Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Show Me Your Crown

Today is Vintage Bella Studio's
Show Me Your Crown Day
Click on the image below to find out who else is showing you their crown!

This Roman-style wreath crown sits on Irving's head, while he holds some gold coins I use in art, and keeps an eye on things on one of the supply shelves.

This glittered crown sits in front of my jar of rhinestones.
Mostly it just sits there and looks fabulous.
The vintage German glass glitter is starting to tarnish
and I'm allowing it to grow old gracefully.

This is my newest crown. It was made by Gabriela Dellworth, and I won it
on her blog give-away...aren't I the lucky boy?!

This little crown doubles as a storage bowl for precious finds ...
things like brass findings or broken jewelry.
If you look in the back, you'll see my frog prince, wearing his crown as well!
That's my crown collection ... not as extensive as others' - but I love them. I'm always keeping my eye out for new ones...but they're just not that easy to find! What I really want is a coronation crown.

For a truly, truly enviable collection of crowns, check out Anita's incredible collection at Castles, Crowns and Cottages. It's quite an eyeful!

Be sure to check out Vintage Bella Studio to see the other participants' crowns ... and then go make something beautiful - maybe a crown!
¸.•´¸.•*´¨) ¸.•*´¨)
(¸.•´ (¸.•´♥ Tristan ♥


  1. Oh, how I love crowns! I really like that tall gold one. :0)


  2. Stephanie, I love your crowns! I don't have I'm not in the party. Just a blog party crasher!lol

    Your crown collection looks pretty extensive to me. I love the tall one!


  3. So do you like to pop out to the shops wearing one of your crowns?

  4. Hello dearest,
    How sweet you are to mention my post! I didn't know that you collected crowns as well! AND that you were a prom king...but just by knowing a little bit of your personality, that doesn't surprise me now; you prince, you! Keep you eyes open for that crown of your dreams...I will keep my eyes wide open for you as well! Have a super fun day, all covered in glitter I hope! Bisous, Anita

  5. Sparkles and a toad prince, what's not to love?

  6. great crowns...i love the big ol' gold one...very cute...thanks for sharing!!!

  7. Hello Tristan,

    Love your crowns, space and the frog is fabulous!

    ~ Gabriela ~

  8. Fabulous crowns! And I love your frog prince! =) I haven't any crowns... pity! But after seeing all these crowns today I am now on the hunt.

  9. Love all your crowns both won and collected.

    And yes, saw the enchanting frog prince in the photo - he is so cute.

  10. PS - you were in a production of Rocky Horror??? How FUN! I saw it the first time at the Cape Cinema in Dennis ~ it was a midnight showing and the seats all had slipcovers to keep them clean during audience participation. Now you KNOW on the Cape we had some wild participants! =)

  11. What a treat to see a little bit of your studio. Don't hate me but I actually prefer tiaras! LOL!

  12. Crowns are special..aren't they!They represent something that we all would like or want..right?LOL
    Love the way you have everything organized...could you pop by and do a make over on my studio..please?

  13. Ohhhhhhhhh, the pink fleur de lis.....LOVE!!!!!

    m ^..^

  14. I like Irving in his wreath. He looks quite handsome.

  15. Love your crowns.... Me??? I don't have any yet but I'm workin' on it!!

  16. Tristan....I love the crown that is covered in the german glass glitter. Did you make it?? I think your collection is wonderful. Have a rockin day.
    Valarie xxoo

  17. How delightful. I too have a crown from Miss Dellaworth that I won. Thanks for swinging by to check out my fairy godmother crown.

    Have a magical day,
    Kathryn, Collage Diva

  18. What??!
    You don't already have a Coronation
    Crown ... .

    but -
    You ARE the KING of TristanWorld!!!

  19. Thanks for visiting, Your tags are on the way... I hope you like it! Blanca.

  20. Vintage German glass glitter that is beginning to tarnish sounds wonderful! I like that Irving is sporting a crown of his own! ~Lori

  21. Love the tour of your crown collection! I am going to check out that blog -- second time I have read about it today. Don't have all that many here, but do have a few. Guess I will blog about my crowns and give a short tour.

    Tarnished glass glitter is beautiful!

  22. LOVE the little Frog in the background with his own little crown~


  23. I loved seeing little glimpses of your studio!

  24. Wow- look at the eye candy Tristan! I'm blog hopping and admiring everyone's crowns. What a blog party- wish I knew about it a while ago. I don't own a crown, but would have love to create one.... i love german glass glitter and have mica flakes I would have loved to dabble with! I enjoyed viewing your collection. What a handsome frog and loved Irving's crown too. Isn't it fun to watch german glass glitter tarnish over time. *winks*

  25. I love that you have a Roman wreath crown.....wish I'd thought to make one. The frog prince is very clever, as well. Love your blog. Your posts are filled with whimsy and fun.

    Best Wishes,

  26. Ahhh, a glimpse into your neat, organized working parlor, seeing your interesting "stuff" lol!
    Life would be dull without our "stuff" ...Love your crowns...
    guess i'll be on the lookout for mine! love it!

  27. What I love most is that we see more of anyone around here than their crowns. Who would have thought you did NOT have a coronation crown? I love to peek in your studio (more, more, more!)! Btw I love your crowns too! Have a happy show me your crown day!

  28. Crowns are just so enchanting and wonderful, I can't ever get enough of looking at them...

    But, what I really adore too is looking in on your shelves and nooks. I love trinkets and treasures and things for making things!! Wonderful!

    Oh and Irving, oh Irving ;) Gotta love him!

  29. Love your very pretty! This is a fun party!

  30. Oh, you are true to your word you are-Sparkle! Shimmer! Glimmer! Gleam!
    PS But, but-no mention of Judy Garlands BDay?????

  31. Hello Tristan,

    Thank you for letting me know about this little gem. I just love all the great ideas out there for getting bloggers to interact with each other. I've been wanting a way to do this for a few weeks and now you have shown me 2 ways.

    Now, time to go make something beautiful! Wishing you fairy magic!

    Cheers! =D

  32. Everyone has so many crowns to show off. Yours are lovely and I'm so glad that you shared!

  33. Irvin is so cute. I adore seeing glimpses of other people's studios and all the bits and pieces they create with. I wish my work space was that tidy or spacious. I am jealous.

  34. Tristan,

    So glad we both took part in this little party, so I could find your blog. When all the excitement has died down from "Show Me Your Crown" I will be back for a good long visit... I suspect I might get hooked on this blog.

    See you after holidays!

  35. You gotta love a frog with a crown on his head : ) And than you for clarifying about the dogs pink color, now I feel better : )

  36. YOur crowns are fabulous. I love your blog. I hope you find your coronation crown someday. Thanks too for the mention of Castles,Crowns and Cottages what a lovely site as well.
    Thanks for sharing your collection.

  37. You quite a collection and they're all different. Love that. My fave is the wreath crown :-)

    Now I know why you create so many beautiful creations. To be surrounded with these things is just an inspiration. And then you get to enjoy what you do and feel like royalty :-)


  38. you have inspired me...
    off and running to channel my inner

    imagine my surprise when i spotted myself in your banner,
    seventh bunny from the left.

  39. Crowns, tiaras and Bling...can't beat it!

    Fun to see little glimpses of your studio Tristan!

  40. very fun meme, your collection is charming - I have one crown...

  41. Hi Tristan, Wanted to let you know I left a little linky love as an addition on todays post for helping with the Iphoto question. A fountain of knowledge I tell ya! Thanks again, Pam

  42. These are fabulous. I need to get out more because I don't have a crown. One of these days. ;-)

  43. ***I have a blog award waiting for you!!!!****

  44. Love your assemblage stuff...especially your blog that is one huge terrific assemblage of all the music and fun videos to watch. Was such a treat today!

  45. A CORONATION CROWN...YES, PLEASE! Oh to be Queen for a day! Thanks for following my blog.

  46. Ohhhh and Ahhhhh! I just love those opera glasses. So many lovely things to see on your site!

    Mad Tea Party Giveaway!
