Thursday, December 31, 2009

Sparkle! Shimmer! Glimmer! Gleam!

There is no holiday more appropriate for my mantra "sparkle, shimmer, glimmer, gleam!" than New Year's Eve, with it's remembrances of the delights of the past year and the hopes and wishes for the new one.

...gather your prettiest papers and wires and fringes and silks and everything sparkly you can lay your hands on...
... with some crepe paper and silk and shiny foil fringe, begin the process of a New Year's Eve fantasy ...
... twist and braid and weave and dye ...
...then get out your ladder to begin festooning and draping and creating ...
... hang your pinatas by silken cords ...
...and, if one should drop and break, it's only so you have enough nourishment to continue! ...... have you made enough braid? ... are there enough tassels? ... have you used every last shred of sparkly and shiny scrap? ...
...then it's TIME! Pop the cork and celebrate. A new year - new adventures - new knowledge - new challenges - new discoveries - new loves - is about to begin!
All photographs from Confetti System and Urban Outfitters.

Thank you for spending time with me this year. Thank you for your encouragement and compliments and jokes and chiding and teasing. I appreciate my new-found friends so much, and I feel that you have enriched my life in so many ways.

Now, go make a beautiful 2010!
¸.•´¸.•*´¨) ¸.•*´¨)
(¸.•´ (¸.•´♥ Tristan


  1. oh wow im gobsmacked.i want to come to your party!!lol just amazing
    debbie xx

  2. Wishing you the best in 2010.
    HAPPY NEW YEAR, Tristan!
    ♥ audrey

  3. Tristan, you make the world a brighter, more exciting place to be. Thanks for the glitz!

  4. Tristan.....
    Wishing you all the Best for 2010!! Hold to your convictions & don't sweat the small stuff.
    In the words of my Grandma who I find was wise beyond her years....
    "Be like a duck.... Smooth & serene on the surface & paddle like hell underneath!!"
    Love You!

  5. Happy New Year, Tristan! Your blog puts me in the party mood!

    All the best in 2010,

    Elena xxoo

  6. I hope your New Year gleams with hope, love, joy and peace for you and all you know! Enjoy any festivities you may attend and sparkle for all!

  7. Tristan,

    I shall remember you as I pour in the hominy to my special soup!!! LOL Hope you have a wonderful New Year and I too thank you for being a friend to me on my blog, plus your just one inspiring dude!!!!

    Take care, let your hair down a bit and have some fun!!!


  8. Just stopping by to wish you a very Happy New Year, Tristan!


  9. Beautiful pics Tristan! (did I expect anything less? no...)
    I think we should start smacking the pinatas NOW, just in case we don't make it to midnight, and to make sure they're filled know, Pinata Dysfunction...the damper of many a party!
    Have a wonderful 2010!!!


  10. Well Happy sparkly New Year to you too !!! (by the way .... I want that hat in your previous post .... that cool pillbox with the gigantic feather !!!! PERFECT !!)

  11. Tristan, you are the best. May I say here publicly that I LOVE YA'!!! Your sparkle for life and humor, your choice of art and sweetness are just right up my alley, dude. Hey, come and visit and help me out...what should I do with my hair? :) HAVE A WILD but SAFE CELEBRATION! BISOUS, Anita

  12. 10, 9, 8,7,6,5,4,3,2,


    < : )

  13. Thanks so much for your sparkly, shimmery, glimmery and gleaming blogpost today and all preceding days in 2009. Like you I firmly believe you can never have enough of fabric, braids, glitter, ribbon, beads, buttons and all things sparkly and your blog makes sure I get a full dose regularly. Can't wait to see what awaits us here in 2010. May it be a gloriously happy year for you! Hugs and love!

  14. Happy New Year, Tristan!! I want to come to your party!

    Sparkle, shimmer, glimmer and gleam! It's a perfect motto for the new year.

  15. Awwww..Tristan, it is such a real JOY to have you in our lives!
    You have surely made this year sparkle ,shimmer and gleam!..and, there's more to the best part! I so thank you for your great support and comments..
    You were my mentor from the start..
    helping me to learn the ropes..
    and sharing so generous your tips on collaging!
    I better start getting out all my
    shimmer stuff now! hehe!
    luv ya, gypsy

  16. Have a beautiful and sparkly New Year, Tristan! Looking forward to all the fun in 2010.

  17. Just knowing you makes everyday a little more beautiful! And I agree with several comments, I want to come to your party! I am certain it will be the sparkliest, most glittery, shimmery, glimmery and gleaming celebration around!!

    Have fun, be safe and enjoy tonight!


  18. Tristan, as I looked for pics for my own blog post, I particularly wanted a glitzy, glam one - just for you LOL.

    Thank you for making my world just a bit brighter this year with your wonderful sparkly posts!

    Wishing you and fabulous New Year's Eve....and a tremendous (and of course sparkly) 2010


  19. Hello my dear one! Thank you for coming to visit me and the feeling is mutual; I would love step on over through a magic door and see your smiling face! Even my husband has said how he would love to meet you! You know, he loves glittery stuff too!!! But your warmth and love of speaks volumes. Oh, and I made that crown arrangement! Thank you for the compliment! Bisous and Bonne Année! Anita

  20. It has been MY pleasure to have traveled along with you on your creative journey! No one can sparkle, shimmer, glimmer and gleam like you! Hoping for many more adventures in the New Year!

  21. Cheers to a 2010 full of love, creativity and health!!!

  22. Happy New Year Tristan!

    Wishing you nothing but continued success in the new year.


  23. Happy New Year
    you are so amazing, I love your blog, your wisdom and your fabulous artistic flare!
    Thank you for all the wonderful, supportive, and funny comments you always leave on my blog, Be Happy
    your fairy friend

  24. Happy new year, and thanks for the fun and joy you've given me through your blog. I wish for you in 2010 is all the fun and joy you send out in the world to come back home to you to stay.

  25. Wow! gorgeous! Happy New Year Tristan!
