Sunday, December 12, 2010

Let's Make One Thing Perfectly Clear ....

Now that we have that misunderstanding corrected. Let me explain a few things ...

Here, at Enchanted Revelries, we often spend the days (and nights) lounging in the briefest of costumes. This is not to be confused with any kind of indelicacy or inappropriate behavior.

First of all, we all find it much easier to just get right to it when we have the sudden urge to improve ourselves with exercise ...
In addition, we have found that clothing in the trees is so much more intriguing and mysterious than clothing actually worn on the body ...

I'm so glad that we have that little detail attended to. Speaking of details! How about this detail work from a Christian Lacroix jacket?! All that exquisite beading and embroidery work - wow.
And, while on the subject of wow - how about these fantastic Forensetti table tops! I'll take the yellow one and the blue one please!

During the summer, an old friend of mine got married. As I was on blogging hiatus, I saved these to share with you. Aren't they super fun?! These kids are a hoot - and their wedding invitations were so "them!"

Have I shown you how the reno on the upstairs master bedroom bath is coming along? ... seriously, I would give a little toe or something for this gorgeous room!

If I were forced to be a bird in a gild cage, I believe this is the cage in which I would prefer to be imprisoned ...

Hopefully, hanging somewhere in the charm of this olde world room!

Oh, yes! I WAS that boy!

At Little Augury I found this terrific inlaid traveling chest filled with gold encrusted bottles and jars and compacts for the combining of scents. Isn't it a marvel?!

I love a designer who is not afraid of color!
Just as I am impressed by a man who is not afraid of using tricks from the world of beauty to enhance his appearance ...

If there was any fairness and justice in life at all, I would be sleeping (and eating and reading and ...) in this room every day and night of my life!

While on the subject of gorgeous rooms, this is a teaser photo of the magnificent 1916 Miami estate, Vizcaya, which I'm working on a posting about. It's an absolute knock-out!

Thanks for spending a few minutes with me today. Now, just like these fun and free-wheeling kids, it's time I got lost in Bohemia and made a little art. Why don't you go make something beautiful, too?

¸.•´¸.•*´¨) ¸.•*´¨)
(¸.•´ (¸.•´♥ Tristan


  1. Tristan oh yes these are the posts I have missed so much!!

    Art by Karena

  2. I Miss You! I love Your post, Thank you for coming back to Blogland!

  3. Tristan, so happy to see that you are back. I was worried about you. I would love to have that tree full of dress/lanterns right outside my silvery bathroom window. What a view while one soaks in luxury. Thanks for coming back full tilt with all this gorgeousness. Pam

  4. Such a funny post, that's what I love about checking out your blog.
    Adore the guy with the spit curls and the rooms , to die for.
    Super glad your back. To quote Pam@Frippery.....
    "Thanks for coming back full tilt with all this gorgeousness. "

  5. Your blog posts are such a potpourri of wonderful! Tristan, you really should be ashamed of yourself for depriving us for these past months, as they really are good for the soul.

    Where is your sense of humanity LOL?

    I bet that wedding of your friends was awesome - love the invites.


  6. what a fun post! loved the wedding invite...such a creative and bold the event was a hoot... would still love to know where you find those unique images...

  7. Tristan, to absolutely STEAL a line from the Miser Brothers (Heat and Cold):

    "You're TOO MUCH!!!!"

    Welcome back, and that wedding invite was just fab-o! What a hoot! (and to think I did the boring cream colored announcements.....pffft!)


  8. Hey Tristan you never emailed me back LOL!!! I am so glad you are on the blog again and joined in OWOH. I have missed you.

  9. Oh my, I have missed you and now you are back!!!!!!!!
    I LOVE the dresses in the tree!!!!
    I'd love to try something like that!!!
    And the 12 days ornaments I have been posting are by
    are you ready???

    Yes, I bought this series a few years back!!!
    Hope your holidays are warm, cozy, healthy and fun!!!
    Thanks for my morning smiles!

  10. Yeah!!!

    Hello Tristan,

    Welcome back! We all missed you so very much...

    ~ Gabriela ~

  11. Happy 3rd Sunday of Advent Kiddo!!!

    Heck inquiring minds waht to know if the laid back dress code is strickly adhered to in the lovely weather ya al' are having???? I mean aren't you afraid that certain digits my be frost bitten?? I'm just thinkin!!

    Hey thanks for the visit and the great idea about the crates on palm Sunday!! There are Catholic churches on nearly every block here!! All I have to do is get a jump on the professionals! :)

    Pattie ;)
    Mazatlan Mx.

  12. Ah, my digital visual delight is back! Love your blog Tristan. You have been missed.

  13. Love the bathroom re-do : ) And what a lucky boy to have such fun friends. Those wedding invites are a hoot!

  14. Ahhhhh....I feel much better now! I'm glad you did not lose your wit on your hiatus!

  15. I'm sorry, you can't have that bathroom - it's mine! (Oh, I wish!) That would be an awesome bathroom. Love the tub!

  16. Your BACK, YOur BACK, YOUr BaCk!!! Now, where the hell have you been young man? I have been left with lurking around your past posts like a vouyer, titillated but not satisfied. Well, I'm glad you are back and in top form by this latest post. With much joy and your usual innuendo, thank you for making the holidays really kick off now. Sea Witch

  17. Oh where or where is that tree with dressed from?
    And btw, I'd happily join you in the gilded cage.

  18. Glad to see you here Tris. I would gladly give two toes for that bath and another for the bird cage.

  19. Tristan I loved hearing from you again. Welcome back! I can see you were missed! As always your blog is a visual and funny treat! robin

  20. I missed you too! So happy to hear from you and to know all is well.



  22. Those dresses in the trees are magical! And I love the wedding invites! Welcome back!

  23. glad you are back, I've missed your fabulous posts.
    can't wait to see the Miami blog
    I use to spend a lot of time at Vizcaya, my favorite spot to hang and draw and lunch
    Happy Holidays

  24. Yep!!!! Your back...yeah!!!!

  25. Hello Tristan: You absolutely will not be able to wear a hat after reading all these comments to your long overdue post. I too have missed you and searched for you everyday. Thrilled and ecstatic to have you return to blogland. I choose that wonderful tub with the marble backsplash thank you. Welcome back dear.

  26. Hi Tristan! Nice to see you back in Blogland! Fun post .... and I think you should consider a hair doo change (you'd look fabulous in those little curls with the matching curly moustache!)

    p.s. thanks for the blog visit!

  27. Sir Tristan!!! Oh how I have missed you. BIG. Gigantic missing. What a delight to read you again. I love the wedding invitations. Of course you have fantastic friends. Ever so good to see you again! YIPPEEEEEEEEEE.
    **blows kisses** Deb

  28. Aahh...the JOY and Magic has returned!! Thank you for bringing the sparkle back into this world!
    Happy Monday xOxO

  29. How I've missed you, Tristan!! Love your posts and especially love that wedding invitation, what a hoot!!

    Please don't go away'll make many of us soo very sad!!


  30. You're definitely back with a bang, Tristan, reminding me of how much I had missed such posts! And oh, those plates, I love them!

  31. Oh what a delight to have you back!! I kept checking your blog every now and then, thinking Google reader was messing up. I have missed you!!

  32. You're alive. Hip, hip, hooray!!! Oh, how I've missed you and your posts.

    Are you going to be pinking with us again soon? This Saturday's holiday theme is favorite holiday music. I know you'll love that.

  33. I have so missed all the eye candy while you were gone! Ahhhh. Life is back to normal. Happy days!

    I want that sign on that front door. How cool would that be? Just think of the conversations that could start! I might just have to have one made! And those dress lights...amazing!


  34. AHHHHHHH....Blogland has one of its SHINIEST STARS back in business and I have got my groove back, coming to laugh, sigh in awe of some of the most GORGEOUS ROOMS AROUND and to anticipate what in thee Sam Hill you will come up with next!



  35. OH NO! It isn't a brothel???

    I am so sad :)

    Tristan you are a hoooot!

    Listen, that wedding invite is beyond hilariously fab!! LOVE it.

    If I were a man, I think I might wear my stache and hair just as such :)

    Mister Fabuloso, you rock. And don'tcha evah forget it ;)

  36. your blog is wonderful!! what great pictures, audrey, my mum-in-law told me to watch your blog and i'm so glad i did!! cheers sir :)

  37. Well, you're back! How lovely!! Thanks for visiting!

    As always, your posts have so many wonderful things in them to comment on!

    But I have to ask - inquiring minds want to know - how does the Bohemian lady keep her dress on? tape?

    Can't wait to read about Vizcaya!

    I'm working some more on the Million Dollar Theatre. Stay tuned.

  38. Tristan,
    Your posts always make me smile, and I love that Mr. Roger's smiling photo! Where oh where do you find all of these amazing images? I am so glad you are back to blogging, I missed you so much...and the smiles too.

    Wishing you a day of inspiration.


  39. Oh Tristan My Friend...
    I have missed you. I am SO thrilled to see you out and about again. I love, love this post.

    That red room, I would be living, eating and sleeping in there as well. Love, love red. My fav.

    Your friends wedding invitations are so stinkin cute. Now that is original, and I bet they had a large attendance just to see what their wedding would be like, I mean if those invitations didn't peak your interest I don't know what would.

    Loved the dresses in the tree. That is such a beautiful element of surprise.

    I so enjoyed this post Tristan. I have missed your visits. Merry Christmas sweet friend.

    Many hugs, Sherry

  40. What a most delightful blog post. I will be sharing a link to you on FB. Your friends look like a scream (a scream of course in that wild fun sense). I'm dying to see photos from their event. Your photos and captions had me on the edge of my seat. Thank you for a wonderful time.

    {soul hugs}
    Kathryn, Collage Diva

  41. Tristan!
    I am so, so very happy to see you back on my computer again!!! You have been so missed. I thought of you often but didn't want to pry. Happy to hear that the time was a good one filled with lots of creativity and serious study. Missed you. Welcome back.

  42. Gi'day Tristan!
    I am so pleased to have stummbled onto your blog, and am now going to follow your whimsical writings and I always come away with a chuckle and a smile on my face. Thanks for making the Land of Blog so entertaining.

  43. Tristan!!!!!! I've missed you!!! I'm so glad you're back, I've missed your posts-they always make me smile, chuckle, or inspire me in one way or another!!

    BTW I have a new blog that I just started, you are welcome to follow along. I am having a give away so stop by when you can.

    HUGS & GLITTER, Kelly
