Monday, November 9, 2009

Quick Update on the Last Rose of Summer ...

Remember last week I wrote about my brave little rose bud. If you have no clue what the last rose of summer is, click here and read about him!

Well, the li'l chap soldiered and made it! ...
Even with temperatures down in the twenties and several hard frosts, this fella was doggedly determined - and bloomed! Okay, so he's a little bedraggled, and his outer petals look as if they've seen better days - but, heck, so am I! I'm proud of him!

And, he's even been an inspiration! He has inspired two buds to pop up right next to him! Frankly, I don't believe these two are going to have a possible chance of making it. They're actually predicting some snow and freezing rain this week. But, they're at least trying!

I know - a super short post for me. But I'm busy in the studio and must get back to it ... however, I wanted to share the open bloom of my last rose of summer!
¸.•´¸.•*´¨) ¸.•*´¨)
(¸.•´ (¸.•´♥ Tristan ♥


  1. Hi Ya'!!
    I have 3 shrub roses with some very bedragled buds on them too. Not a chance to open.....
    AnyWho... I was looking at them today & I was wondering about your little determined rose!!
    Hey, we are all a little rough around the edges.....
    Love, Ya',

  2. Tristan, this rose is beautiful...I love the color. Isn't it amazing what nature does even in this weather?

    Hope you had a lovely day,

  3. It was a super short post, but very sweet! A rose with stamina...the power of beauty.

  4. Oh Tristan,

    Your little guys are just gorgeous. SOmeone else posted about their roses still standing up, in spite of the cold night temps! Thank you for sharing these beauties....have fun in the studio!!! Bisous, Anita

  5. We should all learn from the little rose buds ... bringing out the best in others as well as in ourselves. Tristan, I received my calligraphy pen safely in the mail today ... what a wonderfully balanced pen. Thank you, teri

  6. What beautiful color! The little rose was just meant to be. :) Theresa

  7. the color is just beautiful,I would be happy if anything would grow in my hot sunny yard!

  8. Tristan, The rose and his little buds are lovely. A fitting end to the season. Haven't been a good blog pal lately because real life has been in the way. I just had to stop by and say hi! Pam

  9. Absolutely beautiful, uplifting and inspirational Tristan.
    I certainly can use the strength of that lovely rose with the next couple of days; I shall keep it in mind.
    The color of roses that make it late in the year are so lovely---the regular ones just aren't the same. It's like the chill brings the color up.


  10. Those are such beautiful colors. We are having the freakish weather here. Chilly, then they call for wintry mix and snow, but instead we get two/three days of weather in the upper 60s and plenty of sun.

  11. My bush is going wild at the last minute too...what gives?

  12. So happy the rose made it ~ and a beauty too!!! Thanks for letting us know ~ I think several of us were wondering about that little rose.
    It has been unbelievably gorgeous here in VA the past week ~ still some color on a few trees, warm and sunny, and still some flowers to look at. What a wonderful Fall it has been!
    Have fun in your studio!

  13. Oh, how beautiful he turned out! I was laughing to myself at you referring to roses as he, whereas I always call them she. But whether it's a he or a she, it's putting on a wonderful display. Such delicate colours! Hope the winter will be kind to (s)he and to you too!

  14. I'm SO glad you posted a follow up. I can't believe how much fun and joy I've gotten out of this little post about a determined little bud . . . seems my spirit must need a little nourising. Thanks!

  15. Go on you little sweet rose. I will be sending good thoughts to the buds so they can get a chance to grow.

  16. just beautiful, tristan. thank you for sharing those photos!! : ) lenna

  17. Your blog is a true gem in the cyber world. I leave a small Swedish footprints behind me.

    Greetings from Sweden & Agneta
