Saturday, May 29, 2010

A Pink Saturday Celebration!

This is the second anniversary of Beverly's Pink Saturday ... and how far Beverly has taken this fun weekly event. Hundreds of participants - and a feature in Artful Blogging, no less! She has also counted over 800 participants over that time. Now, that's a lot of pink love!

I've had fun participating over the past year ... yes, I was a Johnny-come-lately to the event! I thought I would repost some of my favorite pink discovery collections I've put together this year for Pink Saturdays.

If you don't remember these postings, feel free to click each mosaic/collage and get a larger image so you can get a better look!

We've found it all; from the irreverence of pink appliances ...
to part of my own stash of pink art supplies ...
and then on to see how pink transforms a bathroom into a fantasy world...
It was a blast finding pink chandeliers for every room and style in the house!
And it's incredible to see the various styles and periods that are enhanced in home decór with a little pink added to the mix...Could haute couture exist without pink of every shade?

... and the hottest designers seemed to always have some pink extravagances on the shoe shelf!
Is any toy as much fun if it's not glow-in-the-dark neon pink?! Nothing beats a Magic 8 Ball that will tell your fortune if it's in the shape of Jesus!
So, to celebrate Beverly's Pink Saturday fête, I'm having a giveaway. Hurrah! Every birthday celebration should have a birthday gift, right?!

I found this while I was out shopping the other day. I think it is THE coolest night light ever. Now, I don't use/need/want a night light - even a super cool one like this. So I decided that I would buy it for a giveaway, and if the winner feels the same way I do about night lights, there is sure to be a youngster around that would appreciate it!

From the Lights in the Night series from Seasons of Cannon Falls comes this fun and fanciful mermaid in the ocean nightlight!

The water bubbles; the glitter flies, the starfish bounces around, and the entire base lights up. Seriously fun and fanciful, right?! And, it's big! When it comes to fanciful, size matters!
So, all you have to do is leave a comment on THIS post only, and tell me if you are going to keep it or give it to a youngster. No other criterions - you don't even have to post it on your blog or become a follower (though, if you're not a follower, make sure I can contact you!).

Since this is in celebration of Beverly's Pink Saturday 2nd Birthday, the contest will only run until tomorrow (May 30) at 8am. I'll announce the random number generator winner by noon tomorrow. Fast and fun!

Be sure to check out all the other people celebrating Beverly's Pink Saturday 2nd Birthday today ... and then find someplace that stimulates your inspiration ...and go make something beautiful!
¸.•´¸.•*´¨) ¸.•*´¨)
(¸.•´ (¸.•´♥ Tristan


  1. Are you kidding? It's too much fun! I'd keep it!

  2. I am feeling in the pink!!!
    Your pictures are the frosting on the pink birthday cake!

  3. An enchanting Pink Saturday post, Tristan!!!

    If I were to win this, it's MINE, tee hee!!


  4. while my darling niece would expect me to give it to her, I would keep it for myself & put it in my beadroom. I'm thinking it would go beautifully w/ the day of the dead, heart & devil theme I have going!

  5. Wait a minute... weren't we just celebrating your Birthday!!! Did you have a Great one?

    My grandma had a pink stove and pink refrigerator not to mention a pink tun, toilet bowl and sinks... I loved loved loved her pink things....

    : ) Pattee
    Have a good week-end Tristan~

  6. I am soooo glad I don't have any youngster to try to talk me out of this if I win because I would hate to have to tell them they couldn't have it! LOL Ooooh yes, I will DEFINITELY be keeping (and using) this if that random generator counter thingie picks ME! :)

    Hope you had a marvelous time today for your Birthday!

  7. Tristan ~ I hear it's your birthday too! HAPPY BIRTHDAY! I always love your posts - such fun, whimsical things you find in pink. Your giveaway is epic : ) Happy Pink Saturday.

  8. This is delightful - as are YOU, birthday boy! :) I have no shame in saying that I would keep it and put it in my bathroom, as every bathroom needs a mermaid or two, right?!

  9. Oh I will come out of stalking...I mean hiding to leave a comment for this post...Happy Birthday to you also, I hope you made a wish that comes true for you.
    OK if I were to win ( highly unlikely plus I live in Australia and wouldn't expect you to send it here), I too would keep this lovely light in my bathroom: so the children don't fight over it...of course it doesn't go with anything but that is the point...and I do live on an Island...such a good excuse for a sparkly mermaid light.
    Kiss Noises Linda

  10. Hi Tristan! My sister-in-law collect mermaids, but only the cool ones. So I know she would love this one! have a great weekend.

  11. Wowsers! There were so many pretty pink things to look at! Thank you for such a terrific post! Twyla

  12. A truly fabulous post (as always). I so much appreciate the time and effort you put into your posts - they're always fun, informative and just a little kitsch which I adore! That lamp is perfect.

    Happy Pink Saturday - 2nd Anniversary - and Happy Birthday to you too!

  13. ooh I would so love to win this for myself it is just gorgeous think my 14 year old daughter might have other ideas thanks for such a fab prize happy pink saturday:)

  14. Woah, massive pink overload, lolol, what an amazing collection of pink perfection!
    Would I be a very bad person if I denied my granddaughter this fabulous night light, should I win it? Its such fun, I'd love to watch it myself for a while. But I would of course let her use it every time she stays with us.

  15. Tristan what a great post and I enjoyed your collages of past posts! Happy Pink day, if I were to win your lovely mermaid it would go to my granddaughter who's favorite disney princess is the mermaid.

  16. Good morning, love! What a fabulous array of photos of the past year in PINK! I didn't even have the time to find a good pink theme, but you have taken it to the top and we love it all. IF I WERE TO WIN THE MERMAID, I would give it to my favorite student!!! Anita

  17. Yay! Happy Birthday! I would totally have to keep it for myself. Tehe. I have a shell theme in my bath and it would fit right in.

  18. Call me greedy but I'd keep it for myself!

  19. So much pink and so little time :)
    Happy Pink Saturday!

  20. Happy Pink Saturday! Oh how I would love a 1950s pink kitchen!!!!

    That is a neato nightlight, wow! If I won it, I think I would give it to Toot for her room, she'd get a kick out of it for sure!

  21. Hey, you forgot the pinkiest of them all....Pinky Tuscadero. Love love love the footware collage. I want every pair featured. Now, a glittery mermaid dare you tease this mermaid...Dusty's generator had better pick this Sea Witch.

  22. Wowie, you have really found the best pinks around! Happy birthday...happy pink saturday...and have a wonderful weekend.

  23. Hi Tristan,
    I knew your pink celebration would be full of beauty. What an awesome post, your are the best. Hope you had a wonderful birthday. I would for sure keep your beautiful giveaway.

  24. Okay Tristan,

    You know, it takes a talent for proper Pink Bloggery and you are the star!!! I knew I wouldn't be disappointed with your Pink Saturday celebration post. OMG so much pink madness, I love it .

    The best part about Pink Saturday is that I have met the most wonderfully creative and fun people like you.

    Wishing you a Happy Pink Saturday Birthday, and many more pink posts to come.


  25. Tristan,

    You always amaze me with your awesome blog posts. You are one of the most creative people I've ever know.

    I always have a big smile on my face after reading your blog and indulging in your wonderful fantasies. Thank you for sharing them and have the best weekend ever.



  26. I really enjoyed spending time going back over so many of your pink items, it was like a fairy tale revisited..fantastic. I think the night light is adorable and even though I do have to have a night'm just a big old baby .. I'm afraid if I win my Granddaughter will claim it, so I guess if I win I will give it away.
    PS I'm a new follower.

  27. All that pink! I am in heaven!!! The pink appliances are to die for. Since I am a misplaced mermaid, I would keep the nightlight for myself. I would put it in our small powder room so all of the family could enjoy her.
    Thanks for a great Pink Saturday Post.

  28. I did a retrospective of past PS posts, also! I've got a giveaway for a great summer book at my blog right now. Hope you'll check it out.

  29. Happy Pink Saturday, Tristan! And Happy Birthday as well! At the risk of sounding selfish - I would keep the nightlight for myself!


  30. What a Birthday celebration we are having with Beverly. So far the parties have been so much fun and full of cake! Hope you are having fun too.

    Happy Pink Saturday and Memorial day.

  31. Happy Pink Saturday!! What a cool treasure you found! I have 5 little girls and I would put it in thier underwater bathroom :) I love your blog :)

  32. This is the cutest post I have seen by far! Every mosiac is just beautiful. The poodle bookends are just completely adorable! I would LOVE to be entered into your giveaway! I was just talking with my husband last night that our youngest daughter needs a nightlight in her pink and purple room! I will definately keep my fingers crossed on this one! My Lena will just LOVE it!! Have a great weekend! -April

  33. Tristan, your post is over the top fun and beautiful today. Happy, Happy Birthday and Happy Pink Saturday too, Char

  34. Hi Tristan, I love all your mosaics! I especially love the pink appliances!! What a dream kitchen!

    If I won there would be a fight over who gets the night light, my daughter and granddaughter both Looooooooooooove mermaids!

    Happy Pink saturday
    Hugz, Dolly

    come visit

  35. Oh, what a delightful night light - it would be MINE and all MINE!

  36. Is that the inside of Jeannie's bottle?

    I love it! Happy Pink Saturday!

  37. My mom has a mermaid bathroom so I would give it to her. It will come in handy with the grandkids...

  38. Hey, Tristan, fancy meeting you here! Now I know what you really did on your birthday - your were hunting up pinks for today's celebration!

  39. Happy Birthday Tristan and a happy Pink Saturday Birthday too! Wow! This is the ultimate pink! I love those appliances! What a dreamy kitchen that would be!

    Come see me soon and enjoy your weekend! Anne

  40. Now that is what I call a pink post! Your blog is always the greatest.

    Okay. I'm going to confess. I love mermaids! I've loved mermaids since I was a kid when we saw them in Weekie Wackee. (I'm not even sure what the name is actually. It's been too long. It's the place in Florida. I'm sure they had a pink mermaid, though.) In other words, I'd keep the night light if I won it! :o) Many happy bubbles to you!

  41. HAPPY BIRTHDAY, TRISTAN!!! And Happy Pink Saturday! I love all of your mosaics, especially the one with the kitchen appliances, and the one with the SHOES!!! As for that FABU nightlight... are you kidding me??? That would go into my VERY OWN BOUDOIR (though I'm sure my little girl would snatch it up on me)!!! My beachy house is sans mermaid at the moment! ;O

  42. Hey Tristan....I hear it's your birthday...Karen's shouting it out to every Pinkie that passes by, so I thought I'd better get over here and meet you! I can't believe I've not been here before! Man, you have it 'Goin'On InPinkness' we say in Texas...or at least that's what I say! Wow everyone of your collages and pictures are fantastic, and after I finish eating all the cake in the world of Pink Saturday, I plan on coming back and catching up.

    I say Yep to the Bubblin'Glittery Mermaid I have to decide right now about keepin or givin? Okay, I'll give to my GrandGal...she'll love it, and maybe she'll let me spend the night in her room.

    I know it's a long way from CT to TX, but I hope you'll make a quick trip to visit my Pink Saturday Post on CollectInTexas Gal....Sue

  43. OOOOOOOOOOOOooooooooooooo I want to live in the Genie Bottle! If I won, I would give it to my friend's autistic 5 year old little boy. I think he'd find it soothing. **kisskiss** Deb

  44. Love the great photos.
    Happy Pink Saturday.
    Let's celebrate!
    love from ♥RINI♥ the Netherlands

  45. I absolutely MUST HAVE those pink kitchen appliances.
    All of them.
    I'm worth it! ;)
    Plus I'd have to make DH buy me new countertops.....


  46. First visit. I love your blog! Almost as much as I love the pink house....

  47. Thanks for the Pink Retrospective Tristan. It is fun to see the many unexpected ways pink does turn up. The night light is so cute. I agree with another commenter in putting it in my bathroom. It would be quite wonderful there. My nephew may try to steal it though hmmm) ...

  48. HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Happy Pink Saturday have a wonderful weekend!

    luvs and glitter

  49. Would you be terrified to hear that I have never really been a "Pink" kinda gal....I know..its shocking and disturbing...however those pink chandeliers did me the oh it is!

    I just love love love the nightlight too I would keep it!!Plus I already know where I would put it...I recently organized my craft space and it's extremely functional.....but BORING...needs some Whimsy..and that night light would be pefect!Big Hugs-Cat

  50. Am I reading it's your birthday????I hope your parcel arrives in time for it then.!!lol
    I cant wait to see your easel!!ha ha
    Loving all the pink!!
    love debbie xxx

  51. Great pinks for the PS celebration, I especially love all the chandys. I noted I missed wishing you a Happy Birthday also. Hope it was awesome.

    glitter and roses

  52. Hi! I just wanted to say your blog is very cool, I really like all the pink collages. The embellished Pink Saturday button is very nice, too! I'll pass on the give-away for someone else. Happy Pink Saturday! <3

  53. Great post! Such fun. I love the nightlight. Will keep in my guest room for the grandkiddies that come to visit.

  54. Ooh, such a fun post! Such pinkness abounds everywhere! I'm kinda drooling over those pink chandeliers to tell you the truth!

    Great giveaway, too! My little granddaughter and I BOTH love the movie THE LITTLE MERMAID. I could prove it by singing you most ANY song from the movie, allll the way through! :0) Please enter me for a chance to win it for her!

    I'm also having a giveaway that ends tonight so please hop over and enter!

    BTW, a little birdie told me it is your birthday ~ so have a WONDERFUL day and eat a piece of gooey cake for me, too!


    Big TX Hugs,
    Angelic Accents

  55. Hi Tristan, Love all the pinks you're sharing this weekend! The night light, bubbly beauty is gorgeous too! Happy PS! Suzie

  56. Way too cool to give away! It would be mine, all mine!

  57. Okay, I must, must, must have the pink, glow-in-the-dark Jesus! You always find the BEST pink photos! I have three pink little grandchildren who would love your night light! :)

  58. wow, what an amazing giveaway, this is such a pretty nightlight! I'd love to keep it, but I have huge sleep problems. :(
    I'd love to give it away to someone else who will treasure it!

    happy pink saturday!


  59. Oh sweet thang, thank you for coming over to take a peek at some fun photos I found today! Aren't those vintagy white distressed rooms just TDF? Oh, if I lived there, I would have a huge party and make you the Man of the Hour!!!! Have a fabulous Sunday dear. Anita

  60. It's lovely, but I would give it to my younger sister that collects snow globes.

  61. OMG! I love this post, so Fabulous...I kept smiling and smiling then I got to the inside of Jeannie's Bottle and fliped! Love it Happy Pink Saturday. Grace xoxo

  62. Hi Tristan,

    Happy PiNk to you...A kid couldn't pry that from my hands! It's mine, you hear me! LOL

    Lovely stroll down the PiNk path...boy, we have covered some pink ground, haven't we?

    I hope you are having a great weekend..

    The PiNk party will be drifting throughout the week..don't miss all the divine virtual desserts! I promise it will make you smile.

    I've created a celebration button for all the pinkies if you'd like to snag it.

    Stephanie ♥

  63. I know the perfect little girl who would LOVE this light, though it will be hard to give away. It's just so cool!

  64. Wow pink it is!!!
    I love the last picture and think I might decorate with this in mind.. I'm trying to get more color in to my life and hot pink is one of them!

    That stove and refrigerator is exactly the color and style my grandmother had!!!!

    Night lights???? I'm crazy in love with night lights!!! Please enter me Tristan...

    Have the best of this Memorial week-end~

  65. U rock the PINK!! Loving those shoes!! And that nightlight would be the HIGH{light} (hehehehehehe) of my three year old Daughter!!! She loveeeeeeeeeeeeees mermaids! :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)

  66. You are definitely in-the-pink with this post. I really enjoyed the flashback of your pink posts and remember how much I enjoyed them all at the time.

    Love that mermaid nightlight. I've never seen anything quite so over the top in nightlights before. Its friggin amazing! Unfortunately, I do not need a night light and don't have any little kiddies to gift it to, so if I should be so lucky to be random-number-picked please do another pick for someone that can use and enjoy it.

    Hope you had a great birthday - and enjoy your weekend.


  67. HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY TRISTAN!!! Many happy returns of the day.

    I love that you featured your posts in a mosaic. I missed many of them to my dismay. Gorgeous is the only word that comes to mind.

    I would be delighted to enter your giveaway. How beautiful and different this night light looks. I am intrigued. I would keep it absolutely. thank you for the opportunity to win such a lovely gift.

    Enjoy your Memorial Day weekend.
    Hugs, Jeanne

  68. Oye Kiddo,

    Have I ever told you that all things mermaid is one of the things the Pearl of the Pacific (Mazatlan) is known for??? Well now you know! Although actually I think this beauty might need to call her home up in the Northlands with the grandbabies. A little reminder of where GM &GP live!

    Pattie ;)
    Mazatlan Mx.

  69. Happpy PS! what a lovely post! so many awesomely beautiful stuff!.. love them all!.. I can imagine pink kitchen!.. thanks for sharing. have a good weekend!



