Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Musings and Wanderings on Vicky's Birthday ...

Today is the day Canadians celebrate Queen Victoria's Birthday.
This was a woman who understood the value of a good crown!

Aren't these most detailed and finely crafted lampshades ever? I like the fabric well enough - but it's the artistry of pleats and bindings and borders that just knock me out!

Hey, Mollie. They don't make tube bottoms for a reason. Now go change!

Well, there is no question. My favorite aesthetic is the over-the-top artistry of 18th century France - followed closely by the glitz and glam of Hollywood Regency. However, this house would be so much fun to live in! And what a groovy spot to have a swinging mod party! My taste just may be evolving!

Have I introduced you to my parents? They had such style, once upon a time.
How does one manage to look as if they've tucked their ass in their pants, as if it were a shirt?

From Heather Bullard, this photo of the best sweets smorgasbord I've ever seen! I have no plans nor intent to cater a reception for anything. But, if the occasion should ever arise, I am so stealing this idea!Also from Heather Bullard comes this Regency crown. I know it's greedy, as I already have quite a number of crown hanging around, but dammit, I want need it!

Wanna bet that he wants you to be his next little rascal?

If life were more fair, I'd be going to sleep in this incredible bed tonight. sigh.
One pill makes you larger
and one pill makes you small.
And the ones that your mother gives you
don't do anything at all.
Go ask Alice
when she's ten feet tall.

Adorable photo. But the newspaper article attached to it was the best!
Catharine Clothier, one of the innumerable attractions at the annual garden Fete of Philadelphia's Smart Set, held at the Clothier Estate at Wynnewood. Mrs. Percy Frazer III, wears a smart afternoon frock.
How much fun would it be to have been part of the Smart Set?! Speaking of fetes and events, I want to be invited to parties that have fabulous entrance tickets like these!

Hmmm. I'm not sure she got the complete pattern for her Never-Never Land costume.

I have great admiration for a woman who plans her outfit for Casual Friday the night before.

I wish I could remember where I found these photos of Nantucket homes, decorated with paper parasols and lanterns. So festive and pretty and fanciful. If these are from your blog, please let me know so that I can credit you!

Do you love this as much as I do?

... must be a Prell girl ...
"You just can't be in a bad mood in here," said Karen Kalish, who has decorated her 105 year-old historic home in Clayton showcasing her love of color and art.
For more (pretty remarkable!) photos of this fabulous home and art collection, click here.
This colorful, magical, quilted skeleton knocks my socks off!

Remember: There will always be those who are judging you.

Well, Jon and I are dressed and ready to go out to dinner. Thank you for spending some time with me this evening. I hope you found something to amuse and something to amaze you...and that you'll be back for a visit soon!Now, go make something beautiful!
¸.•´¸.•*´¨) ¸.•*´¨)
(¸.•´ (¸.•´♥ Tristan


  1. Ok where do I start....
    The picture of bad clothing is hilarious... What are people thinking!!! All though I do love the Mad Hatter of sorts... wish I was so brave!

    Love the crowns!

    That house has the colors that I am striving to put in my house! I esp. love the kitchen!

    I'd give my eye tooth for one of those tickets!

    You and I must be from the same era ~ I remember Prell!

    And I'll state once more NOOOOOOOO
    don't cut your hair!!!!!
    Pattee : )

  2. Tristan, you surely know how to make a heavy heart lighter. Your blog is medicine. Even on Dr. Oz today, laughter has been proven to lower cholesterol. Can you believe that! I know I need laughter, and you provide it in so many ways that just delight us. When I'm in CT, I have to visit your grocery store...what a riot. I can't believe you "get" to take those photos. Too fun.
    sending you kisses my friend.

  3. I found your blog a while back, but I had to take the time to start at the beginning and read very thing you post. I laughed so hard at some of these picture I cried.

    I love coming an visiting you, you make may day.

    One question --- Are people crazy or What.

    I hope you had a nice evening out
    wiht Jon. --- LOL


  4. Thank you Tristan. I feel as though I have just been treated to an entire floor show this evening. A very brave person lives in the house of colors. The quilted skeleton is my favorite! Do hope you enjoyed dinner...

  5. The Mod house is definitely groovy! Taking you back to the old school. Yeah, the pole in the bedroom caught my attention.

    It must be really cool to dress up weird and go out and watch people in shock, I am referring to the mad hatter by the way. :-)

  6. Thank you Tristan for mentioning Queen Vic's birthday. This coming weekend is a long holiday one in celebration of it (which means that everyone heads to their cottage and drinks beer LOL) that crown and also love Karen Kalish's house...going to click your link in a minute.

    You and Jon are definitely more stylin than the people-of-walmart, but a little hint - next time you go out to dinner? Lose the short shorts. :)


  7. Thank you is not enough!
    Your sense of joy is apparent and I love it all!!

  8. There is always something here that amuses and amazes me! Where do I begin?
    Love the groovy house...that would definitely be a great party house.
    But, I WANT the Nantucket house with the parasols and lanterns.
    And, OMG! where DO you find all those nasty butt pics? Those 'crack' me up! hehe

  9. OMG....Tristan....I so needed that!! It is now 4:52 a.m. & what a great way to start my day!!
    Now to start.....I love primary colors in my kitchen BUT...I think the primary colors used in that one house.....whew....
    You are right...that quilted skeleton is amazing!!
    O.K., enough of the barely-there butts!! I haven't even finished my 1st cupa' coffee!!
    Love You Sweetie & As Always LOVE Your Posts!!
    Have a Wonderful Day!!

  10. YOU ARE THE BEST. 'Nuf said.

    No wait....those pictures of the CROWNS AND have my heart dearest. And you are the king of chuckle, yes you are....those pants pics. Where on earth do you find them? :)


  11. wow...your posts never cease to amaze and amuse me!!! that mod home made me slightly ill...i grew up in the 60's and somehow the house was a bit of a flashback. i guess i never got over the 60's trippin' colors along with the 80's poofy sleeves and padded shoulders. but that's just me! my kids flipped out over your ham can art!

  12. Dear God, Make me a bird, so I can fly far, far far into that groovy mod house...

    Dear God, Make me a bird, so I can fly far, far far into that groovy mod house...

    Dear God, Make me a bird, so I can fly far, far far into that groovy mod house...

  13. Good grief Mollie, sort it out, especially as I'm eating my lunch. Blimey Little Rascal, couldn't you at least tone with some daily sit-ups?!

  14. OMG Tristan!!!
    Every visit, I think "he can't top the last post...." and of course I am miserably WRONG!!!
    I cannot start anywhere from the laughter of the photos, but I guess the one that gets me most is *tucking your butt into jeans like a shirt*-----I mean, can she NOT KNOW what that looks like???
    I don't understand....
    You are most definitely OVER THE TOP!!! BRAVO!!!


    Vert. word: "favokik"
    In use: "Coming to Tristan's blog is my FAVOKIK for the day!"

  15. I want a skeleton just like that! Loved the post!

  16. Hello Tristan,
    First I want to thank you for your concern. I'm doing Ok.But I did learn real quick that when your hubby retires...You Ain't!!!
    I have less time for anything and I'm afraid my blogging has suffered the worse.Making anything new ...well I haven't been able to do that either. I hope he mellows out soon...LOL
    I so get a kick out of these butt photos and I do love the way you mix the real kool prints in.That house is so kool.
    My friend CK of Ck designs would love the skull. You have a wonderful sense of humour. You are just to kool.Have you been to New Orleans? I bet you would be a load of fun to hang with.
    Well got to go...Hubby is now hungry.
    XXOO Marie Antionette
    PS...Happy Birthday Victoria

  17. OK Mr. T...the crowns are fab and Miss Victoria is simply LOVELY...

    The brightly lit up house makes me think of sherbet icecream! I got sick on that when I was 10 and haven't eaten it since! :)

    The bed is divine. Maybe we can share? :)

    But...those peeps with their bumms hanging out (or stuffed in) of their pants make me cringe. I don't want to see that...nada-no-NEVER. ICKY!

    Off to make something beautiful. You've given me my muse for the day!


  18. OH, all that colorful happiness is making me SMILE!!! I really love that amazing house!

  19. I was both amused and amazed! Oooo, and lots of giggling out loud. Favorite - the Hollywood Regency Home. Everything about it, the Popsicle colors scream HAPPY ♫♪♫
    **kisskiss** Deb

  20. Do I detect a bit of picnik overlay on Vicky's first pic ... .
    well done!

    Alas, the Smart Set has always eluded moi ... . I've always associated the concept with something slightly akin to Nick, Nora and that cute little dog. But I do believe anyone with the name Osgood gets an automatic invite.


  21. Tristan, I don't know where you find all these pics! I see what you mean about missing half the pattern! Again, have thoroughly enjoyed my visit on your wonderful blog! Some of these pics are just hilarious!

    Have a great Thursday!


  22. Hi Tristan
    tooo funny, and so colorful, I love that MOD House, I don't know if I could cook in a pink kitchen EKKKK
    wonderful blog post, always a giggle and wonderful stuff I Need, Want!!!!
    your fairy friend

  23. LOL!! I love the never ever land...LOL you are too much Tristan. As always, thanks for the entertaining post and images.

  24. Where in the world do you get the photos of these badly dressed folk...too funny!

    Oh, it would be wonderful to find an awesome invitation like one of those...

  25. Hi Tristan,
    As always so many emotions as I read your posts, laughter, sighs and delight! I love that display of Heather's too. What a creative idea. And Nantucket homes, I love all that gingerbread.

    I hope you are having a lovely week.


  26. Hi Tristan. Love that rococo polonaise bed etching...the rest is fairly hideous, but delightfully so. Merci! Have a wonderful weekend! Trish

  27. Hey Kiddo,

    I gotta say that the bedroom in your ubermod bedroom is certainly very progressive, all set up with maintaining a healthy heart in mind. :) Don't know that I've ever seen a dance floor & pole in the middle of the bedroom. Then how about the trapeze over the king size bed. Yikes and I don't even want to know about the suspended hula hoop over the Shrink's couch!!!

    Certainly would be more entertaining then a boring 3 mile run on a cinder track! :)

    Pattie ;)
    Mazatlan Mx.
