Saturday, April 11, 2009

Beverly's Pink Saturday

I just wasn't up to writing a long Pink Saturday post and attempting to be fun. My heart - or at least my ear and sense of balance - wasn't into it.

However, thanks to my friend Anne at el Milagro Studio, somebody at Macy's has actually created the post for me! Wasn't that good of them? Just click on the image below (with the fabulous pink flowering trees and the herd of plastic pink flaminoges) to go to Mr. Brown Thumb for an amazing array of pink splendicity happening at Macy's!

Thanks, Anne, for pointing me in the right direction!

But I can't let myself COMPLETELY off the hook with just one photo and link. So, the funny funny fella at Planet Fabulon (I have to warn a few of you who are easily offended, it can get a little racy and randy over there at Fabulon!) posted these wonderful pictures of the British Lady of Pink Frou-Frou-olity! I hope you get a kick out of them, as I did!

I hope you all have a fun day - be sure to click the image at the very top of the post to go to Beverly's Pink Saturday List of Participants. There are always lots and lots of people who share their pink perfections with us!

Oh! If this is your first visit with me, scroll down a few posts and enter my 100th Post giveaway!

And remember - when you're all through - go make something beautiful! ... maybe in pink today!
¸.•´¸.•*´¨) ¸.•*´¨)
(¸.•´ (¸.•´♥ Tristan ♥


  1. Fabulous!!! Hope you start feeling better soon, that has really been giving you a time this week!!! Happy Easter to you!
    Have a Super Pink Saturday!
    ♥ Teresa

  2. Tristan,
    sorry to hear about your ear infection. I've had one of them before and I know how awful they are to deal with. Please get your rest and just relax some sweetie. Thank you for the effort you still put into your pink saturday postings, very kind of you not to let us down.
    Keeping good thoughts and healing prayer for you.
    Blessings to you at Easter
    and FOREVER !

  3. Hope you will recover quickly. Your pinkies are fabulous. Happy Pink Saturday and Happy Easter !

  4. hope you're feeling better tristan, and soon! xo lenna

  5. Despite not feeling well, you have given us a great post. Happy Pink Saturday and feel better soon!

  6. OH, man, Barbara Cartland - how fab-ooo!!! What a gal, huh?

    And thanks for your compliments on my post - I blush to say it's not all my garden, only two photos are! The others are gardens I visited last weekend.

  7. I keep forgetting about Pink Sat until Saturdays!! LOL!

    Maybe next week I can be better prepared.

    I love your choices this week, gave me a great laugh.

  8. ♥A lovely and purr-fect Pink Saturday blog post. During this most holy time of the year I am wishing you rainbows, gracious days, dewdrop nights and the love of friends and family to comfort you and hold you close.♥

  9. I am so sorry Tristan that you are not completely better yet. What a trooper though to think of your pink fans and manage something anyway. Here's to next week and seeing you in back "in the pink". Take care of yourself.

  10. Hi Sweetie, I'm thrilled to hear that you are to produce something truly wonderful in the style of the Wiz.I'm feeling the ruby red and emerald green glitter already,are you?
    Love Debs xxx

  11. Tristan: Sorry you are still feeling dizzy. You know we blondes are like that! :) Seriously, I hope you are on antibiotics, decongestants, antihistimines and anti-dizzy pills. Are you going to an ear doctor? You need to go to a specialist if your aren't. You should be feeling better by now. Okay, enough of the mothering.

    Loved your pink usual! Hope you and yours have a restful, peaceful Easter. All I know is that you if bend down to pick up an Easter egg, you are going to be the Easter egg roll! :)


  12. Thank you for this post, Tristan. It lifted my spirit, as did the trip to Planet Fabulon. Just what my heavy heart needed. **blows kisses** Deborah

  13. These are too good to be true! Hope you are feeling back in the swing of things soon. Wishing you a happy weekend!

  14. Love the pink lady!!!!!!
    I wish you felt in the pink!
    Take a handfull of pink jelly beans and call me in the morning!

  15. What a beautiful tour..................thanks for sharing it. I hope you feel better and have a lovely Easter.
    (only are just a baby !*!*!*)
    Happy Pink Saturday,

  16. This English lady must truly believe that Pink is her "Signature Color". She doesn't seem to like to be photographed in anything else. Now that's dedication! Happy Easter Pink Weekend!

  17. So sorry to hear you aren't feeling well. Worse yet, this grey rainy weather we are having. I hope you are feeling better soon.
    Take care.....

  18. hmmmm - as a brit I wonder if I should quickly go and change into something pink? I assure you we're not all like Dame Barbara!

  19. I wasn't going to visit many blogs this weekend, but thought I'd drop by. I always love the crazy photos you put up!

  20. Pink Perfection Post! Just visited Fabulon and love it - interested as I am in vintage fashion, etc., there is so much to see there and it is fun.

    Hope the dizziness fades fast Tristan and that you are back in the pink yourself soon.

  21. Your pinkness is great, Tristan! Keep taking those antibiotic..I had a similar one at christmas and it lasted 2 months so I can feel your pain! Take care and Happy Pink Saturday!


  22. That's pure glamor isn't it and such a gorgeous shade of pink. Happy Pink Saturday and Happy Easter too, Char

  23. I always look forward to seeing what you Post for Pink saturday! I always have fun reading your Post and looking at your blog! I am sorry if youare under the weather. I hope and wish for you to get better soon and be light of heart to inspire crativity! Have a Great Easter weekend!
    Happy Pink Saturday!

  24. Dearest Tristan,

    Thank you so much for visiting and for your comments; I regard you as a very talented and established artist and knowing that you enjoyed my work is very satisfying! I hope to continue an exchange of inspiration with you and your community of wonderful artists! PINK RULES!!!! Have a beautiful holiday.
    Kind regards, Anita

  25. Happy Pink Saturday. I see you have Barbara Cartland representing the pink today. She wore Pink to the end!!

  26. I adore anyone that carries Pekingese around! I hope you feel better soon!


  27. Ms. Cartland.. Princess Diana's grandma if not mistaken.. fabulous.. always in Pink.. Happy Pink Saturday & Happy Easter

  28. Yes, she was Diana's step-grandmother..Raine's mother. She certainly has the right to be called Pink Lady!

    Hope you feel better for Easter Tristan.

    ¸.·´¸.·*´¨) ¸.·*´¨)
    (¸.·´ (¸.·´ Happy Pink Saturday
    and Happy Easter
    Deanna :D

  29. Hi Tristan - I hope you're feeling more in the pink today, lol.

    How fabulous to see Dame Barbara Cartland in all her glory... have ever read any of her books? Real bodice rippers, an absolute hoot! You can't knock her - in her heyday she was a Society beauty, presented to the Queen and acutally related by marriage (Simon McCorquedale) and received ove 47 proposals of marriage! Not bad going... and the Perfect Proponent of Pinkness.

    Happy Pink Saturday & a very Happy Easter!

  30. Sending lots of "wellness" your way! Hope you are doing better!

    If only I had just one pink gown, with feathers and sparkles and pearls to wear as I created my art. And matching little gowns for my girls, cats and dogs. How wonderful would it be!

  31. Tristan, I hope you're feeling better soon! Happy Easter! ~Lori

  32. I just discovered your wonderful blog. Love the pink lady and I hope you feel better soon. I am now a follower.

  33. OMGosh!!! That's Barbara Cartland...the author of several Harlequin Romance novels!!! They always had her photo on the back cover of all her paperbacks. I know this because my mother read every single novel ever written by this lady (that is enough to fill up a large book case...of paperbacks...mind you, LOL!)

    Oh, that brings back some funny memories. I think because of my Mother's addiction to those novels I've, thankfully, developed a distaste for them. Those photos are PERFECT for pink Saturday! Well, that was probably more information about my disfunctional childhood than you ever wanted to know, LOL!

    Happy Easter...don't know if you celebrate it or not, but hope you're having a fabulous weekend! :)

  34. Rest up, rest up and think happy thoughts :)
    Thank you for posting all these pink pretties despite feeling under the weather...
