Wednesday, November 18, 2009

...and what did the postman bring to me today?

The doorbell chimed a while ago, and the postman handed me a large packing box. I had no idea what it could be; I have a few things ordered, but nothing that would require a shipping box this large. Hmmm.

And then I saw the return address ... Secret Marie! Woo hoo! Now I'm excited! Why?, you ask? Because now I know exactly what it is. The Marie Antoinette Mail Art group (see button on side bar) is having a Les Vacances secrétes de Marie Remplacent (Secret Marie Holiday Swap). This was my secret partner's gift! Not that I'm all that much into gifts or anything, of course. I know, of course, that it's far better to give than receive, and - oh, who am I kidding? I love gifts!
I tore open the box, and inside I see ... hmmm ... most exciting and intriguing!

I see a large country French rose fabric wrapped around a box and tied with a grand gold ribbon - and a rolled something-or-other, tied with black glittered paper, pink ribbon and a black feather.
Oh! See what is in the roll! A selection of delightful vintage wallpapers! I'm already thinking of wonderful ways to use these in my work! I especially like the seafoam green piece that I've shown on top here!

Next I untie the golden ribbon and remove the fabric from the box and I find ... OH MY!
this exquisite hatbox. Really really really exquisite. It is meticulously upholstered in fine fabrics and embellished with lavish trims and bow and ribbons and feathers and ... I just can't begin to tell you how beautiful the craftsmanship is ... 'toinette would have been proud to own this box!
After enjoying the outside for a few minutes, and examining every minute area of it, I opened it and find three lovely Marie Antoinette tags - again, beautifully crafted - and on one of the tags, I discover my Secret Marie is Debi! Her blog is Life in My Studio - be sure to visit and see the wonderful things she creates. The tags are heavily embellished and are going to look ever so fine hanging on my Christmas tree!
And, yet, another package, chic in black and white ...
woo hoo! A real collection of romantic trims and ribbons that I will be using on my mini-theatres and Marie-inspired pieces. The ribbons are all wrapped around vintage music covered tags and secured with pearl-head pins.
Just look! This box is never ending! There are more things to see!

Another finely crafted box, Marie inspired, of course. With roses and ribbons and lovely collaged images. I was so delighted with it, that I didn't even think that there would be something IN the box! But ...
A collection of art embellishing treasures - little jars holding strings of sequins, tinsel wire, vintage jewelry and jet beading - wow! And check out the lid of the box - isn't it enchanting?!Oh, LOOK! what I found next! My secret Marie even included treats for Dusty! Isn't that thoughtful. He is quite excited, as I let him smell the package. But he doesn't get one until he comes in from his walk. He knows that it will be good because green Milk Bones are his favorites!
And the box just continues to surprise! This plethora of ribbon and silk flowers are so appreciated - I can never have enough. And I just love the little "sugared" bird!
oooh oooh oooh! Fabrics in Marie's favorite hues and a roll of ecru lace, all tied with papers and ribbons, and looking properly festive!
and, finally, another box wrapped in black (with gold ribbon this time) holds this Marie ornament, made of 'toinette images and braid and feathers and crystals and .. ! It will look so beautiful on the tree this holiday - though I plan on hanging it in my studio all year to enjoy.
Isn't that the most wondrous gift ever?! I'm terribly grateful to Debi for taking such time and care and making the joy of opening the contents as exciting as the items themselves! I am now so in the mood for the holidays...this started me right off. I may make Christmas cards tonight!
Thanks for spending some time this afternoon and opening my gifts with me! And, Debi, hopefully you'll read this and know how much I just love and appreciate everything!

Now, surely, with all these lovely things as inspiration, you should be off to make something beautiful - right?!
¸.•´¸.•*´¨) ¸.•*´¨)
(¸.•´ (¸.•´♥ Tristan ♥


  1. What beautiful treasures!!! And how thoughtful that there were special treats inside for Dusty, as well.
    Enjoy all your goodies! Theresa

  2. All of these lovely things and Dustry treats to boot?! Life is grand. Sea Witch

  3. You have absolutely, positively hit the Jackpot!!!! I would be having a good hissy-fit by right now!!! And Dusty should too... ;)
    What a delightful and beautifully executed surprise package!
    Jon will have to pull you down off the chandelier.....


  4. What fun!! You are one lucky guy to get such a bounty of gifts! Thanks for sharing your treasures.

  5. Tristan, I'm so glad that you like your gift. I've had soooo much fun making it.
    I appreciate all your sweet compliments on it. I have to admit, I was Scared when I found out you were my partner. I am familiar with your beautiful work, and was very nervous about creating something for You!
    Have a wonderful week!
    Hugs, Debi

  6. Holy smokes!!! What an incredible package!!! You must feel like a kid in a candy store - or like Christmas came early, lol. Those wallpapers - especially the green one! - are so lovely. Spectacular loot :)

  7. WOO HOO Tristan.... You been a Good Boy!!
    What a Treasure Trove!! OMGoodness... I think it looks bottomless!!
    Beautiful.... Beautiful!!
    Have fun sorting it all out & deciding where & how to use it all!!
    Have a Great Evening!

  8. It's easy to see there won't be any coal in your stocking this year, or if there is, who cares - after you got such a treasure filled box like this!! I really enjoyed your post and 'opening' things right along with you. Wow!

  9. Oh, that package certainly contained some beautiful treasures. And, I know you will find wonderful uses for all the goodies...

    Your secret pal seems to know you well...

  10. What beautiful treasures! I was excited for you when I saw the lovely vintage papers and hat box. Debi did a terrific job giving you one great surprise after another. She seemed to know just how much you'll appreciate her presentation as well. Thanks for sharing Tristan.

  11. I would say you hit the "jack BOX"!!!!!!!!!!
    Fun to know YOU will create some special art with your bounty!!
    Special ornament, clever!!!!

  12. SCORE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Can't wait to see what you'll make with all those pretties...get to play and show us, please!!!

  13. Oh, wow...TREASURE CHEST! What a wonderful way to start your day!


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  15. OMG Kiddo!!!

    There is absolutly only one word for this Fantazamis gift.... WOW and I see you already discovered how exactly perfect the word is!! :)

    You are a very very very lucky boy!!!! Your hat box is absolutly to die for!!! Oh did I tell you that a magnificent regal hat box was on my wish list ??? :)

    Pattie ;)
    Mazatlan Mx.

  16. Tristan, this is all so stunning. You are one loved person!!! Everything is of BONNE QUALITÉ and all for YOU!!Anita

  17. Looks like Chrsitmas came early at your house! What a wonderful surprise. So many gorgeous goodies. I know you will enjoy them.

  18. What gorgeous treasures!!! I can see your delight and excitement pouring out of your words in this post and know you will cherish each handmade beauty forever!

  19. Awesome gifts Hon!!! Love the box,its just you. What an amazing secret Pal Dedi is. I will make sure i check her blog out.I know you will enjoy and create someting fantastic with all the goodies .I to am ready for Christmas.
    I also love being featured with you at Grabriella's Fete.
    Take care and Happy Thanksgiving
    XXOO Marie Antionette

  20. Hello Tristan,

    Lovely gifts! I can imagine your face opening them up, how fun!

    ~ Gabriela ~

  21. Is this when you begin to wonder if your own "secret Marie" toothbrush holder dispatched yesterday doesn't quite match up?!


  22. Okay Tristan, I'm coming over to help you decorate for Christmas. You cannot tease us like this and not let us TOUCH all of these fab goodies!
    That Debi, she's a keeper!!!!!
    Enjoy, you deserve it~
    everything vintage

  23. Wow!! What a fantastic Marie day you're having, Tristan. Such beauty made by Debi. She made such a glorious gift! Enjoy!!! I'm sure you will!

  24. Amazing treasures Tristan! I came by as I am weary and your blog bouys me. Mine is fraught with toil of late, and yours resplendant with magic and possibilities.

    Enjoy your wonderfully exquisite creations, bits and bobs.


  25. Aren't you lucky??? What beautiful things! Can't wait to see what inspiration they give you. ~Lori

  26. Yes yes yes, I am so happy that I have found your superb blog. Your photos are extraordinary and I love them!

    Peace & Love

    Agneta & Sweden

  27. Yes yes yes, I am stil happy that I have found your superb blog. Your photos are extraordinary and I love them!

    Peace & Love

    Agneta & Sweden

  28. Wow what a precious gift! Enjoyed opening it along with you!

  29. Fabulous treasures. My mouth dropped further and further with each unfolding photo. Stunning!

  30. I was visiting Gabriela's Blog and found you and love your Blog! I love your Marie Antoniette items! Happy Holidays Grace

  31. OMG!...I am just getting in here, glad i did not miss this! I do believe you have been a good boy!...I am lusting for that hatbox... it is amazing and in such perfect taste...Lucky many lovely gifts..even for Dusty!

  32. WOW! That was one special package, Tristan! It was so fun seeing all the contents unfold ~ beautiful stuff!!

  33. All I can say is wow and you are one lucky guy! Debi's creations are gorgeous and even treats for Dusty!

    Just wanted to stop by and wish you a wonderful Thanksiving!


  34. What treats! I'm drooling over all of it, she packed that box with all my favorite things.
