Friday, June 15, 2018

"Oh, No ... They Didn't!"

In true fashion of the era, Victorian scandals were as prim as they were preposterous.

The Queen was no exception.
Her reign nearly ended before it began thanks to an accusation. No doubt a ploy to discredit Sir John Conroy, Victoria made veiled accusations targeting a lady-in-waiting who’d recently presented a swollen abdomen. . . and had been most recently traveling alone with the manipulative controller.

Adamant of her purity, Lady Flora Hastings humbled herself to the court’s suspicions and, to her great humiliation, submitted to an examination by the royal doctor.

Her diagnosis of liver disease proved Lady Hastings was, in fact, not with child. Further, it confirmed to Queen Victoria’s adversaries that she still was one.

The 'baby scandal' wasn’t the only scandalous plot that backfired.
 Mathilde Kschessinskaya
He called her “that nasty little swine,” with good reason.

In regards to her ballet, choreographer Marius Petipa could appreciate —perhaps even admire— Mathilde Kschessinskaya. She was Prima Ballerina of the Imperial Ballet. It was a title no Romanov could secure on her behalf. And, it seemed, no one could strip her of.

Though not for lack of trying on Petipa’s part.

He repeatedly casted her. Each role was cruelly revised with intensified choreography.
 Marius Petipa
But still, she rose every occasion until Petipa discovered a young dancer.

When Olga Preobrajenska seized the coveted role in La Fille Mal Gardee, Mathilde sought to sabotagee Petipa and his production. A unique aspect of the particular ballet included live chickens. 

During the first act, Matilde freed the fowl from their coops.

At the resounding first note of music, they flailed onto the stage.
Following tradition, the show went on, ending in thunderous applause, from an audience enchanted with the notion of live poultry on the stage.

And yet another scandal was averted and the victim of a ruse was vindicated.
 Actress Lily Langtree
Actress Lillie Langtry had many a dalliance. Perhaps no lover was more famed than Edward, the Prince of Wales.
 She may have been a married woman, but she took her title of official mistress most seriously. Once Langtry arrived at a costume party wearing an identical costume to that of the one Edward had donned for the event.

He was not amused, and Langtry was not impressed by his tantrum. She promptly dropped an ice chunk down the back of his shirt.
Of all the etiquette to abide by in Victorian society, kissing in public was the height of impropriety.

Therefore, when Thomas Edison released the first on-screen kiss in 1896, the 23-second reel shocked viewers.
 This footage is often confused with another kiss scene, mistakenly credited by some as cinematic appearance of a kiss — it was, however, filmed in 1900 in Edison’s new glass-topped studio in New York City, and was quickly banned in most theaters. The two lovers remain anonymous.

According to Brain Pickings, “the act of kissing was referred to as ‘sparkin’ if it took place indoors, usually the parlor, or ‘spoonin’ when performed outdoors, in a secluded spot far from the public’s eye.”

 Harry Houdini
Few knew the true genius of Harry Houdini’s illusions. He’d made a name for himself mastering impossible handcuffs, locks, and safes. No one knew better of their limitations.

With such knowledge, it’s surprising he entrusted a safe, of all things, with love letters from mistresses.

His widow discovered them, of course. Imagine after the lighthearted marriage they'd shared! After Harry told her that magic “is something that happens when we’re together.” After years of keeping his secrets. . .

It was her turn to have a trick up her sleeve.
                                                                        Harry and Bess Houdini
Rather than seek out audience and submit the correspondence for newspaper publication, Bess Houdini invited the “other women”
to tea at her home. After their visit, each prepared to take her leave. But not before accepting a parting gift, her letters.

And then, to talk About Russia With Love!

“Quite cross about it,” a young Queen Victoria had no more sat down to dinner than tsarevich Alexander II arrived with his entourage of 70. Finally. A telegraph had alerted her to his delay. She ranted in her diary of “What a contretemps!”

Her vexation soon dissipated. The apparent heir’s agreeable company wouldn’t allow for it. Nor would his appearance fail to charm. For Alex was dashing and a lady’s man.

And in spite of being mother to a nation, Victoria was still a young woman.
 Queen Victoria and Alexander II
Together, they swept across the dance floor until three in the morning, Alex claiming an inappropriate number of dances.

The Grand Duke flirted in French and in a whisper only she could hear.
Victoria offered Alex a seat in her opera box. Behind the curtain, the besotted royals cared not of their breach of decorum.

However, Alex could not be ruled by his heart when he was meant to rule. Tsar Nicholas refused for his son to submit to that of a prince consort.

Following a farewell dinner in his honor, the lovers danced.

Spellbound, she wrote, “the Grand-Duke is so very strong, that in running round, you must follow quickly, and after that you are whisked round like in a Valse, which is very pleasant […] I never enjoyed myself more. We were all so merry; I got to bed by a 1/4 to 3, but could not sleep till 5.”

Throughout her reign, Victoria carried on several romances. Her marriage to Prince Albert shadows other dalliances. Still, there is another scandalous love. . . Only, it is more of a tender Victorian love story.
  Photographs of Queen Victoria and John Brown
Known as Prince Albert’s favorite servant, no doubt, the relationship with his sovereign assumed from a felt need. In light of her grief at the death of beloved Albert, Scotsman John Brown struck a playfulness. The banter between them livened her spirit.

With time, Victoria promoted “the most trusted, the most dear friend” to be her personal servant.

Even his billet changed to be the room adjoining hers. Scandalous but not surprising considering

John was charged with keeping her secrets as well as insuring her safety.

Contrary to the well-preserved correspondence with the prince, the royal family expunged much of what transpired between the queen and her servant from record. A forbidden affair, no matter how platonic, would do the crown no favours.

Always though, there will be the ring.

The Highlander gifted Victoria with his mother’s wedding band which Queen Victoria wore to her grave.
Well, I have to call a halt to the fun and get back into the studio. But, we'll get together for a good bit of gossip and 'ear-bending' in the near future!

And be sure to check out all the other fun offerings on today's Beverly's Pink Saturday blog hop!

Now, go make something beautiful!
¸.•´¸.•*´¨) ¸.•*´¨)
(¸.•´ (¸.•´? Tristan



  1. Well, you learn something new everyday! But this was more than my pea brain can retain! But fun for sure! Thanks for the history (?) lesson!!!

  2. Wow, this stuff is pure reality TV material!!! Fascinating!!!

  3. All of these are wonderful, Tristan. I knew the Lily and Victoria ones but the others were new to me!

  4. Such fun gossiping even years after the subjects departures from this world! Good for Victoria- Queen or no Queen, why shouldn't she happy as well!
    Jackie xx
