Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Wednesday Whimsies and Wonders...

Just wanted to start by giving you the last update on The Brave Little Rose ... he's gone into full wide open bloom. The other buds were nipped last night by frost, so I guess they're all finished now. I've enjoyed looking forward to my morning walk with Dusty each day and watching the growth and determination of this lovely yellow and pink rose!

Speaking of Dusty, I really had to laugh at him this morning, as he tramped through mounds of leaves. He looked like he was decked out in camouflage ... he blended in perfectly! I think he thought he was invisible, too, as he crept up on squirrels, thinking today he might actually catch one. No such luck - for him.
I don't use stamps very much. But I have drawers full of them in the studio. I like having them just in case. Even if I don't need it for one second, I just ordered this new stamp, completely composed of calligraphy. Isn't it cool? I love it! It comes in a smaller version, but I thought I really need the large one - to probably not use. It's part of a new series of stamps on Stampington ... check out the other calligraphy inspired stamps here.
And, while on the subject of shopping ... how about these magnificent art deco doors? These would look terrific at our front door! Actually, they'd look terrific IN the house, too. Maybe opening up into a 20 x 20 bathroom? ...
We all know that I'm fixated on bookshelves, and this one is a real beauty. It's a signed and dated 1875 French Napolean III breakfront bibliotheque, stained mahogany with gilded trims. This would be the ideal bookcase to house my theatre library. I would feel dramatic merely opening the doors and perusing the titles!
I am always enchanted with wonderful garden accessories; it's a shame I have so little room outdoors to play in the dirt! But even in my small garden-ette I could accommodate these 1860's marble Regénce jardineres. They're so regal!
I want this 1770 French neoclassical gilded settee. I don't care if it would fit in with the rest of my furniture or not. I'd be willing to throw everything out and just have this piece in a room. Not only is the serpentine silhouette graceful and lovely, but that silk jacquard upholstery is so elegant. It's so elegant, I could just, well, I could just ... spit!
This storage unit is from the uber chíc and fab store, Property. The storage unit, with baroque style hand carved oak evolves into contemporary clean lines in burnished brass. Designed by Ferruccio Laviani, I first saw it at Maison 21 - Decorative But Not of my favorite design blogs. This piece combines everything I love - elaborate baroque treasure and moderne high style. This buffet/storage unit is worthy of designing an entire room around...or even house around! It makes such a dramatic statement. It may not be for everybody - but it's for me!
If you remember last week, I posted this wonderful art nouveau work that I thought would make a wonderful entrance hall carpet. I didn't know the artist or what the image was used for - but I still liked it. Well, thanks to my friend, Victoria, I've found out that this is another poster by Shepard Fairey, the man who did the famous Obama "Hope" poster. I've also found out that it's available as tee-shirts, mugs, notecards, etc. at Northern Sun. Just enter "make art" in the search box. It's also available as a poster at Simple Living. I still think they're missing the boat not turning it into area rugs!
Here are the latest two mini circus theatres I made this weekend. After working on those three really large ones, doing a small one seems to go so quickly now!

Well, I'm feeling a little worn around the edges today - much like this seen-better-days lamb costume. I'm not ill or anything, just kind of tired and depleted. So I believe I will curl up with a hot mug of vanilla coffee and "Touch of Evil" ... nothing makes me feel better like a classic film!
Hope you're enjoying your day - thanks for spending a few minutes of it here with me. Now, go make something beautiful!
¸.•´¸.•*´¨) ¸.•*´¨)
(¸.•´ (¸.•´♥ Tristan ♥


  1. Hooray for the brave little rose! He transformed into a gorgeous, mega beauty! Must be the rose titled "Peace"! I love that lamb costume too! And poor Dusty, denied in his squirrel hunt again... My less than one year old Keeshond sympathizes greatly...he would like to catch some birds too, if he could only fly...
    Have a wonderful day and rejuvenate!

  2. The rose is stunning...Dusty is adorable! What a look of pure mischief on his face. Poms are related to Keeshonds (I see I am not the only person fortunate enough to own one (or two, in my case).
    I've been busy making things all day...getting tired and must watch "Glee" this evening. Bye for now...Theresa

  3. I have loved following the life of your brave little rose. So lovely. i have one too but it is only in bud form and has not even begun to grow open yet. It probably won't but I tell her about her cousin in your neck of the woods hoping it will inspire her to open. LOL!

  4. voonderbar post, love those little mini theaters, thanks for sharing all the wonderful inspiration, back to sewing, I'm making clothes for me, that's new LOL

  5. Your assemblage circuses are amazing, wish I could see them in person!
    Hope you are feeling "just rosy " soon!!!!
    In the pink by saturday, eh?
    The stamp would make elegant stationery!!!

  6. I know that feeling. Maybe you've been working too hard and need to relax. Hopefully your energy will return and you will be back to your perky self again so you can create more beautiful things!

  7. How beautiful that rose has become! I love roses - just can't grow them worth a damn.

    Dusty is too cute!

    And, love those doors and bookcase...yes - if only there was room for them.

    Am ironing fabric for a new quilt...

  8. Ah the rose is so beautiful! Thanks for posting the progress!
    Dusty is also looking like King of the Leaf doubt enjoy the possible rolls and romps thru said leaves!
    Your circus pieces are amazing; not at all like the hoo-ha we have here that pases for circus. Yours have that delightful European flair, and charm besides.
    You're good.

    Anne.... ;)

  9. Your work is incredibly beautiful!

  10. OMG!..I am intrigued with the buffet /storage piece!...the old and the new...what a delicious combination! always, lovely dream things, Tristan...
    Dusty is one cutie! him!
    Your circus pieces are amazing...
    thanks for sharing that beautiful rose with us! oooh, long wonderful day, but going to bed now! gypsy


  11. Good morning dearest! Your rose is amazing....but of course, it is warmer than average even for us up in Minnesota! I LOVE THAT GREEN COUCH and your little theatres are just always a delight to see! I hope your vanilla coffee was yummy!! Anita

  12. Tristan, I love your new creations. They are amazing.

    Dusty is just so gorgeous and fluffy!

    Happy Thursday,

  13. Tristan, I'm so happy that little bud came to full bloom. It reminds me of the children's story "The Little Engine that Could." That was one of Ian's, my youngest,favorites. That buffet is a bit out there, but it seems to suit you...a wonderful, rare combination!! Please take care of yourself...the spirit may be willing, but when the bod says "STOP" do exactly what you're doing, curl up with a nice cup of hot joe and a good kind of chillaxing!!

  14. Oh, it's wonderful to see the rose has achieved full glory! And Dusty looks totally adorable, what a beautiful fellow he is! I can feel an urgent stamp buying session coming on! It's the only goodie that is remotely affordable! I do fancy everything else like mad too but looking will have to do with them!

  15. Great detective work on the Make Art poster!...Thanks now I know all about it!...loved the rose saga

  16. What a sweet little rose & Dusty is such a beautiful color!! He looks like a little Prince....
    I absolutely love the bookcase. A friend of mine is selling a VERY vintage Ladies Secretary. It is 9' tall. I would love it but it will not fit in my house & I will NOT cut it down. It is from the turn of the century & is stunning!! :-(
    Gotta' Run...
    Have a Great Weekend My Friend!
    p.s. The pillowcases are nearly finished for the GiveAway!! :-)

  17. If you must spit, definitely spit away from that gorgeous settee. OMG! That fabic is exquisite.

    Great job on today's puzzle. I realized I had posted my time wrong, but you are awesome.

    If you really get going on the raking, I have some leaves which might interest you.

  18. Hi Tristan
    Love the new mini circus theatres. That lamb suit is creepy! Thanks for flying over to my nest.

  19. Tristan...
    So glad the rose made it to full bloom ~ a beauty for sure. Dusty is adorable and would look like a prince sitting upon that amazing green settee!!
    I have containers full of wonderful stamps and keep thinking I must use them for some project someday! How did the collection ever get so large when I rarely use them?
    My pick ~ I would so love to have one of those jardineres for my porch. Gorgeous! Although, they sort of resemble small coffins at first sight. LOL!
    If the MAKE ART NOT WAR could be an area rug, I would have one in my foyer in a minute! Good idea, Tristan.
    I hope you are feeling more energetic today. Sometimes just one day of R&R can do a world of good.

  20. Hi Tristan! It's been so long since I've had time to stop by. I do hope you're feeling like yourself again. The lamb costume reminds me of a human pinata! I hope no one took a swing at him!


  21. I just love your circus pieces!!! They just ROCK!
