Friday, June 5, 2009

It's Friday ...

So there I was, happily listening to Götterdämmerung and reading along with the libretto (for about the 567th time), when I realized I was having the urge to find fabulous pictures from around the world and blog them ...

so - there I went - off in search of fabulous things that make us go 'ahhhhhhhhh' ...
First thing I rang across was this pieces of fabulosity. I love all the blue crystals .... it must make everything look like a wintry wonderland when it's lit up and all those blue prisms are shooting light everywhere. I have a feeling this lamp is in an antique shop, as the chain holding it up is hardly the way somebody would install this in their home.
I want this toy! Is this not the coolest tricycle ever?! In my mind, this horse is completely gold gilded and has accents of deep purple and green accents. I'm also pretty sure I'm big enough to take on both these kids and ride off into the sunset on my new bike!
Is this not the saddest photo yet? I totally relate to it. Without that blue chandelier or the equestrian tricycle, I really feel as if I'm adrift in a callous and uncaring world.
Well, not really. But I did think this photo was incredibly effective. Such a lonely looking girl. She's probably pining away for a blue chandelier and a pony bike!

I'm not getting married - already done that. But if I were to be getting married, this is the cake topper I would insist upon having! I think it's wonderful - a delightful blend of steampunk and folk art carving. I found it here on eBay, in case you're in need of a fabulous wedding cake topper!

I've been to Paris quite a number of times (my favorite place in the world!), and have seen the Eiffel Tower at night with all it's lights glittering and twinkling like a thousand camera flashes going off in sequence ... but how I wish I had been there on Bastille Day in 2005, when they replaced all the bulbs with red ones for the celebration - isn't this delightful?! I mean, as if the Eiffel Tower isn't enough of a fantasy, to have it red just add to it's enchanting mystery.

I love these two contrasting images of children. The one so joyous and full of life - the other contemplative and wistful. I also like the contrast between the photographic art form and the drawing art form. Yes, the picture below is a pencil drawing - I had to look three or four times to see it! If you're interested in seeing more, please visit John Gibb's site.
I've wanted a fabulous vintage bird cage for the longest time. But I know that I only want one - and I want it to be fantastic. I hadn't found it - until I saw this one! A gothic birdcage worthy of royalty! I have no idea where it is located - or when this photo was taken. But, I want it! I want it BEFORE I want a blue chandelier and a pony tricycle toy! I think it's just gorgeous. And, if I can please have it, I promise not to put any glitter on it at all!
This shop window is what I always want ever shop window in Paris to look like. Beautiful, fanciful, vaguely mysterious, and completely inviting. Alas. They far more often look like the windows at The Gap. But when you run across one of the truly "Parisienne" shop windows, it's worth a stop and a browse.

Before I close out for the day, I wanted to leave you with this thought ...
I hope you've been inspired to make something beautiful. Me? I'm going back to Wagner and waiting for my epoxy to dry!
¸.•´¸.•*´¨) ¸.•*´¨)
(¸.•´ (¸.•´♥ Tristan ♥


  1. I dunno blue crystal chandeliers and Gothic folly birdcages and wistful sad children in the same post, looks like the dream I had last night, was that your car I bumped into?

  2. Some very interesting and beautiful pics there! The last one does not thrill me that But then again...I have been an against the grain person my whole live...
    Wagner...oyeah!! For today This person has her ears set on Il Divo, will be blasting it in the studio aaaallll
    Have a great day Tristan!

  3. I really love that picture of the red Eiffel Tower....and of course the blue chandelier and the pony tricycle as well.

  4. Another delightful tour through your mind, Tristan. I thoroughly enjoyed the trip.

  5. I love that photo of the scout looking off into the horizon, seeking and searching for adventure. OMG, that photo is so awesome. (Can you tell I'm a scout leader and my hubby collects vintage scout ephemera?) The chandeliers are too much for me but I love the pony trike. How cute.

  6. I have yet to go to Paris, and I have to go, I have an obsession with the Eiffel Tower, I have several in all shapes and sizes, even a lamp and a 6foot tall replica, LOL.

    Coming to your blog always fills me with inspiration!

  7. I want that chandelier... and I want to go to Paris... and I want to see the Eiffel Tower all lit up... my oh my, so much to buy and do, with so little money and time! heehee

  8. Even though Paris is NOT my favorite city (Barcelona is) you make me want to go back. I have to admit that the Eiffel Tower looks fabulous all 'dressed up' in red. And the chandelier and vintage tricycle are wonderful.

  9. Well, Let's see.... The pseudo cake topper??? No doubt was made by the guy who did "The Nightmare Before Christmas"?? His name escapes me now.... LOL!!
    Have a Wonderful Weekend!!

  10. wonderful post, thanks for sharing, some really fabulous pictures, made me laugh LOL, that is so cool when you can't pick a favorite
    your the best! "Happy Friday"

  11. Don't tell my Cowboy, but I've gotta wee little crush on you, you blue beaded chandelier loving, tricycle coveting magical mystery tour, you!
    Oh the places we could go! The drawing rooms we could renovate!
    And thank jevus we got that whole "Marie Antoinette: fabulous eye candy, not so much plot" thing out there last post. I JUST saw the movie last month-can you imagine? I have this weird thing about movies not living up to expectations, especially if i have read an extraordinary book (like Sena Jeter Naslund's Abundance, which of course you must have read).
    But I guess I will break down and see Neverland, too many peeps have said good things.
    I did watch Taken, but I didnt finish Valkyrie. I have a little ADD sometimes, when it comes to Mr. Cruise. Hee.
    Anyhoo, everything's lovely and picture perfect on your blog, from music to art to mini pictoral vakays. You rock!
    PS. So um, Wagner as in Richard? As in TRISTAN und Isolde?
    PSS. Ok I was crushing on you til that last picture. Ha!

  12. I love fridays with you!!!
    You need to write a book!!!

  13. What amazing photos! I really enjoyed reading your post and if this is what Fridays are like around here....I'll be back!

  14. That picture of the girl is stunning.

  15. Tristan, thanks for sharing such a fabulous post. I feel like I have been around the world..I love the pic with the two children and the beautiful gilded horse.

  16. hee, rather a roller coaster post, going from blue chandeliers to femme headed rugs. Tristan, I love the vintage photos you found - the little girl by the fench is so poignant.

    Have a super weekend!

  17. Tristan ~ you find the most amazing photos.
    I've been to France often and Paris is one of my most favorite places in the world... If I want a bit of French I go to Montreal Quebec... another place I could live easily.

    I can so relate to the little girl by the fireplace... not fitting in anywhere....


  18. I loved all of the photos but the Eiffel Tower took my breath away. I think I think I need to go there !

  19. Oh!! You did gooooooood in your quest for wonderfulness!!!

    I need to put out an APB to the fairy realm, that they might find you that bird cage and drop it at your front door ;)

    LOOVe the children photos, I want the horse too!!!

    You are so fab! Maybe you should have a penthouse in Paris for weekends??? Just a thought - you could collect fabulous finds and sell them to us??

    xo, V

  20. You've given me too much to comment about on this one! The cake topper makes me giggle...I sort of wish you WERE getting married, just so I could see it sitting on top of a cake! And I can't believe that one picture is a pencil drawing! I wish I had that kind of talent! Great post! ~Lori

  21. Hi Kiddo,

    Oh I'm with you all the way with lusting after the bird cage!!!! What a perfect addition for my so to be reality girlie girl room :)

    Pattie ;)
    Mazatlan Mx.

  22. Wow, that last photo certainly reminds us how far we've come.

    The cake-topper is great - I'd love to learn more about it.

    The poor child by the cold fireplace reminds me of "A Little Princess" by Frances Hodgson Burnett.

    Love the windows in Paris. We are going to Paris this summer - me for the first time. I will surely blog from there!

  23. Naturally, I love the red Eiffel tower. How wonderful it would have been to stand in it's glow. But I also think I would love to see you on the pony tricycle toy just as much. I could just see it now. Your gorgeous hair flying in the wind and your knees up around your ears. I have a feeling you are a tall man. I think it would be so much fun to spend an evening of drinks with you. I think we would be laughing non stop. xoxo R...

  24. Hello Tristan,

    You know that I always enjoy your visits and have to thank you for leaving your so very kind comments...

    I knew I had to visit your blog this weekend...I absolutely love this bird cage is fabulous. Where is it?

    ~ Gabriela ~

  25. your world is so over the top divine ...singing and skipping-jo....

  26. your world is so over the top divine ...singing and skipping-jo....

  27. Of course I am stuck on the last image.

    I'm like 'what the hell.'

    Renee xoxo
