Monday, October 31, 2016

Happy Hallowe'en!

By pumpkins fat and witches lean,
by coal black cats with eyes of green,
by all the magic ever seen ...
I wish you luck this Hallowe'en!

Just a few of my favorite vintage Hallowe'en postcards ...

I'd like to thank the fellas from Vintage Image Craft for four of these images. Thanks for sharing, guys!

Have yourself a terrific Hallowe'en and Samhein! 
... now, go make something beautiful!
¸.•´¸.•*´¨) ¸.•*´¨)(¸.•´ 

(¸.•´♥ Tristan ♥


  1. haahaa
    We watched the Birds just last evening!!
    These are great postcards Tristan,and those images at the end- wayyyy too scary!
    I love visiting your blog, but miss any posts, would you consider adding a follow by email?
    Hope your Halloween is full of non-fattening candy! teeheehee
    Jackie ")

  2. all of these are amazing. I love halloween and your friendship.

  3. Happy Halloween! I am watching an Alfred Hitchcock marathon on tv.
    Thanks for the gorgeous images.

  4. always, your GIFS make me laugh. Such whimsy and FUN here dearest Tristan! I hope you had a wonderful Halloween, and thank YOU for coming to visit me! Your words are so kind and I thank you for visiting. It's been a busy year with teaching that my creativity takes a back seat to my work, but it's wonderful to see blog friends back again!

    ENJOY the seasons and I just know your creativity will soar with the season of lights and glitter and glitz!! HUGS TO YOU!!!!

  5. Love the vintage post cards!! And the Birds has always been one of my favorite movies even though I was terrified by it as a child....
    Thanks so much for stopping by and for leaving such a kind comment!!
    I am now following you and I invite you to visit my regular blog,

  6. I just spotted these, what a great collection!!
