Thursday, May 7, 2009

Pick a Little, Talk a Little, Pick a Little, Talk a Little, Pick, Pick, Pick, Talk-a-Lot, Pick a Little More

From my friend, Annie, comes this announcement of an exhibit of art dolls that is coming up in Paris soon...I think the invitation/announcement is simply gorgeous! The doll is so unique and's clear this exhibit is not going to be more of the same old same old!

These dolls are by American, Holly Robinson, one of the artists in the exhibit. You can see more of her unusual work at
It's interesting what blogging brings about for you to observe. I've never had much interest (any?) in dolls...just not my cup of tea; however, I've often been impressed by the obvious talent and care and attention that is put into handmade dolls.
Nonetheless, since I started blogging and have now seen so many truly exquisite and original works of doll art, I'm getting more and more interested in them. I will probably never have any desire to make one - and nor will I be much of a doll collector. But, I can tell that there may come a time when I have to live with one or two really special pieces!

This was sent to me from Rebecca at Sugar and Spice Art Confections. Please click on the image to make it grow into a more readable size. It's a wonderful article about how to "Make Merry on Shakespeare's Day." It has all kinds of ideas for games and decorations and all things you need to make a successful William Shakespeare Day fĂȘte! I wish I had the time - or the friends who would enjoy - such a fab idea for a Sunday afternoon.
Just wanted to share the latest news. I'm so honored that David Beckham chose to get my photo tattooed on his famous body. I knew that we were definitely best buds, but I didn't realize how deeply he felt about me. I'm touched. Really.

Look at the lovely award I received from Robin at Robin's Blue Nest!

The rules to follow are:
1. Accept the award and post it on your blog together with the name of the person who granted the award along with their blog link.
2. Pass the award to 15 other blogs that you've newly discovered. Remember to contact the bloggers to let them know that they've been chosen for this award.

Frankly, there are so many blogs that I just love - and have become addicted to! - I simply have to take time to gather addresses. So I will post my forwarded awards in a few days.

Thanks, Robin! I appreciate the award.

In the Heart of the Beast Puppet and Mask Theatre
presented their annual
May Day Parade, Ceremony and Festival

Minneapolis, MN

I'm so embarrassed. I found this information on another blog - and somewhere I lost the post it with the blog address! If you are the person who had this article on your blog, please let me know and I'll update this post with your link!

You can read more about this event at In the Heart of the Beast May Day site.
Isn't that super fabulous pole?! I can't tell for sure if they're doing a May Pole dance, but it looks like it. Whatever they're doing, they're doing it in grand style!
Now, that is how to make an entrance! My little May baskets are starting to look rather pathetic!
How about this huge puppet/float/character/what-ever-it-is?! I so much want to walk with it! We have nothing - nothing - like this in New Haven. Ever!

So what does all this instant coffee stained fabric and canvas and ticking ...
...and clumps of threads and fuzz and unraveled fibers ... have to do with ... anything?
They're the beginnings of my work being done in K.C. Willis' Lipstick Ranch Collage Camp. What a lot of fun! I'm certainly nowhere near being accomplished at it ... but so far I'm learning a lot about what to do next time - and what not to do! I do enjoy the more improvisational technique than I'm used to with all my measuring 1/8" in odd shapes! Now I can just tear and rip and topstitch - and add torn papers and corrugated cardboards and whatever else I can come up with. Jon said he was impressed (if that's the word) how I could take beautiful new fabrics and trims and make them look like they'd been buried in a dumpster. I think he meant that in a good way.
This is an Annie Oakley photo ... I love vintage western images.
...and this is a charming photo of a Great Depression era child washing eggs at a very primitive indoor sink. I plan on doing a lot of Great Depression era children pieces.

I also want to use some of these techniques to do a series based on the book "Wisconsin Death Trip," which I've wanted to do for some time, but never really knew how to get it started. I think these aging and decaying techniques are the way to get them going. By the way, if you are unfamiliar with "Wisconsin Death Trip," by Michael Lesy. The book is based on a collection of late 19th century photographs by Jackson County, Wisconsin photographer Charles Van Schaick, mostly in the town of Black River Falls, and local news reports from the same period. It emphasizes the harsh aspects of Midwestern rural life under the pressures ofcrime, disease, mental illness and urbanization. It's filled with amazing photographs and often shocking - really shocking - newspaper accounts.

Look at the lovely piece of jewelry I won at Baroness Bijutery and artist C.J.Vierra. I have won so many prizes lately I'm rather bewildered! I love them all - of course - but for somebody who never wins anything ever, I'm surprised by all the prizes I've received lately! If you haven't seen Baroness Bijutery, please visit her blog (linked above) or her Etsy shop.
Well, I'm sure my coffee staining should come out of the coffee "pot" and onto the dryer rack for the next round of camp collage fun!

Having so many new ideas - and supplies! - I feel like a kid pressed against the toy store window!

I'm going to try to make something beautiful today - how about you?!
¸.•´¸.•*´¨) ¸.•*´¨)
(¸.•´ (¸.•´♥ Tristan ♥


  1. I'm glad the necklace arrive safely and thank you for the links..You are a true Sweetheart Tristan..Just love your blog....Happy Weekend.

  2. There you are! You've been missed :) What enchanting dolls, and your new projects are really cool! Salon room worthy!
    Have a fun Friday!

  3. Tristan, you can get more into one blog post than I do in a month!
    The dolls were quite unique, and while I'm not a doll person, it is always interesting to see what people are doing in art dolls that are outside the box. (where I live....)
    And by the way, did you send your sinus infection to live with me????
    My weekend plans are sleeping, sleeping, sleeping. I'm hoping your are much more exciting!!!
    Cool post---as always!


  4. I just absolutely love your Annie Oakley and Depression Era pieces. Wow!

  5. Wow, David Beckham looks HOT with your picture on his chest. Love your post. Have a wonderful day!
    xxoo - Valarie

  6. Wow, What a post. It's so full of wonderful eye candy that I had to go back to the top and start over again for fear I had missed something. The staining process looks like fun and the results are fabulous. What a way to stain your porch though!! :) Do show us more of these wonderful camp creations.

  7. Boy do you ever pack a lot into one post!
    Too bad I'll miss that doll exhibition in Paris. I think I'll be in Normandy when it opens. I find dolls fascinating but too many of them can be creepy.
    Love that photo of you and Beckham.

  8. Hi Tristan,
    Just came by to visit! Great post on the dolls, I love art dolls and make them myself. I am also in KC's camp. Having fun and feeling addicted to coffee at the moment! LOL I love that you have a theme to follow on your collages. What a great idea! I think I might look for my own theme. Wonderful blog! Thanks for sharing. :) Stephani

  9. Thanks for sharing the amazing dolls, art dolls are a true art form. Makes my work look kinda punny, I don't think I could do something scary if I tried! Grew up in the Tinker Bell era!
    Wild tattoo, is that for real!
    Kaerie Faerie

  10. Tristan .. . . only you could take us all the way from Beckhams'new chest portrait - to
    Wisconsin Death Trip!

    I'm exhausted ... .


  11. Hey Tristan!
    Aren't those dolls that will be featured in Paris just amazing? Are you familiar with the work of Clara from Le Jardin de Miss Clara? Talk about incredible...great post sir, as always! I hope you are feeling better and it is always a pleasure to see what you have up your sleeve! Ciao, Anita

  12. Tristan, you crack me wide open, what a hoot! The dolls are amazing, David has never looked better, and I simply adore your new camp work! Love the necklace that you won, beautiful.

  13. Hi Tristan, isn't Collage Camp fun? I love KC. My mind has begun my camp project, but I physically haven't had a chance to start it. I LOVE the videos, and can't wait to find my sewing machine!

    Happy Camping!


  14. Wow, having your face on David's body must mean you guys are real close. Wish Lenny Kravitz would do the same for me!
    I love the Shakespeare Day Fete article. Very cool. Congrats on the award.

  15. What a great post. I collect dolls but not Art Dolls... I love the vintage ones from the 40's & 50's. I have seen so many Art Dolls on Ebay & I am so impressed with the work & artistry that goes into them. They also command very steep prices!! Well earned I may add!!
    Have a great day & wish Your Mom Happy Mother's Day from Me....

  16. Groovy! is certainly easy peasy to remember too!

  17. Great post!! I find the dolls very intriqing, but not sure I would own one either.

    I love the Beckham tattoo, that's awesome!

  18. Fun post Tristan! Beth's dolls are fabulous - they are so unique. The May Day pics were interesting and I LOVE the western collage camp work you are doing. The Depression child is my fave!

  19. Where to begin? Amazing dolls, lovely necklace, happy camper with some really innovative collages, a new side of you with the Wisconsin info, very moving!
    I probably missed something here, you are so full of it(in a good way!!)

  20. I think I could spend days looking and studing those dolls, just amazing to say the least. You have lots of talent my friend and are even on someones skin!!! Happy Pink Saturday, Char

  21. Oh, get out! Your portrait on Beckham's chest!

    Love the coffee staining. What a nice color.

    Will explore me some Holly Robinson - very odd and interesting.

  22. The Beckham photo is just priceless! And HOT, I must say!

    You have such a creative outlook and talent! ~Lori

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