Wednesday, October 28, 2009

The Last Rose of Summer ...

Before I begin, can I please ask all my lovely blogger friends who have the drop down i.d. menu on their blogs to adjust their settings, so that those of us who are on certain macs can leave comments! All you have to do is go into your settings and switch from "registered users" to "anyone" who can leave a post. Those of us who love your work and your blogs and can't comment because of the "registered users" drop down i.d. menu will appreciate it! If I was always a regular poster on your blog, and you've noticed I've stopped, that is more than likely the reason! There are lots of us out here!


This morning, as I was taking Dusty for his morning constitutional (don't you just love that expression?!), I was feeling rather melancholy that autumn seems to be flying by so quickly and that the temperatures and precipitation exhibit a rapidly approaching winter. Then, I discovered an incredibly brave and determined rose bud, intent on making his appearance before the snow flurries begin. The rose bush has been pruned and mulched and 'strung' to withstand the avalanche of snows on their way - but this little bud wasn't having any of it. It looks as if frost has nipped a bit of it - but it's still going, and I'm rooting for him to make his appearance before the guillotine of winter strikes him down! I'll keep my eye on him each morning on my walk. If he succeeds, I'll post a photo of the industrious lad in full bloom!

I finished the third (and last) of the large circus commissions. I really liked the colors used in this one - they seemed very rich and elegant and olde world. In person, it's much more sparkling and shimmery. My photography skills seem to get worse as the days go on, not better! Hmmm. Maybe I'm regressing to - never mind, I don't want to go there.
I was the lucky lucky winner of this fab Halloween decoration by The Gourd Queen, Linda Kennon, at the Spooky Time Jingles blog giveaway. Isn't she fantastic?! I just love her. You should always check out Spooky Time Jingles...fabulous artists - and they do so many giveaways of really lovely things! Of course, you can buy things there as well. I've been known to do so. And, I hope to continue to do so! My special Gourd Queen witch ornament is going to be out for Hallowe'en, but I'm fairly certainly she's going to hang on a Christmas tree as well!
How about these beauties?! One of my readers sent them to me (the photos, not the chairs!); her boss has asked her to sell them for him. I don't have space for them. And they live quite far away from me. But, if anybody is interested, especially if you're near Bel Air, California! please contact Cassandra at . I can see with new upholstery, gimp, a little buillion fringe maybe?, that these would be knockouts! I would love to seem them flanking a regency fireplace!
I have been the humble recipient of three awards this week. Wow. Three! Now, I'm not going to pull a Sally Fields, but I do want to thank Christine Rose Elle, Anne, and Lenna. Your thoughtfulness is very appreciated ... you made my day - all three of them! Thank you!

Frankly, I'm not sure if this is a rendition of Marie Antoinette after a rough night at the gaming tables, or a vision of Titania after her rough night with Bottom. Either way, it's a pretty remarkable wig, isn't it?
I was feeling a little art deco-y this week, and found some swell pieces at some of my favorite auction sites. I always ooh and aah and save these images, as the expected prices are more than my car cost. But I enjoy them nonetheless!

This South American vitrine/bar is exquisite! Such wonderful style - elegant and yet still simple and almost whimsical. I think my collection of art glass paper weights would look so much better in this piece than in the Bombay Company showcase where they presently reside!

Swim gracefully and carry a large lamp. I thought these French deco mermaids were just delightful - until I read about them and realized they were almost 6 feet tall!!! That surpasses delightful - that heads straight into bizarre-o town! And I love it! Just how large would your hallway have to be to accommodate six feet tall sconces?!

Oh, those Swedes! They were making fab stuff long before IKEA made its way around the world! These stained beechwood burl and carved wool upholstered chairs are terrific. I can see them being incorporated in the Blakeman abode with no problem whatsoever! And best of all, they actually look comfortable! Don't get me wrong. I'm certainly willing to sacrifice comfort for style - yes, Mother, I'm just that shallow - but it's especially nice when one can be stylish and comfortable!Another French art deco lighting fixture. This chandelier is designed after a splashing water fountain. I love the stark stylized art deco rendering of water spilling and splashing out of the fountain! This one is actually an understandable size! But I have to admit, as much as I like this piece, I like my crystal chandeliers to have danglies sparkling.
This Czech asymmetrical crystal art deco vase is magnificent. I want to fill it with black Anthuriums! So, so, chíc!
And, before leaving the art deco world, want to take a short side trip to the bathroom of my dreams? Get a load of that mural! - or rather - those murals. Those murals that surround the fireplace in the bathroom of my dreams. sigh.

I just ran across this book and thought it was especially pretty. I am crazy for that Robin's Egg Blue color. I wish they would still make beautiful book covers. Now when you take off a dust cover (which isn't usually all that special anyway), the book itself looks like an old encyclopedia. Okay, Roz may say 'no thanks' to a Hallowe'en cocktail. But not me...

I want one of these luscious looking Black Devil Martinis. They are made with dark rum, black olive garnish, and orange sugar on the rim. Actually, that's not true. I don't want one. I want all three of them!Okay, a little drum roll, if you please ...
I announced a while back that when I hit 250 followers, I would have another giveaway ... and, I'm afraid I've been neglectful, as the member list now has over 260. So, as promised ...

An Enchanted Revelry Give-Away!

First prize for the giveaway, will be Holly Harrison's book Altered Books, Collaborative Journals, and other Adventures in Bookmaking. I guess I really like it - I have two of them. So the new one is the first giveaway prize.
And the second prize (as in one of two, not second best LOL), is a calligraphy dip pen by the British purveyor of fine writing goods, Stuart Houghton.

To enter the giveaway, just leave a comment on THIS post. If you snag this button and post it on your own blog sidebar, I will enter you a second time (you'll have to let me know you've done it!). And, if you mention the giveaway in a post on your blog, I'll enter you a third time! (again, you'll have to let me know you've done this!).

On November 4th, I'll use the Random Number Generator to pick two names. Thanks for helping me celebrate my 260 followers!

Well, this was a fun visit...but I really must get back to my real job. Sitting on sewer pipes in my terry cloth shower shorts. Those pipes can't do it alone!
I hope you've enjoyed our visit - and that something has inspired you. Now, go make something beautiful!
¸.•´¸.•*´¨) ¸.•*´¨)
(¸.•´ (¸.•´♥ Tristan ♥


  1. Whoo Hooo! I get to leave the first comment. Okay I love thos chairs. I do not live near Bel Air but my uncle lives right off Rodeo Drive (nmae dropper that I am) and maybe he could.... But how would I get them to WA? Anyway, I will snag your blog button and put it on my sidebar.
    I am going to Trishes to see your circuses on Friday. She wants to make sure yours and mine don't clash. I havent even started yet.
    I am strting to panic. HELP! I know yours will be gorgeous.

  2. Three things I love. French mermaids, morning constitutionals and that rose bud photo. (In no particular order, but thinking about I love the constitutional most...)

  3. Oh, you know I have to just gave me my blog fodder for tomorrow!
    I love you! Especially since I am half brain-dead and trying to work. That's not why I love you.....the blog thingy, remember??? ;)
    Okay, I'm toast.
    Beautiful images....I want a fireplace in my latrine too......


  4. Tristan, I sure got some inspiration, from those fab hairs from Bel Air to the fab white and gold wig! The bathroom's just a little over the top for me but the blue book is divine. I always wonder about antique book covers, postcards and greeting much better and richer than the new ones! But the final inspiration came from your last picture, well actually I got more distraction than inspiration from that one! Thank you for making me laugh!

  5. Tristan, I smiled when I clicked here and found you today.

    I'll be pulling for the rosebud. We are still having lovely blooms, but it won't be for much longer. We've managed to escape a frost so far.

    The bathroom of your dreams is awesome. Oh, to have a fireplace in your bathroom. Heck! I would love having one in our bedroom.

  6. Tristan,

    All is so take me away to beautiful places. As for the giveaway, ooooo, that pen!!!! Love it! At one time, I collected antique ink wells, but somehow they got lost in all the hustle and bustle during a divorce and moving around...I loved them so much!!! Will add your button to my blog and speaking of which, thank you for your heartfelt comment on my blog. I appreciate all the prayers, remembrances, meditations, etc. I've received...thank you and so does my Ian.

    Muchos Abrazos,
    P.S. Did our Crazy Anne send you the newest in men's inner ware???? My sweet man actually liked one of them...wowho!!! ;)~

  7. I love that deco stuff - and your circus piece is wonderful. Inspiring as usual, my visit to TrisLand ends with the sweet taste of wonder to savor as I go.

    I remain amazed and blessed by you as always, J

  8. Love the bathroom murals BUT I love to hang things on the walls & obviously you can't do both!!
    Gad-Zooks that Antoinette wig makes me itch!!
    I just Love your gourd ornament..... I would definately hang it on the Christmas tree & then just hang it in the house somewhere all year 'round... It is great!!
    Need to mention your Circus piece... Enchanted I am!!
    Have a WOnderful Week!!
    Love Ya',

  9. I enjoyed your post so much, love all that Deco Art, 6ft. Mermaid lamps how cool!!! Funny, I painted murals like crazy in South Beach Miami in 93, lots of Deco Mermaids, but never two legged finned ones LOL
    You give great inspiration, must try a little theater this year
    Thank you

  10. Your last circus piece is great, the colors are really fabulous and I dig all the repeated moons. Love those swedish chairs, they look super comfy and so stylin'.
    And sure enter me for the drawing, that book looks interesting, haven't seen it before!

  11. What a wonderful post! I feel like I just went window-shopping with a very sophisticated pal! Thanks!

    And you're button is stylish enough that I'd post it on my blog just for how cool it's gonna make me. ;)

  12. Tristan~ I hope you have a Happy Halloween! You know what I love about you? How your eye finds the one detail most would miss...I love the post on the rosebud! I will root for it to bloom too! Maybe that bloom will be the bloom of all blooms...

  13. Bummer I can't seem to grab your badge : (
    But I will leave a comment ": )

    I love those chairs! Alas I live in WA. also and so it's a no for me.

    Tristan I also emailed you about getting another one of your emails about buying a really cheap laptop!
    It says it's from you... might want to check on that.

    Roses have a way into our hearts~

  14. What a generous giveaway Tristan!! I've blogged about it on my own blog over at

    I'm IN LOVE with that Art Deco vase! You find the most exquisite things to share with us. The vitrine and those scones are also magnificent!! *sigh*........

    Congrats on the blog awards, you certainly deserve the kudos! :)

    That circus piece is incredible - the colours are absolutely delicious. You have an amazing eye for colour.

  15. What a lovely little rose - hanging on although summer bid us farewell awhile ago. You have captured its beauty so well. :)
    Much congratulations to you on your blog awards and the prize you won. It's delightfully frightful. There's so many cool things on the Spooky Time Jingles blog - thanks for providing a link.
    I am fairly positive that "anyone" can leave a comment on my blog - hopefully you would not have any problems. :)
    Sincerely, Theresa

  16. Tristan, i always love visiting your blog! I would love to be entered in your give-away too, thanks! : ) lenna

  17. TRISTAN! Oh how wonderful of you to come to the chateau to dine with me and always look smashing in your attire and your company always puts a smile on my face!!! You know, another blogger emailed me asking me to change the settings to all bloggers....I didn't even know that it was set in a way that prevent everyone from commenting! Thank you for letting us know! AND I LOVE YOUR POSTS....I am so glad you are back., I didn't know that they were going to remake My Fair Lady! There is no way it will be the same, and with Kiera? No one I guess, can come close to our AUdrey. Have a splendid evening dearest. Bisous, Anita

  18. Those chairs are so sweet looking. I think I can at least take two of those delicious martinis. Congrats on your awards, Tristan. I know your show must have been gone done well. Hope you may post a picture or two for all of us to see.

  19. Have posted a link on my blog's sidebar, but need one of those martinis in return! Well, maybe that would be quite the challenge through a computer, so I'll just have wishful thinking that the random generator will choose my entry!

  20. Hello Tristan,

    I am always happy to have you visiting me...and as you know my comments on wordpress are moderated, you will see them after I see them...But I think you already know that :O)

    Lovely post and the theater is awesome!

    ~ Gabriela ~

  21. Hi Tristan!
    There are only two things I want today: Your "Le Nouveau Voyage de France" book and one of those Black Devil Martinis!!! I know, I know - keep on dreamin'.
    Seriously, your Blog is special and I enjoy visiting it often.
    I would love to be entered in your give-away for one of your fabulous prizes. I've posted your button on my sidebar, I've posted a link to your give-away on my blog, and you've just read my comment!! Voila!
    Have a sparkling day, Tristan!!

  22. First of all, I have to say I ADORE your background. Second, beautiful post about the rose. So inspiring. And what fabulous giveaway prizes! I would be over the moon if I won them.

  23. I posted your button on my sidebar for the second entry! :)

  24. Oh wow!! As always there was so much to love about your post! Your artwork is fabulous! Love all the glittery sparkly! The rose!! Awwww...I'm rooting for him too!! Not many of us are thriving in this constitutional-like weather! You are so lucky to have won the ornament! wooo Hooo! Love it! The wig would be a cool part to a Halloween costume for the weekend! OH those martinis!! to die for I think! and I'm with you, why have one when three is better?! I'm certain they are calorie-free LOL! I can tell by the picture of you doing your drainpipe job! and a give a way to top it all off! Wow!! xo

  25. Where do you find all this Fabulousness? Ahhhh, I guess it's just part of the enigma that is Tristan! wink

  26. You find the kewlest things to share. Fabulous eye candy.

    Too many to choose from in what I like best but the wig the chairs in Bel-Air, the cabinet, and, and, and...

  27. Hi Tristan,
    So very nice to meet you and be a new follower of your blog! You are lookin mighty toned in that terri cloth pair of shorts! Impressive!
    I'm excited to enter your givaway, and look forward to following you around!
    Thank you!

  28. Hi Tristan! I'm coming to you from Anne's blog. :) Lovely lovely things you have shown us! Have a happy Halloween - and you look swell in those shorts. LOL!! :) Pam

  29. I personally like the sewer pipes best ;-O
    Please enter me Tristan.
    Grest post.
    Anne told me about you!

  30. By all means, please enter me. I love the quill pen!! Gorgeous.

    I adore the green chairs.... beautiful. They would look so great covered with a fabric in my colors with a nice tall floor lamp behind/between them.... simply gorgeous. Hugs. Tammy

  31. I'm another one who has been sent here by Anne with strict instructions that I not only need to enter your giveaway draw, but also become one of your followers. I can see by a quick look that I'm going to like your blog!
    Mary Anne (better known as MA)

  32. Tristan ~ thanks for coming over to my blog~
    LOL Hermione Gingold and Madame! I'd forgot about those 2!

    I entered you in the giveaway~

  33. Your photograph of the rose is wonderful, how amazing that it lasted this long. Congratulations on your award. I love the art deco period, I love the lines and your images are perfect. Can you believe that mural in the bathroom of your dreams. Thank you for entering me in your giveaway.


  34. Hey Tristan! Those chairs are fabulous@! And I am in Califronia about 3 hours away...just no where to put them!!!

    Your circus' are fantastic! I love your work.

    ANd, your dress form will be going in the mail tomorrow....SHe is all packed snug and ready for travel...Hope you enjoy her.

    ANd, I would love to be entered into your giveaway! I will post your button on my sidebar tonight. Becs

  35. The book looks like it would be full of great info and the pen - I'll bet it works like a dream. Thanks for the chance to win either of them.

  36. Oh my...whats not to love here!...
    You've done it again, Tristan...
    giving us a delightful wish list!
    and always a glimpse into the wealthy lifestyle!..oh well, we can always dream!...speaking of don't look too shabby in those terry shorts! lol!
    I have posted about your great giveaway and have it on my sidebar too..what lovely generous prizes..thanks for the chance!

  37. Have just found your Blog via Gypsylulu's Blog. ~ WONDERFUL things for our eyes to enjoy here.~~**~~**~~**
    Please tell us what AUCTION sites you like to visit...I would be MOST interested...just to do some window shopping as well. ~I am more into the Victorian however.

    Little Rosebud...may you bloom before the snow fly's.


  38. First, thanks for the blog tip, I understand tha some people have had trouble with mine!
    I never thought I'd enjoy seeing an elephant in the bathroom. I like to think that Roz and I would have been great friends!
    I always ooo and ahhh and laugh when I come by your place!!!!Sign me up!!!!!!

  39. Those luscious tufted velvet chairs would look perfect in my sitting area, and not only that, I'm open to showcasing the tall mermaid sconces outside of my shower! Imagine how kitschy and fab that would be?

    About the "Trilby" piece, I am unsure if it has anything to do with the tale. :(

  40. I hope you get a rose before winter!

  41. Im going to keep my fingers crossed for the rosebud, Tristan, and also for the many buds in my own roses. Hope they will all make it and contribute to the beauty in this world, just like this blog posts does! And I simply adore that French book. I googled it and of course it's way beyond my budget but I'll put it on the list for when we win the lottery!

  42. Wooooow, this blog is a Rolls Royce... Can I add you?

    Agneta from Sweden

  43. Oh my goodness I'm so glad I found you! What a fun blog! I love love love those chairs!! Bless your're so fun!!
    I'll be back!!

  44. Hey Tristan, thanks for the info on the comments, I had mine set wrong, so I have changed it....Did not know....You are too smart! Also, I put your button on my sidebar for your giveaway...Becs

  45. Hi Tristan

    Pick me, pick me!

    I hope your lonely rose bud makes it. I'll look for his (or her) picture one day soon.

    Happy Halloween!

  46. Today was my "due date" to be born 48 years ago.... my Mom wished for a baby "Ghoul", but I arrived two days later, more of a Dia de los Muertos Chick. Either of your blog candy Goodies would make a slightly late Happy Birthday surprise. Happy 250 followers!
    Just "discovered " your blog, Tristan, and I'll be back... I love it here!

  47. your blog is fabulous and i LOVE, love your circus! what magic you have made! thanks for all the inspiration and eye candy. loved it!

  48. Happy Halloween and Pink Saturday!!
    Beautiful post from you !
    Love from Rini the Netherlands

  49. If it hadn't been for Castles Crowns and Cottages, I'd never have found you. And what a sad thing that would have been. Love your blog, love your taste, love your name!

  50. Just visited your etsay shop, wonderful work you have done. Love your photos today and hopefully that little rose bud survives. I would love to be added to your list to win one of your most generous prizes.

  51. November 1st!!!
    Just checking things out on some of my favorite blogs and thought I would remind you that I like your give away and am feeling lucky (ha)!
    Have a great Sunday!

  52. i came following your etsy, it's adorable and so is your blog!

  53. Well, I love your blog, so I'm going to post your banner just for the fun of it!

  54. Well if i actually knew how to steal your button I would because i love it!
    What an interesting blog and I will mention it on my blog tomorrow (already posted for the day!)
    I will let you know I have done it!!

  55. I always have such a wonderful time visiting your all your "fancies"..!!! I posted your badge in the sidebar of my blog.

  56. Hi Tristan

    Will you be showing anymore of those circus commissions?

    Oh, I'll have three of those Black Devil Martinis too, please.

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