Sunday, April 11, 2010

Get Those Smiles Back! It's GIVEAWAY CONTEST time!

Seriously, have you ever seen a more depressed bunch of clowns? They look like an ad for Oxycodone. Well, I think they're just feeling down because they don't know about today's

Blog Giveaway Contest!

This contest is being sponsored by

The prize is 50 custom printed greeting cards with envelopes!
The greeting cards are 7" x 5" (folded to 3.5" x 5").
Includes free ground shipping.

Click on the image of the greeting cards below to see the marvelous design tools you will have available to create
your custom greeting cards!

Greeting cards are an excellent way to say “Hi” and “Hello” to your friends. Not only that, you can also use these for businesses. You can also have your greeting cards customized. By customizing it, you can add some personal photos, graphics, logos, pictures and personal messages. The goal of customizing a greeting card is to create a uniquely personal greeting card that reflects the creativity of the sender.

If you have ever wondered whether the cost of quality printing cards with your artwork featured to sell in your etsy shop, this is a terrific way to test the waters!

There are two requirements: You must be 18 to enter. And the contest is only available to residents of the United States.

To enter, please leave a comment ON THIS POST ONLY.

If you are a follower, leave another comment ON THIS POST ONLY. (And if you're not, why not?!)

For every person who mentions that you referred them to the contest ON THIS POST ONLY, you will receive another entry! This gives you an unlimited number of chances to win!

I will announce the winner (via Random Number Generator) on Monday, April 26!

Good luck to everybody! I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you all!

So, did I help put a smile back on your face?!

Now, go make something beautiful!

¸.•´¸.•*´¨) ¸.•*´¨)
(¸.•´ (¸.•´♥ Tristan


  1. Ooh, first comment. I could actually send some thank you cards for my wedding (last July!) if I win, so fingers crossed :)

  2. i am happy to leave this 2nd comment!
    now, do I win!!!

  3. me again
    I just took a look at the site and man, it looks fantastic!!!
    Really, thanks!

  4. BTW....the clowns look creepier than usual.

  5. OMG Tristan...
    Good Morning and what a surprise today. A wonderful giveaway. I am so tickled as always to see what you have been up to, and a giveaway how exciting. Please enter my name into the contest. Ohh pick me, pick me. Love it.

    Country hugs kiddo...Sherry

  6. Good Morning Tristan it is me again kiddo...

    I am a follower, so please enter me again.

    I have also added it to my scrollbar, so I am hoping that some of my bloggers will pop over and mention me.

    Have a beautiful day Tristan, I am off to make something beautiful.

    Country hugs kiddo...Sherry

  7. Wow Tristan! This giveaway is GREAT! I'd love to enter!

  8. I'm a follower, too, so I'm following up with my 2nd comment! ;)

  9. Ok, I'm waaaay over 18 and I live in the United States. Got those two down *smiles*

  10. AND, I'm a stalker . . . I mean follower

  11. LOL...I was just going through one of my vintage pic files and came across the miserable looking clown pic - thought sheesh this is a sad looking bunch! Then I come here to see what revelry you have posted today, and see the same pic! Either I am being haunted by sad clowns this weekend, or 'great minds', etc.


  12. Tristan, you always put a smile on my face! Usually I am busting out laughing....


  13. And yes, that is the sorriest looking bunch of clowns....they really look depressed! (do clowns get depressed? do they scare each other???)
    Inquiring minds....or what's left of mind.....would love to know!


  14. You know how I love cards, so I am definitely in! This is a wonderful giveaway! Both of those photos are awesome! Is the second one vintage or modern made to look vintage? It almost looks like a photo shoot. I think I will go clown around for awhile! Hope you have a great weekend!

  15. Thank You Tristan for the many belly laughs! I am a follower, only for you! Hehe

  16. Wonderful Fun! You think of such cool things, Tristan!

  17. Of course I'm following you. You make me smile every day!

  18. Anne at El Milagro Studio sent me here.
    Awesome giveaway.

  19. What a wonderful blog!! I'm so glad Anne Lockard Huskey sent me here!!

  20. Great giveaway. I would love to make some custom cards, thank you and Uprinting for the chance.
    Have a magical week!

  21. I'm here to say Anne sent me and I love your blog. Most wonderful giveaway. Please count me in!! :) Silke

  22. Thank you Tristan...fabulous giveaway!! Way to go putting a smile on my face!!
    xOxO Nerina

  23. Look what fabulousness I would be missing if I did not follow you!!

  24. You always make me smile...and I would love to be entered!

  25. Hi Tristan! i would love to enter : ) xo lenna

  26. hey Tristan!! Yes, i follow YOU so i am entering again, thank you! Lenna

  27. what a generous giveaway by your newest sponsor. I would be honored to be considered in your drawing. I love mailing cards!!! Thank you Tristan.

  28. I love to follow you Tristan as you are a major inspiration in my day. You are far more clever than those very sad clowns. Did I win?

  29. What a Fantastic Giveaway...And yes you put the smile back on my face..You always do..And of course I am a follower of your wonderful blog...I will snag the button and put it up in my blog later today..

  30. Hi Tristan! Am I supposed to leave 2 comments if I follow you? LOL! I am so confused! Per normal....Pam

  31. ACK! I forgot to say that Anne from El Milagro Studio sent me here. :)

  32. Wonderful giveaway, i would be happy to win this..

  33. anne sent me too.

    i know this company. they produce good products.

    please count me in. i am not a follower but i sometimes follow, that is, when i'm not lost....!


  34. another chance for Anne via yoboro

  35. what a great giveaway...please add my name! how fun!

  36. I'm a follower....oh,goody..a second chance! thanks!!!
    ps...way older than 18..wouldn't go back to those days for anything..I value my "wisdom" far too much!!!!!!...and am in Calif,...

  37. Tristan,
    You sure did put a smile on my face! I am already a follower, so I added another follow from my sketchbook blog.

    Thanks for letting me know about your giveaway.


  38. okeydokeeeee.

    I am following on Karen's Sketchbook too.


  39. I think I signed up to be a follower...Anne sent me over again...You have so much positive energy...Where do you find these old photos??? I am new to this blog experience...Imagine and Live in Peace, Mary Helen Fernandez Stewart

  40. Gorgeous cards, thanks for the chance.

  41. another chance for Anne via Mary Helen

  42. And now I know why I was always so terrified of clowns !
    Great giveaway,thanks Tristan
    julie xx

  43. I am here again with great enthusiasm! OH, I AM CROSSING MY FINGERS....greedy little me, I have already won twice from you!!! Anita

  44. Hey Tristan,

    Here I am.....number 59, better late than never. I'm a very busy person lately, so I won't feel too bad. Please, please enter me and just skip the random number picker thingy.....just choose me! Oops, did I say that out loud? Okay, good luck to everyone, but just pick me anyway........there I go again.......LOL. It would be lovely if I won!


    P.S. I have the perfect verification word "nappie" as in I should probably change mine....LOL

  45. I'm not 18 so unfortunately I'm going to have to withhold my entry.

  46. Majorly creepy clowns but I do have a smile on my face now I've entered the giveaway!
    Alicia :0)

  47. Tristan, what a great give-away!!
    I feel guilty entering as I won one of your prizes in the past. But, what the heck, right?
    Actually, that group of clowns look more inebriated than they do sad. (:
    ♥ audrey

  48. Oh, and I follow you everywhere you go.....

  49. Here is my first comment. Yes those clowns are depressing. Or are depressed. LOL

  50. Yes I am already of follower and a fan of yours.

  51. And I will post this giveaway on my blog.

  52. Ahh, clowns suffering from ennui...
    I PROMISE to ship out your prize before Wed. I have been up to my head in shopping as something so special awaits! (I'll be sharing with everyone soon!!)
    Please forgive me.

  53. Ooooo, I would love to win this! Thanks for the chance!

  54. I am a follower/lurker! Your posts never fail to put a smile on my face!
    Happy Monday!

  55. okay, I'm following now. But I'm not sure how that all works. I'm on typepad and can't even sign in on blogger w/it. I'm so confused.

    xo joanna

  56. Nice giveaway and to think, I wouldn't have known about it if Anne at El Milgro hadn't told us!

  57. another chance for Anne via Vicki~TheMiddleSister

  58. Anne says I have to get over here and enter, so here I am!

  59. another chance for Anne via Magpie Mumblings

  60. yay! thanks for the giveaway. . .
    greeting cards are very useful :)

  61. I'd follow you to Oz and back and to the moon after that...Please sign me up, along with the other 80 faithful followers...yikes!

  62. Poor clowns...

    I cant join in as im from downunder, but good luck everyone


  63. Giveaway...I could use a giveaway. I love parting gifts, blog sway, STUFF! Love the photo of the lovely circus lady doing the makeup for the clown. There is something appealing about circus and carnival families...I have a fascination with their lives. SEa Witch

  64. Oh dear. Clowns. My Bad Alice is dreadfully afraid of clowns. When they were teenagers, SPC Ryan used to sneak in her room at night and say in a very high-pitched clown voice, BOBO's in your room! Lovely give-away! **blows kisses** Deb

  65. Hey guess what. Anne sent me. I do follow but due to a Google glitch cannot get on your follower list. I would love to win those cards and would love to be as fine an artist as you and Anne. I am working on it. blessings.

  66. Hello Tristan - you have a smile post too! TY for visiting. My life just gets more and more interesting, which means less posting.

    I must say though, I do think clowns are creepy and am glad to read the comments and see I'm not the only one. My son even does clowning sometimes, doesn't change my opinion, still creepy. He did NOT get that tendancy from me!

    Would you do me a favor and use my entry for someone who resonates with you, please? I'd like to offer a little love out to the universe♥

    Take care, J

  67. extra chance for Anne via QueenMotherMawMaw

  68. Appearances are deceptive: I am over the age of 18 and a resident of the US.
    Fabulous giveaway, Tristan!
