Thursday, May 13, 2010

A Spring Morning's Ramblings and Wanderings...

Spring has finally arrived in full splendor at long last! Everything is blooming and the grass has become soft and sweet and that marvelous shade of New England sod green. The air actually smells of lilacs and salt from the breeze off the ocean. Perfect!

Anybody leave their shoes at my place after last week's soirée with Sarah Palin?

Straight from Ulla's Moth Tales collection of faery tale style and inspiration comes this charming little frog marionette. Don't you just want to play with him for a whole afternoon and make him go on lots of frog marionette adventures?!

Hey - what are you looking at?

The question for the day is .... (no answers required, just a hypothetical...)

Is one ashtray in the children's rooms enough? What do you think?

The exquisite restored crown on the gates of Versailles ... just completed this Spring.
I have a feeling this wouldn't be a HUGE seller today ... certainly not in Arizona (oops - did I say that?!)

sigh. Obviously these poor women have no gay men in their lives ...

Any other Marilyn fanatics out there? I have never seen this photograph before - and I can't figure out what film it's from! It is completely unrecognizable to me. Anybody have the inside info? I thought maybe it was for a costume that was cut from "Gentlemen Prefer Blondes" - but it doesn't seem quite right for that film. Of course, that could be why it was cut - IF that's what it is.
Here we have the Wizard of Oz on his leisurely journey back to the land of E Pluribus Unum.

There is a lot about this room I'm not fond of ... however, that chair with the is-it-peacock-feathers-? upholstery is stunning! Overall, the room looks a bit too much like a second hand shop for me. But there are some fab individual items. I'm sure my opinion matters to Hamish.

One hour. Go ahead. Try it. I dare you.

OMG. I've just died and gone to over-the-top fabulous day bed heaven! I want this so badly I can taste it!

I've never really had that much interest in doll houses. But there have been a lot of blog entries lately about doll houses - from Kaerie at Kaerie Faerie who is keeping us updated on her lovely and loving restoration of her childhood dollhouse, to Maggi at Just Add Glitter and Stir who today showed us a pretty amazing dollhouse-used-as-laundry-storage. So, now when I run across a really awesome dollhouse, I stop and take more of a look ... like this one. I could move right in!

Whatever the occasion - Halloween, play, masquerade, costume party, Tuesday afternoon - I so appreciate all the time and effort and skill that went into making these costumes! If there were prizes involved, I hope they won!

I'm enchanted with these collages - I'm fairly certain they're digital. I don't know the name of the artist. Only that he wrote: "Where they now- those who went before us? Or- in the words of Francois Villon- Where are the snows of yesteryear?

I have always been fascinated by old photographs of long-dead people. They look at us from out of the past- and we can only wonder who they were, and imagine what their stories are."

You can see many more here.

When we see the exquisite (or bizarre, on occasion!) offerings by fashion designers, everything is so perfect and spot-on-target with accessorizing and styling, in order to show the clothing at its best advantage. The marvelous Alexander McQueen even insisted that the pores on this model's face be removed.But, seeing these photographs reminded me that every show - be it fashion, Broadway, or art exhibit, has a backstage story to tell. Which often belies the calm, dignified and elegant proceedings we see in front of the "curtain."

These shots were taken backstage of the 1954 showing of Pierre Balmain's Spring collection. You can just see the frenzy and excitement - and sweat! And then that moment of taking a calming breath before hitting the runway ...

Thanks for spending some time with me ... I see I'm at 599 followers! Welcome to all the new-found friends! Just one more follower, and I'll have to come up with a groovy giveaway to celebrate another blogging landmark!

I hope you found something to delight, amuse, or amaze you today. I'm off to the studio today to put the finishing touches on a few pieces for a weekend exhibit next week. Such a shame to miss being outside in this glorious Spring weather - but obligations must be paid!

Now, go make something beautiful!
¸.•´¸.•*´¨) ¸.•*´¨)
(¸.•´ (¸.•´♥ Tristan


  1. Okay, okay I have finally learned how to have this comment thingy up while I read your post. I stopped dead on when I saw those shoes and read your comment about Sarah Palin. OMG, I was laughing so hard. That could be a great poster!!! That ashtray diagram cracked me up. You should write captions for greeting cards. Those women surely need something to lighten them up. I wonder if that Marilyn photo is from one of the costume considerations from a movie that she did with Jane Russell.

    As always your post is filled with great eye candy, memories and so many chuckles. Have a wonderful weekend. Karen

  2. So many pics to choose a favorite from... it's a mild one compared to your usual standards, but I think the half-moon cookie ladies' dresses is my fav photo for the day! DO get outside and enjoy some sun... I hear rain is in store for NE sometime early next week...

  3. Oh Spring is my most favorite time for the year, I'm so glad it has arrived for you Tristan!
    I love those collages. I too am fascinated by old photographs and always wonder... "what is your story?" And I loved the behind the scenes photos...those are wonderful! And you can, you can hear the excitement, the noise and frenzy going on.

  4. So happy spring has arrived for you Mr. T!

    As usual your pics make me smile AMD THINK!

    I've never seen the pic of Marilyn either! :( And...those women in the cotton frocks and woven hair look SOOOOOOO SAD to me. Maybe they aren't...don't know for sure. But for me they don't APPEAR to be filled with joy!

    I love to stop in and see what you are up to...

    Also...I can just imagine your bull dog in pink...HYSTERICAL! Go for it! I double-dog-dare-you!


  5. Deeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeelightful as always, Tristan. LoVe the Sarah Palin shoes!!! Pow pow!
    **blows kisses** Deb

  6. As usual a pleasure to visit :-)

  7. they WERE mercury glass balls. now they are stainless! the mercury did not weather well!!! i have a lot of mercury glass in my house. i will put a pic of them on tomorrow if you want to see them! let me know!

  8. Loved your post (as always) Tristan! Funny bits, enchanting bits, and ALWAYS totally enjoyable - just like a breath of that fresh Spring air (hahaha).

    My absolute fave of this post was the backstage pics of the Balmain '54 fashion show. The energy, the fashion...loved every pic!

    And, I'm grabbing the last pic of the adorable little cupid - great reference picture.


  9. Loved the fashion show pics. As usual it all puts a smile on my face.....

  10. Thank you for the lovely post, I smiled, laughed, and my mouth hung open on some of those pictures, and the doll house fantastic!!!
    Oh, and thank you for including me in your post, I'm so thrilled and honored to be mentioned in you blog!
    Love the 50's fashion backstage, brings back memories of the Halston shows in the 60's when modeling was truly a beautiful business
    your fairy friend

  11. Happy Spring back at yah, although it was here in Canada this morning it has gone by the wayside this afternoon, chilly, dull, yucky!!!!
    I am cracking up at your post, you make me laugh, the shoes are a hoot, love the digital art, the doll house is amazing and I adore the last pic.

  12. Such gorgeous photos, Tristan! And your wit is refreshing! I lived in an apartment building once that had 9 gay men in various apartments and never once would they have let me go anywhere with bad hair like that, that is for sure! I miss them!
    Love the Sarah Palin boots.

  13. Oh, the little frog is sweet.I can see him in my collection of teddy bears. Just hanging out with the bears.
    As always, I'm always have an endless supply of lovely pictures.
    Have a beautiful weekend, Tristan.

  14. Where did you get those gorgeous behind the scene photos of Balmain's studio? They are divine....

  15. Thank you for visiting I love the fragrance and lilacs sooo hypnotizing...makes me sleepy...zzzz
    Happy Pink Saturday!

  16. Hello Tristan~I've just strolled in for my first visit and read till i hit the bottom of the page.
    It was quite a hilarious adventure!

    Come by for a visit...your company would be nice.
    Sweet wishes,

  17. oh Tristan! so delightful. Thank you!! xo lenna

    p.s. 'yasastas' -my word verification sounds like a new exclamation!

  18. OMG. Wait....there is too much richness of eye candy and wit here, I CAN'T CONTAIN MY ENTHUSIASM! First, those hooves in the shoes...then the posters and the ladies with the matronly dresses, THEN THAT BED! I WANT IT TOO! AND all the other chuckle provoking lines and pictures. YOU are the king of wit, Tristan. Oh! That crown from Versailles...dearest, did you think of me just a little when you posted that???? AND...thank you precious man for coming to see me; I missed you for my previous post. Sometimes my blogroll doesn't show friends' posts, especially from overseas, until later! And yes, the picture with the chaise lounge and the dress form, that is actually my library/bedroom! My studio is downstairs where I keep my harp and my drawing table, and unfortunately, my husband's METAL DESK that is quite frankly, ugly! So....that is why I don't photograph it. We are waiting like patience on a monument to add two new rooms to the house and when that happens, my studio is turning into a MARIE ANTOINETTE ROOM with a settee and a corona on the wall and such.


  19. You are the winner of blog candy on well done!

  20. Those pictures from behind the scenes at Balmain are fabulous. I would love to have giant copies of them to hang. Where are they from?

  21. Many thanks, Tristan. Have a spring-y Sunday. (Whatever that means!)

  22. I had a great time spending part of my early Sunday morning read with you. Great visual stimulation, and loved the behind the scene model shots as well, they are masters at putting on their game face surrounded by chaos, don't know how they do it.

  23. Tristan at each of your phabulous photos I stop and day dream then back to reality. Such a visual vacation when I spend time with your posts. Thank you for taking your time to share. Happy creating...
    P.S. Best of Show to You!!!

  24. Those clothes remind me so much of my mother. Both she and my grandmother were quite sheek. I recall my mother's beautiful I love those hats, but my mother isn't one to hold on to anything and now all those lovely hats are gone. I did hold on to one of them, it's a mink hat that matched her mink a child I loved sitting next to her during Mass and petting her coat!! LOL That's what happens when you don't have pets.

    Oh, I love the comment of the dowdily dressed women, members of some religious cult, about not having any gay friends!! LOL How true!!

    Have a great week.



  25. My Goodness, where do I even begin to comment on this latest post? So much fabulous stuff! I love the goat shoes, maybe the Marylin photo is simply a photo shoot and not from a film,Love the old photos... I'm a big fan of those too. The yin yang sisters are lovely!The shots from the Pierre Balmain's Spring collection are stunning... to have been a fly on the wall! Oh who am I kidding? Forget the fly... I want to be in the dress! Such and inspirational post! Thanks for the fun stuff!

  26. Hi Tristin,

    Where to begin..LOL

    OMG..the shoes are a scream!!!!

    The daybed is a must have!!!

    Those generic looking ladies definitely need a gay man in their lives. They really haven't a clue as to what they are missing!

    Oh...and that Praise Allah seasoning is now Tiger owned by a company out of New Orleans. So I bet it's distributed in Arizona and they don't know what it used to be called!!

    Dollhouses seem to be gaining popularity..I do like to look at them..boy, have they come a long way...a lot of the mixed media artist are giving them a new improved much more artistic look.

    Thanks for the laughs, Tristan...I always leave your blog with a new and improved outlook. :0) You've got my kind of sense of humor.

    Thanks so much for dropping by for a visit...and yes, I need to find a bunch of faux baby's breath for my baby face head vase otherwise she'd look like a "dead head" with the dying baby's breath leaning over!

    Stephanie ♥

  27. Another wonderful and uplifting, not to mention oh so funny blogpost. My absolute favourite pics are of the digital collages. Such beauty, simply gorgeous!

  28. You've gotta love those vintage colored pansies! I think it was the color that lured me into buying them. As for the concrete planter... my BIL has a garden statuary shop, and I get my pickin's of the pieces that come through broken! lol ;)

  29. Another fabulous post! I just LOVE visiting your blog - it always brings a smile. :)

    ~ Carolee

  30. I enjoyed every bit of your post, it made me laugh, it made me gasp in shear admiration and oggle with delight at all the sumptuous 50s fashion. And as well as all that your work is stunning! Jane x

  31. Love it all once again Tristan! The shoes are a bit disturbing. We visited Cape Cod about this time of year when my son was just 6 months old. The lilacs were blooming madly. That year I got to enjoy the lilacs here at home in April and then again in New England in May! I do pity any lady who doesn't have at least one gay male friend to discuss all the important things in life, like fashion, decorating, bad hair and who is doing what, when and why. Life could be pretty drab.

  32. Wow, I am loving all of these beautiful pictures!!

  33. Just cruising thru your blog, finding so many amusing photos & comments. Then I get to the picture that says these women must have no gay men in their lives and I rolled.
    Great blog - think I'll go hit the follow button now.
