Saturday, June 13, 2009

Pink Saturday Fantasy

This week, I was feeling kind of fantastic and magical ...
so, let's take a look at a few pink masks.
Let's look at masks that are meant to intrigue, provoke, amuse, and bedazzle.

Now, visit Beverly, and see who else is participating in Beverly's Pink Saturday! There is always a plethora of pink treasures and wonders!

Then go make something beautiful - perhaps a mask!
¸.•´¸.•*´¨) ¸.•*´¨)
(¸.•´ (¸.•´♥ Tristan ♥


  1. WOW!! Tristan, all the masks are fabulous, such a great post. The pig mask is hilarious.

    Stop by my blog when you have a minute, there is an award for you to pickup.

  2. LOL, LOVE the pig mask, oink oink! All the masks are just absolutely wonderfuly pink eye candy!! Have a simply fabulous Saturday! :) Marsha

  3. These masks do be-dazzel,this is true eye candy.
    Happy Pink Saturday

  4. I love the elegant carnival masks! Reminds me of Venice and the wonderful and magnificent Carnival celebrated there. Makes me feel like I am in Italy again.....
    But that porker at the end----AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!! NO! NO! REALITY CHECK! I'm back in Indiana !!!

  5. FABULOUS post!!! These are great masks! I feel like I'm back on Bourbon Street just about the time all the shenanigans start! ;) (And boy did we see some shenanigans... bet they were glad they were wearing masks!)

  6. Oh My, Tristan....
    Any one of these would look fab hanging in my Salon (Livingroom) LOL!!... Well, except for the pig!! Don't like the Pig.... ROFLMAO!!

  7. Fantastic mask collection and thanks for the giggles at the end !

    ~*Happy Pink Saturday*~

    ~*~ Patty

  8. Tristan, fantastic..these masks are exquisite...I just picture the costumes below the masks and all of the fun and frolics that go with them.
    Your blog is gorgeous and you are so creative...inspiring!!!
    Thanks so much for sharing!
    Happy Pink Saturday!
    Hugs Nerina :)

  9. When I saw the first photo, my eyes wonder on those details. Good thing there was a close up on the next photo :-) This house is a darling. Everything just go well together to create this adorable home.

    But my fave when it comes to surroundings is his house with that bridge!

    Happy Pink Saturday!


  10. That first picture is incredible. The pig mask made me laugh of course.

    Happy Pink Saturday

  11. Yikes! This is soooooooooooooooooooooo bad. now this is what happens when I'm on wordpress and its telling me I already commented double entry! So sorry Tristan! This is not what i typed at all :-( Please delete it. Thanks. So so bad.

    This is what's my comment supposed to be:

    I said I love masks and I can't just choose one from the collection you have. Although I lean more to the masks where the upper half of the face is what's covered. It's so mysterious.

    Although the piggy mask falls under that category. I would probably wear it if the face of the mask is in proportion to my face. Not where the nostrils are on my eyes LoL

    Happy Pink Saturday Tristan!


  12. Hi Tristan,

    Happy Pink Saturday! The masks are incredible and gorgeous! WOW! Thank you so much for stopping by my blog. Sending you wishes for a creative day.

    Cheers! =D
    ~Kitty Kellie
    The Artful Paper Doll

  13. Thanks once again for making my Saturday fun, Tristan. That pig mask was a big much.

  14. These are so rich and magnificent, Tristan! I am having so much trouble finding large, impressive photos these days. You are a stunner! Anita

  15. Happy Pink Saturday

    Wow! Is it Mardigras or Carnival in Venice? Did I miss the boat? :O)


    ~ Gabriela ~

  16. Happy Pink Saturday! I've mentioned you in my post today to thank you for your encouragement and support in the opening of my Etsy shop. Thanks so much!

  17. Absolutely wonderful pictures. I love the first one!

  18. You have made Saturdays special, Tristan... I always look for you first thing on a Saturday!
    And you never disappoint...
    The masks are magnificent!

  19. Beautiful masks! Well, except for the pig mask. That cracked me up! Happy Pink Saturday!

  20. Oh my gosh, Tristan. These are fabulous. I love every single one, and you must know I burst out laughing when I got to the pig mask.

    A bit of humor among all of that beauty was just perfect.

    Happy Pink Saturday.

  21. Love the pig twist, thanks for the Saturday eye candy and laugh. you rock!

  22. Hello Tristan, Happy PINK Saturday to you! Thanks so much for dropping by for a visit.

    I love all the masks..lots of Mardi Gras memories came rushing forth. :0) I'm loving that first picture of those fabulous head dresses. :0)

    Have a great day,

  23. This comment has been removed by the author.

  24. OMG ! Gorgeous ! Well...maybe not the last one.
    Have a wonderful weekend.

    Sorry I had to delete the last post....I was signed in to Lexi's Blog. oops !

  25. Yummy eye candy!Except for the pig mask...see those on a regular base...kidding! The first that in Italy or Italian of some kind? Anyway gorgeous pic Tristan! Thanks for sharing..

  26. spooky and beautiful happy pink saturday

  27. Happy pink Saturday Tristan. Amazing masks! Although the Venetian couple in the first pick kinda scare me. That blank face thing I guess. Oh and the pig , lovely.

  28. oh my love love your blogg!!

    agneta from sweden

  29. Love the masks, those pink ones from Venice Italy, fabulous, thanks for bringing back memories of carnival in Venice. I wore lots of Ball gowns and feathers!!! LOL

  30. Love the Joker Mask.

    Have a great Pink Saturday!

  31. Fun.

    Pig mask is my favorite (although the eyes in the nostrils thing IS kinda creepy).

    Love the Rita Hayworth, btw.

    Happy pink Sat. to you...

  32. The masks are fantastic. That first photo is so evocative! The REAL Venice, not California!

    The piggie is hilarious!

  33. Beautiful masks full of fantasy and wonder. The Pig one scared the heck out of me. I guess I wasn't expecting it. Happy Pink Saturday.

  34. I love your posts! Talk about the unexpected! Love the pig mask! I just did a post on pigs and masks - check it out! It's nothing like yours - but still lots of fun if you're six years old! Pink Hugs, Patti

  35. Love it..I know that last guy,I dated him..onk!
    Thank You for Sharing,Happy Pink Saturday!"Health,Wealth and Love.." Denise

  36. Masquerade masks are one of my favorite things! These are fantastic! Great post! ~Lori

  37. OMG Tristan, wicked cool masks and post. Who is that masked piggie?

    TY for visiting me the other day.


    I just got my canvas and paper today for collage camp - ahhhh! So it begins.

  38. Oh my god, that is pig heaven! I don't know how you find this stuff, but we're all glad you do.

    Thanks for your comment the other day, Tristan. You left me with a hearty laugh. (Did you say 2 Two too master's degrees? Wow!)


  39. Beautiful masks Tristan, love visiting your blog. Happy Pink Saturday.

  40. Tristan, I love that you started your post with the words "this week I was feeling kind of fantastic and magical" are hilarious. I want to feel either of those things...that is my goal this week. xxoo valarie

  41. Tristan, I love that you started your post with the words "this week I was feeling kind of fantastic and magical" are hilarious. I want to feel either of those things...that is my goal this week. xxoo valarie

  42. I like the BearManPig mask the best of all Sir Tristan.

  43. Tristan as usual you have done it again...Those masks are stunning..You never let us down with you wonderful blog...I always look forward to what you will post next...

  44. What an amazing collection of masks with gorgeous detail! The piggy mask seems to fit snuggly, lol. Happy Pink Saturday - thank you for visiting my blog ~ love your blog!!

    ciao for now,

    What an awesome, unique, elegant,fun collection of pink masks. some so intricate...the beauty and then the beast (pink pig)
    have a magical weekend

  46. Pretty awesome. Hmm, makes me think of "Eyes Wide Shut."

  47. Tristan, thank you so much for visiting my blog and leaving your kind comment!

    Your blog is fantastic! I especially like your collages . . . they're wonderful!

    Thanks for putting me on to 'Baroness Bijoutery' . . . her jewelry is amazing!

    Happy Pink Saturday!

  48. Great masks...reminds me of the stores down in the French Quarter. Happy Pink Saturday!

  49. Oh dear kind sir you have inspired me!.I must now go and make a mask.

  50. A fascinating post, as always. Is it you in the pig mask? Great fun.

    Happy Pink Saturday!

  51. Another treat for the eyes courtesy of you.

    Renee xoxo

  52. I love those masks, it's given me inspiration for my next art journalling session.

    Hey maybe we should have a mask day, here's my contribution, meet Fabio:

  53. Tristan, I missed this yesterday, but the wait (for me) was worth it! Fabulous pinkness! LOVE, love, love the first! That pig mask is absolutely hilarious!

  54. They are all so pretty. I'm inspired and getting ideas up in my head....
    Happy PS

  55. FABULOUS! You're making me want to make a mask....not so much pink, but maybe Halloween??!!

    ~ Carolee

  56. Gorgeous Ventian Masks!! I just made an "impromptu trip" to Venice last weekend! I was about to pull the buying trigger on purchasing a mask but my husband thought they were eery! We were in Florence for vacation and on our drive home (to Berlin) we realized we were passing soooo close by Venice that we popped into the city for dinner! What fun!

  57. These masks are amazing, breathtaking, gorgeous. Where did you find them all. I simply could not choose my favourite, I want them all (oh okay, you can keep the piggy one!). Wouldn't life be wonderful if we were all wearing pink masks!!

  58. Fabulous masks, and for a moment I thought this was going to be a completely "serious" post ~ so glad for the laugh at the end!

    xo Heidi
    PS I only appear to be ambitious (it comes in random spurts!)The whole house is turned upside down, and I'm not sure where to begin to put it back together - lol! I told my hubby that the urban legend of woman having affairs with service guys is true because they are so very grateful for someone to come to their rescue! I made him pinkie swear next time we would call someone!

  59. What lovely treasures for the eyes and soul. I especially love the first two masks in pink. They remind me of m.antoinette.

    As always I thank you for your clever comments on my blog.
