Saturday, May 16, 2009

Pink Saturday Contest Give-Away

Today, in honor of Beverly's Pink Saturday, I'm going to have a little contest/give-away. You just have to leave a comment telling me what is the subject of today's Pink Saturday post. I will then draw a name from all those who guess correctly. I don't even know what the prize will be - but it won't be something that you have to call the exterminator to get rid of. That's about all I can promise right now. Can you tell that Pink Saturday arrived before I fully thought this through. OH! I know - it will be somethink pink! D'uh - that should have been a no-brainer. Okay. Here goes ...

While I take a short break, you leave your contest answers, and then be sure to check out the other bloggers participating in Beverly's Pink Saturday.

Get inspired to go make something beautiful today!
¸.•´¸.•*´¨) ¸.•*´¨)
(¸.•´ (¸.•´♥ Tristan ♥


mo.stoneskin said...

What is the subject?

Wallpaper that women would die for and men would die from?


Anonymous said...

Pink Vintage Wallpapers, Pink Scrapbook Papers, Pink Cottage Fabrics...... The World in Pink!!

Oh Tristan... Could have done without last photo!?!?!?!


Eclectic Chic Style said...'ve thrown me for a loop, it's not vintage all the way because I saw polka dots, and the rose, and then the last one of course.....hmmmmm that blows it for me with guessing correctly, but I can't wait to see your answer. (and I'm quite the competitive one too) Thanks for driving me insane to figure it out! lol
Happy PS ♥ T.

Gabriela said...

Hello Tristan,

Well, my guess is that these are a combination of retro and vintage wallpapers.

~ Gabriela ~

HiHo said...

an assortment of wall coverings that even make cutie patudies* skin tones look great in hip trendy decorated restrooms. love the TP hanging, repeating the wallpaper pattern. happy pink, heidi

LuLu Kellogg said...

Ahhhhh, pink wallpapers to drool over, that's my guess! LOVE the last pic....kinda looks a little like Michael Keaton in his waaaaaay younger years!

Happy Saturday to you and Dusty!


Diane said...

i have no clue! haha but that last pic cracked me up!

happy PS!

Sonia said...

What I recognise is Pink based Wallpaper, fabrics, maybe a couple of scrapbook sheets? Where we supposed to sum it up in two words... Pink Designs??!!

gina said...

Het there, love that wallpaper and fabric some is vintage, some not but it is all Pink!

Chris said...

Pink wallpaper!!????

Sue said...

Happy Pink Saturday Tristan!

My guess would have to be with the others - pink wallpaper (and some of it is indeed luscious, and no, I don't mean the last pic LOL)

Anonymous said...

At first I thought they may be fabrics but I am leaning more toward wall cover which could have matching fabrics. Beautiful selection.

FlightFancy said...

I'm with the rest of the crew. I believe they are gorgeous wall papers. Most of which would make hubby run in fear. But now I'm not entirely sure, one of those pretty patterns I have in a small piece of fabric.

Leslie said...

I'd have to say, pink wall papers, unless it's the guy going wee..

Anonymous said...

Happy Pink Saturday ~ I hope you have a great weekend ~ Susan

Anonymous said...


I have to agree with the others, Pink wallpaper in various designs.
Happy Pink Saturday.

Oh, by the way, in the last photo, that guy needs to straighten out the back of his jeans...they are crooked!!

Linda and Michelle said...

Oh my....flash from the past - just the pink and black flamingos were missing - childhood bathroom was just like the cherries....nightmare paper! So I'm guessing wall coverings - like everyone else.....and you always manage to put in some unexpected "eye candy" in your posts!!

Tamerie Shriver Halliday said...

With pink fabric, wallpaper and paper swatches, I am going to guess they are inspiration for the re-decorating of a room. At least that's what I'd use them for!

caren said...

I would also say the photos are of wallpaper swatches but the last one comes from a wallpaper book for a bar. Think of people going in the the bathroom after quite a few drinks and trying to figure out which toilet paper to use! Hopefully there wouldn't be a camera in there to capture the fun! said...

I saw you on Artful paperdoll and have not visited you before so I am new to your postings. I love the wallcoveringns. As far as your subject for this post, it kinda makes me think that these could be blog backgrounds or something like that. they sure would look pretty. Even the tp one.
I would use them for journaling backgrounds too, I would love to have all of them in swatch form, I would totally use them up in my works.
I love your creations by the by.
Love your blog, I will now follow.
here is my blog, I am hosting an arty giveaway to end this weekend.

Papermoonies said...

oh by the way, I love Idol and Adam is from my home town!!!

Castles Crowns and Cottages said...

WALL PAPER! And I knew it before I say everyone else's answers! :) Anita

Lisa Oceandreamer Swifka said...

Wallcoverings...beautiful, varied, pink themed wall coverings!
I wish I owned pieces of all of it...all but the perhaps the last one. I'm a pretty whimsical duck but even I wouldn't want TP themed wallcovering. ha!

Valarie said...

Oh my gosh Tristan....I love the pink and black flocked wallpaper!!! I would venture to guess that the subject is: Amazing Paper, that I want!!!
Have a lovely day.
xxoo Valarie

Sabrina Vourvoulias said...


studioJudith said...

Goodness Gracious .. . .
who but Tristan would give us
Pink Wallpaper Specially Designed for Bubblegum

paperbatty said...

I don't know the answer, Tristan, but I love all the designs. My former husband once accused me of decorating rooms designed to suck the testosterone out of any male.

Anonymous said...

Today's post is brought to us by the letter "P" - for pink wallpaper, pink roses, and.. peeing.

Am I right??


Beverly said...

Well, clearly I am not going to win this one. And, I so wanted to be queen. ;-)

Happy Pink Saturday, Tristan.

Glue Girl said...

I have to say pink wallpapers, too, and I looove them. The very first one looks like it's flocked, and I'm a big fan of touchy-feely stuff. This makes me want to run right out and get some wall paper samples to stroke! Love your blog, BTW. (I leave the window open a lot just to listen to the music - drives my friends crazy tee-hee!)

Glue Girl said...

I have to say pink wallpapers, too, and I looove them. The very first one looks like it's flocked, and I'm a big fan of touchy-feely stuff. This makes me want to run right out and get some wall paper samples to stroke! Love your blog, BTW. (I leave the window open a lot just to listen to the music - drives my friends crazy tee-hee!)

Malisa said...

Tristan, put my name in "the pot"! Get it? I was "aiming" for the word wall coverings!


Anonymous said...

I see that wallpaper is a big hit...I think it's scrapbook paper. Was going with roses only but there were was a cherry "ringer" thrown in. Ok, this one was a goodie...especially the last image! TMI....hehe

bernadette ostrozovich said...

mmmmmmm...yum yum yum on the past several posts! wallpaper! yes! i want a prize! gimme! and then that poor boy in the loo with all of us wooood! and then...i love circus girl with horse. i think your work is getting better n better and i loved it lots before! and thank you dear, for the adorable pic of the most adorable audrey! yikes she was the best!!! felt soooo good to get a tristan fix today! hope all is well! your hubby sounds like my mom after dad and i would return with trashed treasures!!! ((((hugs))))

Laura Haviland said...

Great blog, just stopped by to say hello, from Debby's blog.
I am guessing "Vintage pinkie wallpaper", so very cool. Very funky, for sure.
Your blog is really great, I will be back.
Smiles, Laura.

Recycled Rita said...

Yummy wallpaper! Love it! And maybe some scrapbook paper and fabric thrown in..

Baroness Bijoutery said...

I would have to agree with the others..Vintage and reprodutions of vintage wall coverings..most I really like..Although I had some of the Flocked paper in a bedroom in a house we rented..we called the bedroom our French Bordello room..was really quiet fitting...Love all your pink..

Gossamer Creations said...

Hi Tristan,

I love all of your pink prints !! Very festive for a Pink Saturday Celebration.

The Antiques Diva™ said...

It seems everytime I leave a comment on one of my favorite blogs you've been there before me, your face smiling out. Curiousity got the best of me today and I decided to pop in for a visit for we clearly share the same great tastes in other peoples blogs, so I was certain your blog would be fab, and indeed it is! Nice to meet you and I'll enjoy getting to know you through your blog in the future! I loved your dumpster dive canvas score, by the way, I once happened upon a dumpster full of window frames in Paris and my husband thought I was insane for carrying frame after frame home but they look impossibly cool on my terrace now! Clients have offered to pay a fortune for them, but I tell them, "Do your own Dumpster Dive!!" I had to get a tetnus shot for mine!!


Anonymous said...

just wanted to say I'm loving the wall paper with the soft pink images of children playing. It's beautiful :-)

Belated Happy Pink Saturday!

Anonymous said...

Are you redoing your bathroom walls in some fab pink wallpaper or silk?

I'd love to someday have walls covered in silk...

Char said...

Boy, I am so sorry I didn't make it in here yesterday Tristan, but I am not too sure I would have gotten the answer right, what fun!! happy pink saturday, Char

Susie Jefferson said...

What a shame I'm too late for the contest ... but I doubt I'd have guessed right anyway. I struggle with cryptic crosswords. Great pix as always, and fascinating fax in your other posts. I do try to keep up! Happy Pink Saturday to you (on Sunday).

Stephanie Suzanne Designs said...

Hello Tristan,

Well, I'm a day late...hahaha but I would have guessed pretty papers, fabrics or wallpapers.

Have a grand week.

Love & Light,

Deanna said...

Well drats Tristan! I missed out on all the fun and games. I guess that's what happens when you have a niece and nephew about to graduate....busy, busy busy!

Congratulation to Sabrina!
Oh! and to you as!

Deanna :D

KatCollects said...

I am late for Pink Saturday and saw the answer above, and will fully admit... I would have never guessed it either : ) Those cherries were throwing me off, and the polka dots. I love the vintage wallpapers in the last photo. I hope you had a good weekend.