Monday, November 2, 2009

Hallowe'en is over ... for a year, anyway

Wow. This was some weekend, wasn't it?! Everybody was busy online and in real life, making the most of the Hallowe'en weekend. I've read and watched so much Hallowe'en stuff over the past three days, I feel as if I drank all the Day of the Dead wine before anybody could stop me.

Have you heard about the event that Gabriella is planning this month at her blog Gabriela Delworth? It sounds fabulous. Gabriella always puts together such lovely lovely events. This is a holiday inspired event: Marie De Fête - The Festival of Marie! If you are as much a fan of all things Marie Antoinette and French as I am, you won't want to miss it. Gabriela promises special guests and artists, a giveaway, and more. You can read more by clicking on the button below.Isn't this sofa the best? I usually am more attracted to furniture with a bit more - well, a bit more - dignity. But this one just grabs me. I would love to have it - though I do believe it needs huge chunky tassels hanging from the scroll arm rests. So much color and texture - I would love to walk into my studio every morning and see it sitting there; I know it would make me smile.

Speaking of making me smile. I received a delightful mannequin torso today from the Marie Antoinette Mail Art group. It was made by Becky Swartzlander of Rebecca Rose Designs. It's a Marie Hallowe'en costume torso swap - and I just love it! I have it on a shelf in my studio where I can see it all the time.And, would I like to see this all the time! This amazing Day of the Dead ceramic sculpture is by Veronica Castillo-Hernandez and titled Tree of Death. It is currently on display at the Fowler Gallery at UCLA. I wish I could find more information about both the artist and the work, but I'm not having a lot of luck. But, nonetheless, this really knocks my socks off!
And, while my socks are off, wouldn't this wonderful button from Nancy at Dare To Be Unique make a really terrific rug? I would love to have it in a foyer with no furniture sitting on it. I don't know who created the button/poster/canvas/whatever it is - but I think I have a crush on them.
Hallowe'en weekend didn't have a lot of irresistible treasures at my usual online auction houses. Though what was around was certainly special!

How about this French beauty? The clock is Louis XV ormolu and patinated bronze. It also stands a full two feet high. It must weigh a ton. But, oh, the craftsmanship - and it certainly conforms to my adage 'more is more!'
While we're looking at 'more is more' examples. This 19th century French Saxony porcelain chandelier is one of the most elegant porcelain chandeliers I've seen. It's not terribly large - only 18" high - but there is so much going on! It doesn't have the detail nor intricacy of the Sévres pieces we saw at the special exhibit at the Metropolitan this past summer - but I find the coloring and exubuerance of it very special. And it's so small, it would fit very nicely in a bathroom. (Why do I always want to put small treasures in the bathroom?!)
For something a little more dignified, this 1880 Louis XV serpentine settee would be so beautiful in a sitting room or library. Of course, I would need a sitting room or a library to actually place it in, but it might be worth adding on. And I want to paint the walls the salmon color of the blooms in the silk upholstery.
And, finally, this absolutely gorgeous Piero Fornasetti secretary. These photos show it closed, open, and the graphics on the drawers. I would give up a small toe for this incredible piece. Oh, who am I kidding? I'd give up a large toe for it. Unfortunately, it is selling for £85,000 - which is approximately $139,353.75US. So, the only way I will ever have it is to find somebody fabulously wealthy who is completely enchanted with my large toe. If you'd like to see more of Fornasetti's work, be sure to check out the website - which also has the most fun entrance click!

Over the Hallowe'en weekend, we watched two movies Friday evening, two on Saturday evening, and two on Sunday evening. We were scary movie watching fools!

One movie that always scares the pants off me is "Carrie" with Cissy Spacek and Piper Laurie. Of course it was based on the Stephen King horror novel of the same title, but no Stephen King novel has inspired the sheer terror that "Carrie" does. I'm sure it's because the acting is above reproach. The first scene between Carrie and her mother, Margaret, is both awesome and frightening - and it's all because the acting is so absolutely superb and believable!

Next up was Alfred Hitchcock's "Strangers on a Train," starring Farley Granger and the creepy Robert Walker! This isn't as much a horror movie as a suspense drama. The final chase scene at the carnival on the merry go round is so well done, it still gets me excited - even after seeing it about a dozen times.We started out Saturday with Deborah Kerr in "The Innocents," based on Henry James' The Turn of the Screw. From the moment the new governess arrives at the exquisite - and isolated - chateau, you know that there is going to be some tense moments ahead for all involved. And, indeed there is! Another film that has thoughtful and intense acting by all - the two children are too perfect for more ways than one!

Of course, it wouldn't be Hallowe'en, without watching "Halloween," starring Jamie Lee Curtis and Donald Pleasence and directed by John Carpenter. Though there is absolutely nothing to recommend "Halloween 2" through "Halloween 847," the first one really is one chilling 90 minutes! The later sequels were not about much more than adding up the body count (which is not interesting to me, at all). But, this first one really exhibits why it became a franchise. It's hard to watch without jumping - and, of course, Jamie Lee, in the first of her Scream Queen roles, is just the right combination of innocent naiveté and brave protector.
Sunday, we started with my favorite of all Hitchcock films, "Vertigo." I'm always surprised that this film was not successful or popular when it was first released. I'm always completely engrossed and enthralled while watching it. I've never been lucky enough to catch it on the big screen - but I hope to do so someday. What I find fascinating is the way we're completely drawn into the supernatural obsession of Kim Novak and Jimmy Stewart - only to find out later that there is nothing supernatural going on at all...just old fashioned greed and a clever and insidious plot.
We finished off our Hallwe'en film festival with Brian dePalma's "The Fury." I had never seen this film before. It was dePalma's follow up to "Carrie," and I'm sure that he had a lot riding on it, as "Carrie" was such a smash hit with both critics and audiences. He had a big name cast: Kirk Douglas, Carrie Snodgrass, Amy Irving, John Cassavetes, Andrew Stevens, and Charles Durning. Unfortunately, this tale of telekinisis and mind control was a confusing and bizarre disaster. And the cinematography is dreadful - it actually makes a holiday on the Mediterranean look pedestrian and ordinary. It's unusual for me to be this disappointed in a movie. But I was just bored to tears. I might even have dozed off for a few minutes mid-way through...and I never do that! However, five fabulous films out of a possible six is a pretty good statistic!
When I wasn't watching movies, I was finishing up the first of my mini-theatre circus commissions. I really like the deep rich colors and textures in this one. I had completed all the 36-40" high pieces last week, and now am working on the smaller (approximately 18" high) pieces. I am enjoying making these so much. I wish my client needed a hundred of them!

Before I close this post, I want to share a poem with you that I found very evocative. I hope it makes you think, too ... or, at the least, that you enjoy the word play.

The Tortoise Survives the Fire

He's at my friend's house now.

In the driveway, we watch him

with our arms crossed, the beer-stained

winter light seeping through fence, vines.

He's the size of a coffee table

80 years or so they say, dumb-ass slow

but with cinder-burn eyes.

He eats nasturtiums. We have our health

he says to us. Suffering and the end of suffering, he says.

He does not say carpe diem. He does

not say bombs away, bottoms up. Nor does

he say the Good Lord will provide.

He does not say I've been lucky. He does not say:

They had it coming.

The house was burned to rubble, ash,

skeletons of charred beams. The humans survived

because they were out. The bird

(exotic, singing, caged) died. A firefighter

found the tortoise in the ash, walking out the melted

garden gate, all blessed in soot.

He said: You think that was hot,

let me tell you about this South American tortoise I knew

in '68. Not really. There's nothing glib

about survival. Is there.

So either it was a miracle or a thick shell.

The tortoise shakes his head.

Everybody wants wings, he says, but not in a gloating way.

I go home. He's not my problem. From my window

I see my children running in from school, their backpacks

bouncing. It is January. They are young.

I have lots of time.

Copyright © 2009 Lisa Allen Ortiz All rights reserved

from Crab Creek Review

Reprinted by Verse Daily® with permission

I hope you enjoyed your time with me today...and that you found something to inspire you!

Don't forget, only two more days to enter the giveaway ... click here to get the details! You'll need to scroll down towards the end of the post to find the information.

Now! Go make something beautiful!
¸.•´¸.•*´¨) ¸.•*´¨)
(¸.•´ (¸.•´♥ Tristan ♥


  1. When you write these long posts I have no idea even how to begin to comment. Can I just say that everything is fabulous???
    I'll be having my Dior giveaway later this week. Please come back to my blog for a visit!

  2. Thanks so much for sharing the Make Art Not War button & the mention of my blog...I just love it too! was just a little treasure I found in my wanderings through cyber space & knew I had to save it.. there was no info with it...another great post today! Thanks for sharing!

  3. Oh Tristan, so much good stuff here, I don't know where to begin! All the gorgeous art and the movies and the You are always tugging at my heart with the French stuff! Oh how I need to see what Gabriella is cooking up! Please visit if you can; I mention you in my blog post from this Saturday. I gave you an award and ended my post with your trademark salutation. You are a unique and marvelous blog pal! Anita

  4. Your post was so full of fascinating stuff I had to get a glass of wine, and nestle down in my chair for all the eye candy. Love it all,"Bravo" I will check out the Marie Antoinette blog event, you know I'm a huge fan of all things French
    Thanks for sharing

  5. Oh Tristan! You know what, I thought I had seen your face on either the silver or T.V. screen!!! YOWSA!! We do have much in common. You are marvelous. Bisous, Anita

  6. WOW. Tristan. How can I sum this up? YOUR POSTS ARE WORKS OF ART! I think that just about covers it. The time and effort you put into them is unbelievable. And I thank you for that. Love reading and seeing what you post. I WANT the chandelier, Tristan, and the settee!! B E A U T I F U L !!
    Also, I am holding my breath for your give-away. Can't wait.
    Your circus commission piece that you show in this post is fabulous. The colors are so exciting. You love life, Tristan. It shows in everything you do.
    Thanks for a great read!

  7. I never know where to begin when I reply to your blog posts because you pack so many wonderful tidbits and photos that it is hard to decide!
    First, your circus piece is truly a beauty!
    Second, love the crown, thank you!
    I watched
    Masque of Red Death
    Dr. Phibes Rises Again
    Jeckll and Hyde(spencer tracy)
    Day of the Dead
    So now, we go from pumpkins to pumpkin pies!!!!

  8. LOVE the make art not war, and yes it would make a fantastic foyer rug!! I want one too!! WOw was Jamie Lee Curtis really that young in Halloween???? I feel old LOL. Your artwork is to swoon for!! LOVE the color combination! Very regal!! Glad you had a wonderful Halloween! I did think maybe you would have a pic of Rusty in costume though? LOL! xo

  9. Happy Belated Halloween to you, Tristan! I see you celebrated in style. :) Thanks for posting about the Marie Antoinette blog party - I will definitely check it out. Cool button - another favorite of mine is "Make Cupcakes Not War" - saw a cake decorator wearing a tee-shirt with that slogan on Food Network Challenge. Want one really badly. :) Take care, Theresa

  10. I do love your latest creations! The colors are so rich and beautiful!

    I am also impressed that you watched so many scary movies. You couldn't pay me (well, maybe a million dollars would be enticement enough) to watch even one horror movie, let alone all that you watched. Idid see 'Carrie' when it came out and it scared the crap out of me. Just thinking about it makes me want to hide under my bed!

    Anyway, another fabulous post!


  11. I love that colorful patchworled sofa and I agree it needs tassells. A few very rich gold tassells.
    I had the granddaughter Halloween night so we opted for a comedy. We watched Young Franeknstien, I love that movie.

  12. A great read, fun to see all those beautiful items you shared and the lovely pieces, really enjoyed your post Tristan - quality! x

  13. So MUCH to take in... hehe. Love the sofa.. way to cool to just be a showpiece if you ask me.

    LOVE LOVE LOVE the chandelier!! And I have to agree, it would look fabulous in MY bathroom.

    Hated but loved and couldn't look away with Carrie. Oy that movie just gives me the all time creeps. Another one I can't watch anymore... damien.. just can't do it. Freeks me out. Also, Amytiville (sp) horror. Yikes. No thank you.

    Hugs to you.

  14. I love all the items-especially the secretary's desk! I must check out Gabriela's blog event!I hope you don't have too big of a Day of the Dead hang over :0)

    Sandy xox

  15. I'm in love with that patchwork chair too. Very Alice in Wonderland. It would make me smile and laugh to see it every day.

  16. Yay Tristan, I am glad you got your dress! And so glad you like it...

    I was glad it went to you afterall....

    BTW, I love that chandalier! Gorgeous FInd... and this theater that you posted today is my favorite one so far, I love the charaters and the detail....Great job! Becs

  17. Wow what an amazing blog you have.
    So much to absorb and enjoy. Just found you today. Can not wait to come back for another visit.
    OH I LOVE that sofa too. Would make me smile every time I glanced at it.
    Enjoy your day

  18. Always an amazing visit. Informative, humorous. You think if I throw in a toe we can share custody of the Fornasetti.

  19. Always an amazing visit. Informative, humorous. You think if I throw in a toe we can share custody of the Fornasetti.

  20. aieeee--i WANT that couch! i NEED that couch!
