Saturday, March 24, 2018

... it's a small small world ♬

clever, witty, skillful assemblages by unknown Japanese artist ...

 In my research, I could not find what this artist's name is. If you know,
please contact me, so I can give credit!
Thanks to Len Bentham of Happy Holidays! Blog, I now know and
can pass on the information that this artist's name is
Tatsuya Tanaka
Please visit Len at his wonderful holiday blog and thank him for his help!
 Be sure to see all the other participants' posts this week in

Now go make something beautiful!

¸.•*´¨) ¸.•*´¨)(¸.•´
(¸.•´♥ Tristan ♥ 


  1. I did a google image search and the Japanese artist's name is Tatsuya Tanaka.

  2. How freaking cool Tristan! The minds of some people- huh?
    Happy Palm Sunday Judas! (I am sure I saw you!)
    Jackie xo

  3. TRISTAN! Dear, dear Tristan, how are you? I was delighted to go to my blog, now somewhat inactive, to find your comment. How wonderful are my memories of blogging and of people like you who have opened up the portal to my imagination. Just when you think you may have a streak of creativity, you see something like this that totally blows the lid off of that thought! These are remarkable, these works push outside of the limited framework I stay in with my photography.

    Your kind words mean so much to me. I hope you are well and thriving.

  4. Every now and then I get behind and I sometimes thing "should I just go to the most recent post?" But then I come -- late to the party -- and I'm always glad I did! These re such fun!

  5. Your blog is beautiful and I am loving each and every share that I can look at! This one was fun! APpreciate all the detail and your story telling is terrific. Have a great week!
