Sunday, January 3, 2010

Does glimmer and sparkle fade because New Years has gone by?

Well, the New Year's Even guests have thrown their last rose petal and sipped their last champagne. They've all returned home after

ringing in the year 2010 in style.
We've swept up the last of the confetti and glitter and streamers and polished the last champagne glass and now we're just hanging, wondering what there is to do now. After the holidays it's always such a let-down. A relief. But, a let-down, too.

We could go to the movies - and there are some really interesting ones out now that I would really like to see. But, we've seen so many movies over the past week or so, I don't think anything is going to stand out as special to me right now. Besides, I definitely want to be alert and chipper for the two hour premier of Durham County tonight!
So, I pulled out a few of the delightful treasures that I've received this year - some as gifts, some received in swaps, some won in contests, some purchased. All wonderful things created by wonderful artists. Here are just a few of the wondrous things I've been fortunate enough to have come to my home this year!

There are so many others! I really need someplace special to showcase them. Something that is both utilitarian and pleasing to the eye.

I'll just have to get Santa to pick out exactly the right one for me! Shall we go on a short little shopping trip?!

Perhaps this Louis XVI Ormolu Mounted Vernis Martin Vitrine by Francois Linke?
This lovely 18th century vitrine on cabriole legs has a serpentine shape, rouge marble top and extensive gilt bronze mounts including swags, cherubs, and female masks at the corners. It is distinguished for its three Vernis Martin panels.
It's a definite possibility!

Perhaps something just a tad less lavish? For instance, this French Napoleon III 1870's vitrine?
It was made in the Louis XV style during the Napoleon III period. It is made of mahogany with ormolu bronze fittings. The three bottom panels are original paintings of romantic scenes signed Hameau. The glass panels are bombe and the inside has 3 glass shelves and a mirrored back.
We definitely want to put a check mark next to this one on the list!

Now this 19th century English Chippendale style terrarium showcase is actually quite the right size to show small trinkets and treasures. But, I also have some larger pieces, such as crowns and diaramas and miniature theatres that I've been given and would want to display. Plus, as lovely as this, I feel the fretwork impedes the view of the items displayed. I think we can safely pass this one by.

Oh my! Two-Part Italian Cabinet
Circa 1820
Here we have an 18th century two-part Italian cabinet; the open upper section with wooden shelves inset behind carved and gilt wood scalloped frame with garlands, and arched top having corners with vase issuing flame motif. The base has two shelves above drawers with rosettes and leaves, and vitrine with faux marble green painted finish overall. Don't you want to get a closer look at that carving and painting?! I know I do!
Yes, without question, that is a display cabinet with pizzazz and style!

But, for some reason, I always return to my favorite style! Here we have found a fine Louis XV style bronze mounted rosewood vitrine. This exquisite jewelbox is circa 1880 French with painted bombe panels.
Another strong contender!
Even though it's too small to house all of our lovely gifts, this miniature 18th century Italian vitrine/reliquary is too marvelous not to stop and look over. This hand carved beauty would be the perfect housing for a few of the treasures...but, I really want to keep them altogether. So, with regret, we'll leave it behind and continue the search.

Oh, wondrous! This Italian 19th century carved gilt wood vitrine in the style of Louis XV is so fanciful and enchanting! And it would fit perfectly into a corner, which is very good for feng shui, so that no bad energy is trapped in a corner! This could be the one! Except...

...I see another stunning early 19th century Italian paint decorated vitrine lined in white silk. It is finely carved with beveled glass surrounds and has gilded highlights. This looks like a gift! What a delightful display case for ... gifts!
We really should check out what America has to offer! Here we have a 19th century carved on stand vitrine with serpentine front glass. Is anything as enchanting as serpentine glass?! And, the plus is that it's from America.

Well, I just can't make up mind. I'm leaning towards that Italian hand carved two part case. But I'm just not sure. I guess I will make a permanent choice some other day.

Besides, I really should stop loafing and shopping and get back to work! There are only so many breaks I should take after such a long holiday away from the studio!But that little shopping trip certainly has improved my mood! I think I'll take off my shoes, put on my Sunday best, and go see if I can find some trouble to get into in the studio!
I know that sparkling and shimmering and glimmering and gleaming will continue well past New Year's Eve in my little corner of the world!

Thank you for spending some time with me today. I hope you've enjoyed yourself, and that you'll return soon! Until then ...

... go make something beautiful!
¸.•´¸.•*´¨) ¸.•*´¨)
(¸.•´ (¸.•´♥ Tristan


  1. OMG...loving all your photos Tristan and tried to pick my favorite of the display pieces (drool) as I too need a fabulous display case, but I really did LOL when I came to the last pic and read your words.

    Always a treat to read your blogs!


  2. What a glorious bounty of treasures you have received! It is a testament to your generous and kind heart. You might need to buy several if not all of those fabulous cabinets.

  3. Of course the glimmer and sparkle doesn't fade, silly boy! We have YOUR BLOG to keep it new Years Eve the whole year through!!! :)
    Lovely furniture pics---can you imagine living in a era where people could make that by hand??? THAT is ART.

    Anne....not too shimmery this evening...PEEP!

  4. Ahem.... I will take the Chippendale Terrarium please.... The other pieces I am afraid I can not fit in my home until my designer has the 14 room addition built on. Ahemmmm..... ((any excuse will do!!)) tee...hee!!

    I can't say I am sorry to see 09' go. It had a lot of pain for us... I am not sure if 10' will be better but there is something about the beginning of the New Year that gives hope.
    Here's to a better year/decade for us all!!
    Great Post!!

  5. I must tell you and you know me well enough to know....
    Heading into the new year with a big smile on my face after reading your post today!
    All the bestest to you!!

  6. Oh Tristan darling you are again, the best. You have me envying the most beautiful antiques, you have me laughing out loud with the most appropriate photos that convey exactly what you want to communicate, and your treasures show us what you love so, and I as well. I just did a post on simplicity, but by no means do I mean on cutting back on the sparkle! Just musing about the things in life that matter, like LOVE. You are a magnificent human being, and your friendship is precious. Much love to you and Jon always. Anita

  7. Your home must be a giant treasure chest! You will need plenty of vitrines to store it all.
    Happy New Year, Tristan...and congrats on your blogiversary.


  8. I just love that French Display shelf, it looks like a theater OMG
    Thanks for sharing, wonderful inspiration, going to make a French Fairy theater this year! If I can figure it all out LOL
    Back to work in the Studio

  9. I love, love, love, that alst pic! Why does it bring to mind Lucille Ball? And one of my daughters?!!...

  10. So glad you're beaming with sparkle and glimmer. Now I know where to come and get it! I think 2010 is going to be a very sparkly year with lots of magic in store. As for your cabinets, well, how could you choose? Are the last two reproductions or antiques? Do you know where they're from?
    Love the shopping spree! Happy New Year!

  11. Tristan, I am sure that sparkling and shimmering and glimmering and gleaming will continue well past New Year's Eve in your corner, you do it so well. Truly! what a shopping trip! Thanks for that fun! xo lenna

    l e n n a . y o u n g . a n d r e w s
    -love gone wild ATC Swap!

    For my part I know nothing with any certainty, but the sight of the stars makes me dream.
    -- Vincent Van Gogh

  12. Happy New Year 2010 Kiddo!!!

    Thanks to you I spent the first couple of days of the new year turning pot metal and plastic into ancient rusty relics!!! Thanks so much, I have been having sooooo much fun!!!

    Pattie ;)
    Mazatlan Mx.

  13. I love that picture of the lady swinging on the bell. It has the unusual quality of being beautiful and hilarious at the same time!

  14. You have some marvelous vintage photos in this post! I think that you will be please to know that I have the perfect display for all those wonderful gifts you received this last year...around my neck!


  15. Tristan darlin'! You are a hoot. Oh yeah! My header crown is a decadent piece, and you should see the rest of my collection! I will never let go of my love for sparkle! I hope you found "TROUVAIS"...what a great find last year. Her photos are scrumptious and communicate an elegance, a flamboyance and at the same time, a peaceful relaxation. Enjoy my friend. Anita

  16. Of course it does and that just makes us want it all the more. Wishing you and Dust all the best for 2010. Sea Witch

  17. You had confetti in the house? I couldn't ever do that, hoovering is bad enough out of season!

  18. Oh Tristan, I loooove the cabinets!! Espcially the one lined in red...(It's one of my favorite colors).

    I love the French/Marie are one lucky guy!!

    I am in South Florida (where I called home for 20 years) to try to rejuventate. And it's no warmer here. It's in the 30's right now. Brrrr...

    Talk to you soon~



  19. Hi Tristan! Hey! I saw something that I sent you!! I wanted to come by and say a big THANK YOU for the sweet comment you left about my blog being published in Romantic Homes. It really is a thrill, but it’s also a thrill to connect with such kind bloggers like you. Thanks again and best wishes for a wonderful 2010! ~ xo Joy

  20. You always take us on the most fun shopping sprees. I could probably fall in love with any one of these.

    Happy New Year.

  21. Happy New Year Tristan! Yes, the holidays were a whirl, so fun and busy and then all of a sudden everyone's gone...
    Here's wishing you all wonderful creative things in 2010!
    xo Heidi

  22. Fabulous photos as usual Tristan. I loved the one in the movie theater. So many treasures to display, I don't think I could ever pick a favorite cabinet for them. Too many choices.

  23. What a cute post as usual. So many beautiful things! Thanks for sharing! :) Cassandra

  24. Thank to you, my New Year will still be filled with lovely sparkles. We were finally able to collect our mail through the snow and among it was your gorgeous card and goodies. Wonderful! And so happy to see all the beautiful items I could buy if only I could get to the shops!!

  25. Good morning precious Tristan! Thank you for ambling on by my winter blog....WOW we are in a deep freeze here in the nation's ice box! is lovely to stay in on the weekend and savor those moments of creativity and work with glitter, write, draw and just sleep! You asked about those embroidered pages...I have never, ever seen anything like it, Tristan! They are antique silk books! Found where? On TROUVAIS! What a gorgeous must go there, you would like it. All French antiques. I want one of those books!! 18Th century glam!! Have a splendid week and keep cozy, you two...and the dog! Bisous, Anita

  26. I'm sure you will find something to get into...LOL. As for me ,i too have the holiday lags.Mardi Gras is coming up really fast and i want to make something special.
    Anyho I so enjoy looking at the photos of all that lovely cabinets.Oh just the house they would look so gorgeous in.They really are so ornate.
    You sure did recieve some wonderful gifts.Everyone a treasure.Would you please email me? I would like to send something to you too, but it will be for you to display or create with.
    My email is
    With that,
    I wish this new year will bring you all the best it can offer Hon,
    XXOO Marie Antionette

  27. Thanks for your sweet comments on my blog. BTW - I had to keep up with you. LOVE the ones you did and the mini ones for the store. I got to glimpse into a box and there they were. I can't wait for the big opening of the Bankers Suite. I will take lots of pictures for you.

  28. They are all such gorgeous pieces but choosing just one would be hard.
    Love your blog.

  29. oh I need in collector's shelves a lot. Some of those you have been shown here are really good and I love them ))))
