Tuesday, February 7, 2012

This and That and a Bit of the Other ...

 Though life hasn't exactly been as exciting as a circus, I've been keeping myself busy during these cold winter months. Creating a lot of stuff - and watching lots and lots of wonderful movies on tv (only went out to see one movie - "Hugo" - more about that later).
Got caught up on a lot of swaps. These two ATC's (artist trading cards) were for the trading Yahoo artists' group, Art for the Creative Mind. The card above had a theme prompt of "heart strings." So, I used (ta-da!) hearts and strings. The card below is on my signature home-made paper, and I completely forget the theme given. But, rest assured, it falls within the theme constraints. Several people have asked how I do the paper surface design, so I'll be putting up a tutorial soon.

On the same group, there was a triptych (triptych) theme of "simple pleasures." I figured there was nothing more simple or pleasurable than birds and flowers - so this was my little offering. If you click on the image and get a big image, you can see the details - my signature paper and lots of micro beads.

Let's take a break from the craftsy stuff ... here we have some just washed ballerinas - hanging on the line to dry ...

 Back to what has been taking up my time ...

On another Yahoo swap group for altered art (altered art), we had to alter a box with the Year of the Dragon theme. On another swap, we altered an ordinary envelope. Mine had to be put into a vellum envelope for mailing, as there was no way it would make it through the postal machinery!

Having to do with absolutely nothing, isn't this a wonderful hall tree?! Even though it's not my style at all, it looks especially nice against that prim and proper baby blue wall-paper. Baby blue may be one of my absolute least favorite colors, ranking right up there with kelly green and taxi cab yellow.

This is a little pocket circus I made from a matchbox. It was lots of fun to do ... and I'm quite pleased with the outcome. I will be posting a tutorial on making one soon. If you'd like to make your own pocket mini-theatres, I'll have you going full steam ahead in no time at all!

Last year, I did a posting on curiosity cabinets (you can see it here) and recently discovered this contemporary version of the antique style curiosity cabinet. I love it!

Oh! Some fun news ... I've been invited to become a member of the Altered Pages design team. So, look forward to lots of projects and new product information - and, most importantly, SALES! I've always been a big fan - and customer! - of Altered Pages, so I'm especially pleased to be part of the team!
Click the button below, and you'll be taken to the online shop ... check out all the great supplies for mixed media and altered art - and a plethora of collage sheets with fantastic images!

Does this skirt make my butt look big?

Oh, for the days when there was much less serious crime to fight ... and children didn't have to be afraid of strange men on the streets in tights and a speedo!

I don't know if my taste has changed dramatically - or if this piece of furniture is just especially ugly. When I was a child, my grandmother had a gorgeous Victorian tête-à-tête upholstered in a deep dark green watermarked moiré which had a bazillion tufting buttons. I used to think it was so fanciful and romantic - and just loved it. Now, I've found this 1930's version which I find absolutely hideous. I dont think it's just the fabric - there is something ungainly and homely about it - and the idea of it seems kinda ludicrous. Gramma! Don't tell me, after all these years, that you had pedestrian tastes!

Have you seen Martin Scorses' multiple Oscar-nominated 3-D film "Hugo?"
I'm hoping everybody sees it before it leaves the theatres. It's an absolutely amazing film. Scorsese has taken the 3-D process to a whole new level. I have never seen such a breathtaking film - every frame is layer upon layer upon layer. It never looks like "a movie" - it always is a visual feast of depth and texture. Nothing like it has ever been done before.
Sadly, the story didn't do that much for me. It's an adaptation of a children's book (albeit, a sophisticated children's book), and didn't hold my interest. The final full 1/3 of the film was an homage to early pioneer filmmaker, Georges Méliès; although honorable, not exactly edge-of-your-seat stuff.

So, why do I want everybody to shell out twenty bucks and see it in the cinema? Because the filmmaking is awesome. And, when it's shown on tv without 3D capability, it's going to lose all its impact on an unsuspecting audience. I know people raved about "Avatar" - but this is cutting-edge film making. Visually stunning - and if you're into steampunk style, you're going to be in 3D heaven! Don't wait to see it on DVD - it will never ever be the same thing!

Well, I suppose I should get back to the studio and play around a bit ... or maybe take a nap ... or maybe watch Hitchcock's "Lifeboat" on Turner Classic Movies. Maybe all three - though I doubt one can cat nap through Tallulah Bankhead's foghorn of a voice! 

Now, go make something beautiful!

¸.•´¸.•*´¨) ¸.•*´¨)
(¸.•´ (¸.•´♥ Tristan ♥ 


  1. Hi Tristan.
    Great to see your post and all the amazing art you've been making. If I haven't said it before, you are the absolute King of captions!!! Your captions MAKE the photos so much more interesting and fun. My favorites ~ big butt and the ballerinas hanging to dry. Still laughing over that one....
    Happy day!
    ♥ audrey

  2. Well....Well....Well..... Long time no see ! !!
    Sounds like you have been busy. Love all your creations but what's not love. Especially the birds in triple.
    Here??? Well the gas drilling is driving me nutz as the traffic has turned our beautiful little community into a noise factory 24/7! I really H-A-T-E it!!
    Been doing needlework like crazy from crocheted doilies to embroidery just to keep busy & keep from protesting the stupid gas drilling.... GadZooks... WIll it never end??!!??
    Take Care ....Marilyn

  3. Ah, it's Tristan!! Always a DELIGHT to read your posts!!

    Ohhhh, that little mini theater is fab!!! And I'm going to go over and visit Altered Pages right now!!


  4. Whew! These long posts make my head spin. You have so many wonderful ideas. I do hope you'll consider answering my research questions about blogging because it would be quite amazing to have a male point of view.

  5. When you post, you POST!

    (That skirt DOES make your bum look big . . .)

    But your pocket circus is wonderful, and your lucky swap partners surely were delighted with those atcs!


  6. Tristan dear ... .

    Such an absolute delight to see you around - bloglandia just isn't the same without your unique sparkle & shimmer !! Love your heart strings ATC - a good reminder it's time for me to start stitchin' some Valentines ... . .


  7. Tristan! Nice to hear your voice! Gosh you've been put through it hey? Well hon it's so greeeeeeeeeeeeeat to see your visions of loveliness. I bought that DECOR magazine for the article on the building that the artist (or I should say decorator) and her two artist sons who live in it share. It's over the moon fabby. Just love it to bits. Looking forward to your tuts. *smiles* Norma

  8. I LOVE your ATCs!!!! And I am planning to see HUGO the movie...I fell in love with the book...the power of pencil touching papers. Blessings, Mary Helen Fernandez Stewart

  9. Those ballerinas drying made me laugh out loud...ta honey...

  10. Loved your blog post !!! Wow, you have been doing a lot of swaps & creating ! Everything is fabulous , very creative ! So glad you are part of the AP Design Team !

  11. Congrats on making the DT! I love your projects, the matchbox is awesome!

  12. Once again I visit and find a plethora of goodies. Your work is marvelous and I cannot wait for the matchbox tute. I am off to check out your altered art link as well. TCM has been my constant companion the last few freezing days as I try to shake the flu thing. Love the ballerinas hung to dry. Love it all!
