Monday, March 1, 2010

Oh No! Say It Ain't So...!

We woke up this morning to chilly air and ice cold floors. Our furnace did something weird last night. Yeah. Weird. It didn't warm the air. Now there's a fella trying to figure out why. He's been trying since 8:15am. Still no warm air.

okay. It's not this cold. But it's cold nonetheless.

I have no interest in turning back in middle name is NOT Donner!

Well, this is going to be a short post. It's too cold to type - even with my fingerless gloves.Hopefully, in a short time I can be warming myself by the furnace again! Until then, it's too cold to work - so you need to stand in for me andGo make something beautiful!
¸.•´¸.•*´¨) ¸.•*´¨)
(¸.•´ (¸.•´♥ Tristan

Edited at 11:15 - Hurrah!
We have heat!
thanks to a new mother board - I don't know what that is, but
I'm so glad we have a new one!


  1. Oh No-o-o-o....Hope you get the furnace issue resolved soon!!
    You mentioned the Donner's. It is snowing furiously right now & it has literally snowed for the last 5 days. I told DH yesterday that I felt like my last name was Donner!!
    "It just NEVER freekin' ends!!"
    Stupid...Stupid Weather!!
    Stay Warm!!
    p.s. If I ever complain of the heat of summer please gently remind of this relentless winter!!

  2. Poor awful for you! I guess you don't have a fire place..maybe it's time you think about putting one in!! LOL I hope this writing finds you finally warmed up and ready to create. Come on down to West TX...we're having great weather this week...upper 60's-70 degrees...springs in the air and so are the allergies...oey vey. The price of lovely weather.

    Take care, my friend, and keep warm.


  3. I can relate, very little good heat in Florida, and it has been cold here
    layers of soxs and hoodies, hope you don't have to go out and chop wood
    wrap up in a blanket, Spring is coming soon "really"
    your fairy friend

  4. I hope you get heat fast! Even though it isn't REALLY cold here (it's all relative, you know) my house is always cold in the winter and generally hot in the summer. Most houses in California are not insulated and mine is no exception. Since the temp in the house in around 60 in the morning, I have to turn the heat on just to get the 'chill' out of the air. Of course, as soon as it heats up to around 70, I turn it off and back down it goes. But when I'm working and such, it doesn't usually bother me. In any case, I'm sending you warm thoughts! ;-)


  5. Yikees! I hope he can figure out pronto what's wrong!!!

    Bundle up!


  6. Oh, that's terrible!!! Try and stay warm as best as you can. Snuggle up in all your blankets and drink hot chocolate, coffee, tea...or all of them!!! Send warm thoughts your way...Theresa

  7. Dude, that sucks. Sorry. I hope you can get it working properly again soon!

  8. Since I just read this 8:45am Ca time, I don't have to say get warm soon, cause you are!!

  9. So happy you've got your heat back and that merry dance looks fantastic! As do the fingerless gloves! I feel a must-have purchase coming on!

  10. Okay sweetie...all furnaces are now run the same way as our computers are run; with motherboards. That is the main *brain* that tells it what to do when the rheastat on your inhouse thermostat drops below a certain level, it reads that and turns the furnace on.....
    More than you wanted to know, eh?
    Get warm Sweetie!!!!

    my word verification is TRAMP???? :D

  11. Glad you are up and dancing again I hate cold and we are having the worst time here in London for years.
    Still it's a good excuse to stay home and craft :-D

  12. SO glad that you have heat again! Four years ago, in the midst of a very, VERY cold January, our gas furnace died. For two days we had no heat and I developed a serious appreciation for our forefathers.


  13. Ahhh that darn heater. I really dislike being cold. Glad you have the heat back on. Snuggle up and take it easy today.


  14. Stay warm, perhaps you can wrap yourself in some cashmere blankets and sip on hot tea all afternoon. Just a thought:)

  15. Thanks sweet motherboard!!I'm happy to hear your warm air is circling around you dear Tristan.Have a wonderful day!!Warmest Regards,Cat

  16. I'm glad your heat is back on! What is it with these oil burners? Our switch burnt out the night before the big storm we had a few weeks ago.
    Luckily they were able to fix it in about an hour!

  17. Yeah!! Glad you have your heat back!!! Brrrrr...

  18. I don't know what it is either, but it sound EXPENSIVE!!! Love your dancing outfit! It would go so well with your fingerless gloves! :)


  19. Oh Tris...not having a furnace for heat in winter is like not having AC in the south in August. Bad news all around. Still, you have sweet Dusty to keep you toasty or maybe it's the other way around. Always adore your old photos...they are so full of emotional and joy. Sea Witch

  20. Oh No! Poor Tristan and Dusty...good thing your name ISN'T Donner! crack me up! Glad to hear you got it repaired ok. Stay warm on this windy day.

  21. oh i hope yopu are warm by now! i keep my house so cold that my kids lips turn blue when they are here. it keeps me moving. i hate warmth!

  22. Oh no! Though it is not quite the same, we lost power here for several hours this weekend because of the snowstorm. No heat. Very, very chilly. I sure hope all has been resolved and that you are warm again.


  23. Yeah Tristan! Love your picture of your joy!!! You get me every time!

    Bisous, Anita

  24. A mother board? That sounds like something from Star Trek....well, whatever it is, I'm glad you've got it. Have a warm day.
    xxoo Valarie

  25. Awwww...being cold is the worst! Glad to see at the end of your post that all is warm agian, thank goodness for motherboards and the furnace man who knew how to fix it!

  26. I am so glad you got a new Mother board and now your heater is working. There is no comfort in being cold. Keep creating...

  27. Nothing like a motherboard (whatever that is) to crank things back up.....glad you are warm again, xv.

  28. But they are nice finger gloves, that's for sure.

  29. Those motherboards will do it every time. Anything with the name mother in it is sure to make things better. Well, I take that back...not ANY name with the word Mother. Stay warm.


  30. haha!!!! i HATE ice cream. never could stand it even as a kid!!! you can get those skulls at the liquor store. they are dan ackroyd's vodka. yep...that dan ackroyd! he created his own vodka. you can google it and see his video. he even has mini skull shot glasses that go with it!

  31. Should you really have been dancing in that outfit, with the heat out and all....just sayin....
