Sunday, January 2, 2011

... and another year glistens ahead with promises

The New Year's Eve celebrations are over ...
... the last of the champagne was toasted with and the last of the confetti tossed

... the last dance is but an echo
...and we've taken off our white ties and packed away our top hats until next year.

Now it's time to sit down and write a blog post - the first of 2011! Please forgive me if I get long-winded or you go on photo overload. But, as it's the first blog post of the year, I don't want to shortchange any of my favorite categories...
Here is a lovely photograph taken by - ah, geesh, I forget his name...and I just facebooked him about this picture! Anyway. It's the first snow - right in time for Christmas! - here on Wooster Square. All homes courtesy of Victorian masters, snow courtesy of God, the other-worldly golden light by the artist.
Sadly, today is grey, rainy, gloomy and slushy. Ych. But, we still try to keep our chins up and style in check!

Before I completely forget about Christmas treasures, don't you just love these little papier maché hot air balloons?! These charming pieces are by Iva Wilcox of Iva's Creations. Pay her blog a visit and check out all her lovely things - and tell her Tristan sent you!

I've made my New Year's Resolution:

I thought I would redecorate the upstairs landing. Do you like the hand-painted silk wallcovering? Also notice the chandelier reflected in the gynormous pier glass. Just a trifle.

Now, we all know I don't like to be catty ...But. I will be. I, for one, have never been a huge fan of Donatella Versace. Between the extensive plastic surgery, and the troweled on make up, I'm never sure if it's really Donatella, the fashion designer, or Janet, the lead guitarist for The Electric Mayhem on The Muppet Show. Come to think of it - have they ever been seen in public together? hmmmmmm ....
Anyway. Finding her aesthetic to be on a somewhat different level (stratosphere?) than my own, I was shocked to discover that one of the living rooms I most admired in the latest Elle Decor was actually Ms. Versace's. Yes, that paragon of conspicuous consumption (and Botox) actually has a room that I would give a small toe to have! Who'd've thunk it? This one goes right into the scrapbook of Rooms I Would Move Right Into.

...just a small enchantment from Ulla. I always find so many delights to ooh and aah over on her pages. Be sure to pay her a visit if you aren't a follower already!

Do you have your New Years project already planned? If not, how about re-creating the Disney puppet Pinocchio? If you click on each image (like all the images on Enchanted Revelries) it will lead you to a larger image. Then click on THAT image, and it will grow to life-size templates! I don't have the skills to do this one - but I think it would be such fun to have the real Pinocchio living with me, don't you?!

If that's too much trouble, here's an easier project: a do-it-yourself teen-age boy paper doll.
Is there a better place (or outfit?!) to pick up chicks than the Walmart snack department? "What's your sign, sweet thing?" "Yield"

We're having the gardens groomed soon. Do you approve?

Edith. Just because ... she's Edith!
Those Minnelli kids took playing dress up seriously!
... as does little Tommy
If somebody gave me this eggshell porcelain teapot, I might even think about drinking the filthy stuff and give up coffee.

Those Victorian darlins sure knew how to wear hosiery, didn't they! All that embroidery! I wonder what kind of Victorian cussing was used when they got a run.

Too many holiday cookies and egg nog, eh?

Whenever I see a fantastic and stunningly chic ensemble - with Paris in the background - I always think of my friend, artist Ingrid Mida. This one's for her ...

Okay. Who are they?

The Clarke Theatre - isn't this just a jewel-box of a theatre! I just love the private boxes (the third photo) which allows you to curtain off the rabble and rif raf below until the performance begins!

Update! Artist William Bezek has corrected me! This is NOT Clarke Theatre. It is Cleveland's Severance Hall. And he told us a wonderful interior design tidbit: The filigree on the ceiling of the auditorium is taken from the lace on Mrs. Severance's wedding dress. Thank you, William!
Everybody else be sure to check out his blog -today is a wonderful examination of ... eyebrow plucking!

While on the subject of theatres, I was browsing through production photos of one of my favorite set designers, Clarke Dunham, and discovered this marvelous shot of his production of Madama Butterfly. Of course, it's easy to tell that this is from Butterfly.
What I found interesting was this set from
Oscar Wilde's Importance of Being Ernest! I just love the idea that Ernest's London bachelor digs were done up in grand Victorian Chinoiserie! Of course, his country estate was more suitably traditional. It's so much fun to see a truly gifted designer at work!

Now don't make fun - you know you've received an ugly Christmas sweater, too, at one time or another.
Just one last Christmas Polaroid from this holiday at our house ...
Now, I'm off - you should definitely start the new year by making something beautiful!
¸.•´¸.•*´¨) ¸.•*´¨)
(¸.•´ (¸.•´♥ Tristan

...are you a smart girl?!


  1. Tristan, I love all those the Vercace comparison...amazing likeness. I had to laugh at some of your WalMart shoppers. The guy in the cowboy hat looks like one that I see now and then at my local WM...I call him Brittany Spears!! As for the photo of group of aging actors, I had to marvel at the still gorgeous and statuesque, Julie Newmar...does that compute?? LOL Now I'm showing my age, but ask me if I care!!

    Have a wonderful week and again, so glad you're back with all your wonderful photos and comments. And as for tea pots, I collect them and even have made a few non-functioning ones, but use them for tea??? Never!!!!


  2. Fabulous post, Tristan!! I love that Paris photo. I have it on my blog :)

    On Christmas Eve day my niece and I were in Folsom vintage shopping and I saw this gal all dressed up for Christmas Eve (mind you this is 10 am in the morning) and I instantly thought of the photos you post . . . you know the ones that we all go how did they leave the house looking like that!?! I'm shameful, I took a pic with my phone and was going to send it to you but it's kind of dark. She had on a beautiful stole, tres chic hat but I think she forgot her skirt as the tushie (and it wasn't small) was all hanging out **wink**

    Wishing you a fabUlous New Year filled with sparkle!


  3. OMG Tristan!!!
    I can't comment because I don't know where to start! How I missed these killer posts while you were busy with life!
    Now, the chick and the muppet....down right frightening. There is a reason people should stay away from plastic surgery injections. Ay-yi-yi.
    BTW, did you travel to Georgina's for some homemade Menudo for the New Year??? ;D


  4. You're posts are always so fabulous! Love your garden btw lol, I don't know how you find time to keep up with that and all the decorating you do ;o) The Versace post is too funny!! Boy is there a resemblance! Do you think she took that Muppet photo into the surgeon and said I want to look just like this?? Happy New Year! Great post for the beginning of 2011! xo Michele

  5. Pure delight Now I would give my big toe for the topiary maze garden

  6. Happy New Year, Tristan!

    I hope 2011 brings you everything your heart desires and more!

    As always, great post with so much info, it boggles the mind! You do manage to find the most amazing photos.


  7. Happy New Year, Tristan. Wow...always run the gamut of emotions when I read your outdid yourself on this one! What a festive buffet! XO Trish

  8. I have to agree on the Versace room - I could live in that!

    And, I hate to say it - but, I am showing my age - I recognized quite a few of those in the photo -

    Happy New Year! And, I did make something beautiful yesterday - a new block for my new quilt...

  9. Ahh Tristan-how I marvel at your wide range of interests and sharings. I so love the elegance of the rooms you have shared and the classic Eifel Tower with that gorgeous drop dead outfit. Great beginnings to a wonderful new year of delights. Thank you dear...

  10. Best wishes Tristan ~ thanks for helping to start my year off with a giggle & inspiration! Hugs ~ xo H

  11. Happy New Year Tristan dear! Thank you for the lovely firewroks. You always leave the best! Am I dating myself to much to say I recognized a lot of those agin faces? ;-) As always you give great post.

  12. Non Monsieur! Not Clarke Theatre! That is Severance Hall here in Cleveland where our symphony resides, isn't it lovely? The filigree on the ceiling of the auditorium is taken from the lace on Mrs. Severance's wedding dress.

  13. Tristan,
    There is so much to comment on, I adore those hot air balloons and Ulla's creation. I recognize lots of faces and I haven't thought about Hedda Hopper in years! That was when hollywood reporters were civilized! But I want to tell you I went to your web site!!!! OMG. You are a creative genius. I just browsed all of your creations and your amazing quilts. Where do you find the time to do all this wonderful artwork and be involved in theater? And I might add, create one of the most talked about blogs in all of the Land of Blog!

    Well, I am glad that you friends enjoyed the cards. I hope that you are enjoying a wonderful first weekend in 2011. I have a good feeling about this year.



  14. Overwhelming Tristan, I can't think of which image to comment on, all are fabulous. I do however have to admit I think I wore my hair in one of those off center top of the head pony tails, circa early 80's. Yikes! Happiest of New Years to you, Pam

  15. That wasn't an unusually long post for you my friend. LOL I could see you in Donatella's living room or sitting room or what ever room that is. As for the Wal-Mart crowd... one of the reasons I don't shop there. Love the Paris photo.
    Tristan have the best year ever. I am.
    Hugs to you and your family

  16. Happy New Year, Tristan! Another great post to start off 2011!!! You've totally hit the nail on the head with the Donatella/Janet comparison! ;)

  17. Dear Tristan,
    Thanks for the mention on your Paris photo....Perhaps we will meet there someday!
    Your first post of 2011 is enchanting! You set such a high bar for the rest of us.

  18. I am so glad that I can start out the new year with you! Your posts are always so visually stimulating! The photo of all the celebs was great, but Julie Newmar looks like a paper cutout! Think there is any plastic there? :)


  19. lovely to read, fabulous to see
    looking forward to a fabulous year

  20. Thank the Lord you are back. I need a shot of Tristan every now and then :) Now where do I begin? I love the fashion shots with the umbrellas and the lovely outfit in the Paris Shot. I think Donatella actually had cut rate (not expensive) surgery. Would you pay real money to look like that?? Love the balloons. I have wanted to try something like that ever since I saw them in one of the Somerset Studio mags. But where is the sweater? Surely it couldn't be any uglier than THAT?? If you know anyone making those wooden Pinocchios, please let me know. I would dearly love one!

  21. Oh my~ I love the picture of the looks so pretty!!
    And the hot air balloons-how fun!

    Happy New YEar Tristan!

  22. TRISTAN PRECIOUS! Ahhh, it is so dang good to have you pack posting again! NO ONE can weave random pictures with THE CONTINUITY OF WIT like you dear man!! THANK YOU FOR YOUR VISIT, Anita

  23. Love this post. What a surprise! You and I BOTH have the same New Year's Resolution!! Splendid!!

    You made me snort whilst drinking my coffee. Not a pretty picture OR sound but a great start to my day.

    Happy New Year!

  24. Tristan...hello out there...Jack is back!
    Delighted you are popping over to my world of Once Upon a Fairyland.

    You are worth the blog ride for sure. I disappeared due to the fact I was so overwhelmed with your post. They caused me so much joy, you feel a little tippy as you move on to the next one. I can't hardly keep up. My heart and mind runs wild when I read what you offer up!

    However this morning...your words captivated me...courtesy of it and the thought of living with Pinocchio. I like that. I have dreams too, just like you...
    Walk in the door of a hobbit house...
    Meet that wonderful Mad Hatter (you come close..wink!)
    Fall down a rabbit hole...perhaps with a pirate!
    Dance with Tom Cruise...yep, love the guy for some very odd reason!
    A wink and a smile to you and cheers to your wild adventures in 2011...
    I'm coming along too!

  25. Thanks for watching my back yesterday! You're a treasure!

    Oh, and nothing more alluring to a girl than a cut-off Mountain Dew t-shirt!

  26. What a way to end my day! Thanks again Tristan

  27. Almost forgot. In order from left to right:
    Ester Williams, Rosemary, Carol Channing, Dick Van Patten, Julie Newmar, JoAnne Worley, Tipi Hendren, Florence Henderson and June Lockehart. I Think?
    BTW that little ditty that Liza is wearing is from "An American in Paris"

  28. Tristan,

    one word: BRAVO!!!



  29. Happy New Year, Tristan. I'm loving the pictures of the theater, simple beautiful. The pictures of all the ladies with Dick Van Patten is great. Is it just me or does Florence Henderson never seems to age.

  30. Your blog is always a delight to read! So entertaining! I don't know where you find all the photos!! Thank you ever so much for featuring my papier mache hot air balloons! Happy New Year to you!
    ~ Iva

  31. Fun on a Bun! Love the Pics! Happy New Year!

  32. This is the first time I've been to this blog, and I've gotta give you KUDOS on it. The photo of Donatella Versace and Janice from the Muppets is HYSTERICAL! I laughed until I cried!

    Great job!

  33. Electric Mayhem & Versace - HILARIOUS
    I am soooooooooo glad you're back

  34. Okay, since no one responded, they are (L to R)

    Esther Williams, Rosemarie, Carol Channing, Dick Van Patten, Julie Newmar, Joanne Worley, Florence Henderson, unidentified blonde starlet (the one who was married to Howard Hughes?), and June Lockhart!
