Thursday, March 17, 2016

Anyone for a Cuppa?

Teapot styles tend to parallel the styles of other objects, from buildings, to art works, to furniture and clothing. Baroque and Rococo are very similar styles, and sometimes Rococo is referred to as “Late Baroque.” Both are known for their frills and embellishments, with Rococo being rather extreme. Some used the term “Baroque” initially to underline the excesses — redundant and noisy details.
 Baroque-style silver teapot with some detail — This teapot demonstrates the beginnings of embellishments that did nothing for functionality but everything for adding visual appeal to teatime.
The Baroque period started around 1600, while the Rococo period in the arts is closely associated with France and two of their monarchs: Louis XV (ruled as King of France and of Navarre from 1 September 1715 until his death on 10 May 1774) and Louis XVI (King of France and Navarre from 1774 until 1791, then King of the French from 1791 to 1792, before his deposition and execution during the French Revolution). However, the two styles prevailed in Britain, Germany, and other countries.
Baroque-style Newark Museum display teapot with replaced spout — Porcelain, silver, 1675-1700 (late Baroque). You can see the ornate Asian influence here, a common practice as trade routes with China, India, and other countries brought exotic treasures to the attention of European potters and ceramic artists. They competed by imitating. 

 A Rococo Porcelain Veilleuse-Théière — The Porcelain Veilleuse-Theireres style of teapots date from 1750 to 1860 (late Rococo to Victorian). Rectangular stand, oval pot, rococo, highly decorated with panels of roses and gilding, other panels rose pompadour. Vieux Paris. Acquired in Paris for the collection. Cream colors and gilding are typical.

During the Baroque period, the influence of this style was everywhere. In Italy, Caravaggio was perfecting his chiaroscuro painting style. In Bavaria, Czech lands, Poland, and The Ukraine, pear domes appeared on churches and survive today as a quaint and very recognizable feature. Rubens, a Flemish painter, was a proponent of an extravagant Baroque style that emphasized movement, color, and sensuality. Teapot makers picked up this style trend in their wares.
Another Porcelain Veilleuse-Théière — Figurine, man seated on rococo base behind square pot, animalistic spout, boy and girl on stand gaily dressed in flowered clothes in front of shield, white background, much gilding. Acquired in Paris for the collection.
Silver teapot bursting with details — It almost looks like it’s going to walk away on those ornate legs.

Of course, you are going to want to serve Baroque or Rococo style teas in these. They are going to be teas that are artful and tasty. I would go for Lapsang Souchong which dates back to the 17th century during the Qing Dynasty (1644-1911). You may even want to try a nice black Ceylon tea (tea growing started in Ceylon as early as the 1700s). A nice Chinese green tea is another choice that will take you back in time. Lots of choices!

... so make a cuppa and then go make something beautiful!
¸.•´¸.•*´¨) ¸.•*´¨)(¸.•´ 
(¸.•´♥ Tristan

 ~ With special thanks and acknowledgement to 
The English Tea Store Blog and On-Line Stores, Inc ~


  1. There is something so special about having tea from a beautiful tea pot. It elevates the occasion, even if one is taking tea alone. These tea serving vessels are so beautiful, I can't seem to call them "pots"! Thank you for sharing these, Tristan! Now I have to go have some tea.

  2. Gorgeous teapots! I do so love the silver one with those legs! ")
    Do you drink tea as well? What kind do you prefer Tristan? I have found a liking for ginger tea as of late!
