Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Random Thoughts on a Cold Afternoon ...

“And above all, watch with glittering eyes the whole world around you because the greatest secrets are always hidden in the most unlikely places. Those who don't believe in magic will never find it.” .... Roald Dahl

The snowfall on Wooster Square in the early morning hours, while I'm walking Dusty. Isn't it lovely? So peaceful and still.
I think this grumpy little girl needs to take some Roald Dahl advice, don't you? She doesn't seem at all able to see the great secrets hidden! And her eyes are anything but sparkling right now. But she is still absolutely adorable. I found her at Sue Barton's blog Barton Originals.

Where is that darn cat now?!

My friend, Anne at el Milagro Studio just got out of the hospital after having surgery for the second time. I thought this was the wheelchair she should be using for the holidays - it's festive, but not too garish or over-the-top. I know that Anne is only interested in things that are the epitome of refind taste.
The fabulous New York store Buckhouse has the most gorgeous windows. Do I even have to tell you how much I lust for that fabulous early twentieth century English Follie?! So perfect!
...here's a better shot of the follie alone ... can you blame me for being moonstruck by it?!
Speaking of moonstruck - how about this holiday vignette?! Nothing short of enchanting!
... as is this globe ornament with French lord and lady of the court and a bottle brush tree! Yes, this would definitely find a place of honor on my tree!I recently had to get my hair stripped of the color put in it for the play last October...I really don't look like me with black hair. I look more like a convict with a parole violation. But, I got it returned to it's blonde glory a couple of days ago. Then I realized, not everybody prefers blondes!
Two new Wizard of Oz ornaments I found yesterday ... PLEASE - I need an intervention NOW. The yellow brick road outside the house lights up, and the ornament plays "Over the Rainbow." The witch's crystal ball with the quartet will disappear when you move your head, it also lights up and plays someething when plugged into a light string - I forget what LOL.

I do hope one of you is getting me this little entertainment for Christmas! I think having a singer-soothsayer on tap in a bottle would be an extremely convenient item for many occasions.
I hope everybody has been on their toes, getting their Christmas errands and shopping and baking and wrapping accomplished in a timely manner ...
...so that now you can go make something beautiful!

¸.•´¸.•*´¨) ¸.•*´¨)
(¸.•´ (¸.•´♥ Tristan


  1. Love the grumpy little girl. She looks like she had enjoyed a lot of the sugarplums that danced in her pretty little head. I bet Dusty loved walking through the glittering snow as much as you did. Wishing you a lovely Christmas season and a joyful and prosperous new year. Sea Witch

  2. If I'm ever in a wheelchair it will be one like that. All I have to do now is save up for it.

  3. Oh Tristan...pure entertainment and fun chez toi! I too, love that Follie and all the goodies that are dear to your heart. My eyes are always sparkling! I am off for two weeks from teaching and I stayed up late on Sunday, glittering away, making more mini theatres!!! Like a child, I had sooooo much fun. I bet you look wonderful with black hair, but you are SI BEAU as a blond. Many wishes to you dear one for an enchanting and love-filled Christmas! Bisous, Anita

  4. Just love the Wizard of Oz!! Did I see the wicked witches feet sticking out???? No, Wait, I think it was my MIL's feet...(Bless her black heart!!)
    Love to You My Friend this Christmas Season!!

  5. Omg the grumpy girl made me laugh right out loud. It reminds me of my oldest daughter at that age. Forever the drama queen. I'm sure that I saw that face only a day or so ago. I absolutely love your blog and will be lost here for a while catching up.


  6. Ahhh, Tristan..thanks for sharing that little tidbit about your black hair! hehe... i for one am glad your back blonde now! lol!
    We have to stick together!..
    Yep, that magical day is approaching...I'm waiting for Santas gleam and glimmer!..its getting close....all the best to you and yours! luv ya, gypsy

  7. Oh My God Kiddo,how beautiful,pristine,peaceful,magical and utterly obscenely cold Wooster Square looks!!! Did you know that if I add a bit of water to the sand at Playa Norte I can make a snow man's kissing cousin the sand man???? And I don't have to worry about frost bite :)

    LW says the guest room is waiting for you when ever you guys get tired of all that lovely white stuff!!!

    Pattie ;)
    Mazatlan Mx.

  8. Dude, come on. There's a reason I highlight my hair and touch up my dark roots regularly.

    Anytime I see a wheelchair, I think of that old Shirley Temple movie where the spoiled older girl says to her parents about her great grandpa, "I don't want a doll! I want a wheelchair like his!"

    Well, I want a wheelchair like that!

  9. ah, tristan! your post made me laugh out loud! especially that genteel and refined version of a wheelchair! i love the things you find... thanks for the laughs, smiles, and eye candy. merry christmas to you

  10. Now that is a wheelchair. If you have to be in one, then by all means let it sparkle! The picture at Wooster Square is beautiful.

  11. Tristan, thanks for such a lovely comment on my blog. If I could pick a wheelchair for my mom, it would be the one in the picture, can I order one please?? Hehe! Things are looking up, found a great place for my mom, and I truly hope you have wonderful holidays. Your blog always makes me smile and right now, your blog is the best medicine to do just that! Thanks so much for such a fun post, as usual!!

    Merry Christmas

  12. Stopping by Tristan to check out your interesting blog and to wish you happiness during this holiday season. Love the image of the snow, really magical. We get very very little here in Fort Worth,Tx. but I guess its a trade off. Your blog is always lovely with little bits of uniqueness. Glad you changed your hair back to blond you look so good in that color/shade :)
    Have fun and stay happy!
    Merry Christmas.

  13. Tristan, darling, ANYONE with our REFINED TASTES (ahem!) prefer blondes!!! I mean, we are truly worthy of crowning...and of course the exceptional wheelchairs! That is priceless (well, yes, it probably is and how you find these things is still beyond me.....) and I truly appreciate it!
    I need the proper entourage to push me about in it.....
    The snow on the square was fabulous; so tranquil, so beautiful!
    Like your blog!

    XXOO and a humble thanks!!!!

  14. It looks like we'll be having a white Christmas in Toronto! Love you photo from the park where you take Dusty for a walk.
    Best wishes for a Merry Christmas!

  15. I LOVE LOVE LOVE the Dahl quote. This post is wonderful ~ thoughts to make us ponder mixed in with Tristan humor. Who could ask for more first thing in the morning?

  16. What a great post !!! VERY entertaining !!! LOVE the grumpy girl (I can relate) and that wheelchair DAHHHHLING is just the thing to go with a tiara !!!

  17. I followed the bread crumbs you left on someone else's blog. Why? Because you have a kick-butt name. Tristan - it just rolls off the tongue. Have loved it ever since I named my daughter Tristan 18 years ago. I'm not biased at all. ;)


  18. Have a very Merry Christmas, stay warm up in the snowy North
    Gotta run, just got back from Miami time to make some Pavlova
    your fairy friend

  19. Tristan, I am lusting for that globe ornament. Wow! I've never see anything like it.

    And, I love your coronation crown.

    Happy Holidays!

  20. Hi Tristan!
    Sorry haven't stoppin for a while but, the holidays have kept me to busy! I love the wheel chair! I am going to get started on my now! lol

    Marry Christmas & Happy 2010


  21. Enjoy the lovely snow, Tristan, together with Dusty. Hope he loves it all as much as my Rueben does. And thanks for all the eye-candy and fun images, they make me feel warmer already! Tristan for king, or even Tristan for president! Now wouldn't that be FUN!!!

  22. Your name kept cropping up on everyone's comments so I stopped by to visit. Great blog. I absolutely will be back. Do you know Kein Cross, he used to own Maison Moderne. There was an article on him in last weeks NYTimes style section. Like you, he makes magic.
    Nice to "meet" you.

  23. I think I would want a little bling added to that wheelchair before I got in it. ;-)
    Happy Holidays Tristan, I hope yours is magical and filled with peace and happiness.


  24. Fabulous post. Eye candy and a giggle or two. And since it's midnight here...Merry Christmas Eve.
    xox Rella

  25. Ohh my sweet Tristan! Thanks for coming on by! Yes, don't you just love the ballet? It lifts my soul all the time. WE GOT HIT WITH SNOW LAST NIGHT! I hope all is well chez vous in Conn. Blessings for happiness and peace to you and your loved ones. BISOUS! Anita

  26. Merry Christmas, Tristan!!

  27. Happy Holidays, Tristan!
    Catherine xx

  28. Ah Tristan, this post was just what I needed right now. I feel like I have been on a nonstop treadmill at high speed the past three days. Taking a break from wrapping today and having a much needed coffee....your randoms put a smile on my face and let me catch my breath for a few minutes.

    I am hoping that, as you said on my blog, you use Little Miss Grump
    in a collage (she has so much potential! *smile*). Everytime I look at that pic, I don't know if I want to hug her or send her to her room.

    LOVE the pic of the square, the snow gives it a magical look. AND, that wheelchair! LOL I honestly have never seen anything like it. Fabulous!

    Your blog is so fun!

    Happy Christmas Wishes to you and yours, my friend. I hope that every sugar plum dancing in your head becomes reality.


  29. Happy Holidays Tristan! Love, Love, Love all the pics but especially the lady with the cat hat....meoowww!!

  30. If I'm ever in a wheelchair it will be one like that. All I have to do now is save up for it.

    How to make a website

  31. LOLOL @ grumpy & lost cat! that is too funny!!! If Anne and I were at the same hospital and that chair showed up, the hospital would have to get security to pry me off of it. Love your random thoughts.
