't afford it!
    Need to try and get the final pics of the collage pieces up; the DR. gave me some meds yesterday that are wiping me out.....pooey.
    Oh, sorry I did not bow, Your Highness, but if I get bent over I may not get back up! LOL!!!!


  14. Tristan, you have gone and ruined my surprise! I was going to get you that Italian armchair for Christmas, but I can't now because it wouldn't be a surprise! Sigh. However, I really enjoyed our shopping spree. Hope you don't mind that I had a Diet Dr. Pepper as I am too young for coffee! Did I just hear you spew coffee everywhere? :)


  15. Merry Christmas Tristan,
    Congrats on your awards, you deserve them
    I am just thrilled about your final installment of the circuses.This one is magnificent.I went and looked at the others. I'm just in awe of them. To have them in the Ballroom of the Banker's Suites...Well you must be on cloud nine. Bravo Tristan.
    I never knew what these little houses were called,but i always liked them.Do not do a thing to the birdcage its awesome.The chandelier is just sooooo beautiful. I know I
    m a woman, and I should love jewelry...but I don't.But like you I'd wear the brooch once in awhile.
    Love the shadowbox...Now my fav thing of all is the 18th century sette, now that is to die for. You and I would have to fight over this beauty...LOL
    Tristan, I want to thank you for mentioning my villge on this post. This was a very sweet thing to do.
    Merry Christmas Dear...
    XXOO Marie Antionette

  16. Thanks for an exquisite collection of images, such gorgeous eye-candy. You've outdone even yourself!

  17. First of all, congratulations on your awards. You know I love your blog.

    And, I love you taking me on your shopping excursions. I want the bird cage, and the shadow box.

  18. I LOVE reading your posts Tristan! You're so clever and witty!

  19. Tristan,
    As always I love your posts, and I get so lost in the many images and details, that by the time I get down here to write a comment, I have forgotten about the beginning of your post. The one thing that stands out is that your beautiful theaters are going to be on display at the Banker's Suite. Congratulations for that, and it is lovely. The carousel set in the theater is about being transported somewhere else during a performance. Well, there are a gazillion other things I could say, but I will simply end with, you should write a book! Happy Thursday.


  20. You HAVE been busy! I adore "La Ronde" it's been decades since I thought of it, but I love it.

    And that Italian armchair is amazing.

  21. Oh...that Mendini arm chair is to die for! lol! thanks for the shopping tour..i needed a break
    from bracelet making!

  22. King Tristan, Wow, where to start. I love Marilyn's pillowcases so although I would like you to win I would be happier if I do, hee hee. New places to visit, eye candy, your fabulous creation! I do love the chair and the trashy Vegas sconces. But those white peacocks are the best!!! You have truly inspired me, Your Royal Highness. Thanks, Pam

  23. OK...I've been blogging almost a year. How then have I MISSED your fabuloso blog??????


    Must be sleeping more than I thnk! :)


  24. PS: Forgot to tell you that your name is my FAVORITE NAME EVER!




  25. Hi Tristan,

    I just saw that you voted for me at the latest Mind Wide Open challenge. Wow, that's such a compliment, as your work is simply exquisite! :) I always enjoy visitng your blog and looking at your creations -- so much inspiration, so much eye candy, so much drama! :)

    Happy creating,

  26. I just wanted to come by and congratulate you on your win of the pillow cases. They are to die for!!

  27. Oh my! The Italican chair and the French sette are both to. die. for.
    so glad you like the new FAB image.


  28. What a wonderful post!
    Exquisite collection of images.

  29. Dearest Tristan,
    Thank you for visiting me this cold and wintery day!!! I just adore your visits and your comments are always so uplifting. I hope your holiday will be magical and marvelous! I am having a blast making little theatres, crowns, glass theatres and writing. What a joy to love that which is beautiful. Have a great Sunday!!! Anita

  30. I just have to say that chair is totally to die for. I am still sitting here with my eyes bugging out! I love that chair!

    How to make a website

  31. I love a lot of the pieces you post but I really heart that shadow box - just adorable. Those Victorians were amazing.
