Saturday, January 21, 2017

Unexpected Pink Saturday!

My first post of the new year ... I've been under the weather and just haven't gotten-it-together to create a new posting. But, I feel much, much better now. And just in time for Beverly's Pink Saturday Blog Hop.

Today, I thought I'd find some ways that pink was used in unusual ways!
(Not really unexpected, but such a grand collection I had to include it!)

...and last, but most certainly not least!

Be sure to visit all the other wonderful blog hop offerings at Beverly's Pink Saturday!

Now, go make something beautiful - maybe pink!

¸.•´¸.•*´¨) ¸.•*´¨)(¸.•´

(¸.•´♥ Tristan ♥
Finding the unexpected in the expected!


  1. Tristan,
    O MY!!!
    I adore your Pinks for today especially all the Kitchen Pinks!!
    THANK YOU so much for stopping by and for taking the time to leave such a kind comment filled with so many encouraging words!! I am quite flattered that you decided to comment on my blog since as you stated you usually do not comment!! It is times like this that I am encouraged to continue blogging even though sometimes, all the time it takes to post can be daunting!! Thank you once again for your kindness!! It was much appreciated!!

  2. Love all your pinks, but you left out the most important pink of all--all those pink knitted hats worn on Saturday!!

  3. You always find the best images to share, Tristan! There is a construction company in Ohio that has Pink cabs for it's trucks. I wonder if they've seen this pink backhoe? It's awesome!

  4. I love the pink retro frig. I made a craft one once!
