Friday, November 15, 2013

The Great Crusade Against Kissing


New York Lady Doctor says it is Barbarous.

Great amusement has been caused in New York by a crusade against kissing started by the local branch of the Women’s Christian Temperance Union.

Dr. Anna Hatfield, lady physician, the leader of the new movement, in the course of an interview, said that kissing is a barbarous, insanitary custom, worse than drinking, and should be rigidly abolished. No person should kiss another without first using an antiseptic wash on the mouth to destroy bacteria.

‘As for the moral bacteria,’ she said, ‘that is even more dangerous. Girls are not taught to view a kiss with awe, as they once were. Engaged persons should be allowed only one kiss at the time of betrothal. Mothers of to-day are to blame for imbuing their children with the kissing vice. Many children are literally kissed to death.

‘Kissing between women is quite as unwholesome. It is time to make war on kissing and I am willing to go on record as firing the first gun.’

The progress of the anti-kissing crusade is being watched with great interest, but its failure is generally predicted.

The Northants Evening Telegraph, 29 December 1900
This wonderful article discovered at
Now, go make something beautiful!
¸.•´¸.•*´¨) ¸.•*´¨)
(¸.•´ (¸.•´♥ Tristan


  1. Ha...foiled again! Although I have to admit...I really don't like people making out in public..I don't want to watch that...but do all the smooching you want anywhere else!!
    good to see you again...xoxox...oops, that would be wrong of me..cept which stands for hugs and which for kisses..hmm?
