Thursday, June 20, 2013

It all began with a line of Persian poetry . . .

Anna and Nouri, both studying in Chicago, fall in love despite their very
different backgrounds. Anna, who has never been close to her parents, is
more than happy to return with Nouri to his native Iran, to be embraced by
his wealthy family. Beginning their married life together in 1978, their world
is abruptly turned upside down by the overthrow of the Shah, and the rise
of the Islamic Republic.

Under the Ayatollah Khomeini and the Republican Guard, life becomes
increasingly restricted and Anna must learn to exist in a transformed world,
where none of the familiar Western rules apply. Random arrests and torture
become the norm, women are required to wear hijab, and Anna discovers
that she is no longer free to leave the country.

As events reach a fevered pitch, Anna realizes that nothing is as she thought,
and no one can be trusted…not even her husband.

I though this was a fascinating book. I enjoyed discovering, along with the book's heroine,
the Iran and its customs both before, and after, the fall of the Shah and the to power of the 
Ayatollah Khomeini. The last fifth or so of the book, when it was supposed to get 
suspenseful and take a more standard path for thrillers, it didn't hold together for me. 
But the the first 80% was just terrific and I enjoyed and recommended it.

On Goodreads, I gave it four out of five stars.

Get yourself a copy - then go make some something beautiful!

¸.•´¸.•*´¨) ¸.•*´¨)
(¸.•´ (¸.•´♥ Tristan



  1. Tristan you almost read some of my life. Although I never went to Iran, I was married to an Iranian for 20 years and I lived a whole different life style from the one I am now living. I learned so much about the Muslim lifestyle, how to cook their food, how the family dynamics work, etc., and although I don't choose to live that way anymore, I am glad I had the experience.


  2. My my, Tristan! I am ever so impressed! I had no idea you did book reviews. Well done!!


  3. Sounds fascinating Tristan. I love the stories behind the history of a country and a culture. Thanks for sharing this.
