Friday, April 22, 2016

Mistakes and Hot Messes Are Okay!

I confess: I cannot take credit for this hysterical and highly educational blog post. It is the work of Christina - or Chrissy, The Twisted Muse.

When I read it, I laughed right out loud - and immediately contacted her and asked if it was okay to share it with my readers. I told her straight out: I wasn't going to change a word of her post - just cut and paste it the marvelous way she had put it together.

She gave me her blessing - so, dear friends, grab a cuppa and enjoy - just be careful not to spray the monitor at the good parts.

Mistakes and Hot Messes are Okay!

Have you ever had this great, fantastic, mind blowing vision in your head and then you start to work your magic.  You start to see your vision come to fruition through your fingertips.  You find your groove.  You are totally jivin' and feelin' it come to life.  Then, the moment of realization occurs.  You take a step back, tilt your head, look at your completed "vision" and think, "What the hell have I just done??!!"  Don't lie.  We've all done it.  We've all had these great ideas but something happens during the process and a disconnect sets in and once it's completed, you end up with a hot mess that you can't believe just flowed through your hands and all you can say is, "WTF?"

I've had them many times and as luck would have it, I just finished one right on the heels of making it onto one of the hottest mixed media teams around.  Yep.  My project can only be titled as, "WTF happened??!!"

Behold!  The hot mess that can only be described using the words of a very good friend of mine, Jess, "Oh damn!  A whole lot of work for it to look like a snow cone!" hat.

Aaaaah.  Just look at that in all it's Easter gone tweaker glory!  Flowers, flowers, wings, and color.  Just an explosion of "Oh my gaud(y)!" all over the place.
 Because what every hot mess needs to make it look even more chaotic is GLITTER!  Loads and loads of glitter makes everything exponentially......worse.
 If you EVER feel the need to play "mad scientist" with your sprays, DON'T!  You end up with this psychedelic trip gone horribly wrong in the end.  JUST DON'T DO IT!  And no matter what, a very prettily embossed Relic will not "make it all better."

Not sure if you can tell in the photo, but why not highlight the mind altering "WTH" with some.....LED lights!  Because every train wreck of a project should be lit the heck up so all can see and wonder whether you were drunk or unconscious when you put this together.

I can't tell you where or when the vision in my mind turned into a snow cone on acid, but I will say this.  MISTAKES ARE OKAY!  Not every project is going to be awesome and beautiful.  But in those mistakes and visions gone horribly wrong is where we learn, grow, and hopefully find some humor.  Every single person who creates, no matter if they are on a design team or not, has at least one project in their closet where they look at it and all they can do is shake their head and toss back a shot of vodka.  This one is mine.  Enjoy and salud!




  1. Very funny, and well said. I have a box full of those "OMG, what was I thinking" projects. Every once in a while I pull them out, just to remind myself of how a vision can go wrong. . .Glad to know that I'm not the only one who makes these kind of mistakes. Thanks for sharing, Tristan!

  2. not even saveable by glitter and led lights! Chalk it up to a learning experience, hopefully.
