Thursday, May 28, 2009

How to spend a grey, rainy, gloomy afternoon...

I want to be lazy
I want to be out in the sun
With no work to be done
Under that awning
They call the sky
Stretching and yawning
And let the world go drifting by

I want to peep
Through the deep
Tangled wildwood
Counting sheep
til I sleep
Like a child would
With a great big valise full
Of books to read where its peaceful
While I'm
Killing time
Being lazy

Life is short
And getting shorter with each day that goes by
And how the time does fly
Before you know, its over
That's why I'm
In such a hurry to pack my things and fly
To a spot
Where its nice and hot
And hear the birdies sing
While I'm being lazy ....

well, that cheered me up right up - but I still want to be lazy. I think I'll go read my new copy of James Cain's "Mildred Pierce" - which is much racier and more scandalous than the Joan Crawford movie version! Unfortunately, I won't be reading it while lying in that fabulous white fantasy bed at the top of the post. Sigh. What good is being lazy if I can't be fabulous while doing it?!

Enjoy your day - try to make something beautiful - or, join me being lazy!
¸.•´¸.•*´¨) ¸.•*´¨)
(¸.•´ (¸.•´♥ Tristan ♥


  1. Can't be lazy today.... Was lazy yesterday!!
    If I had a choice of beds I would like the 3rd one, the shabby white pencil post BUT I would have it draped in gauzy white...... with one of my Chenille Bedspreads. Did I ever tell you I have a collection of vintage chenille bedspreads?? I got one last weekend at the Conklin, NY Flea Market for $6.00. It is perfect & beautiful!!
    I digress....
    Love the bling!!
    Take Care!

  2. No time to be lazy today....! I so enjoy visiting your coming here every day!

  3. It's always grey and rainy on my days off. I think a nap with the puppy is in order today!

  4. I'm all about lazy today. It Is cloudy and rainy here and has been for the last four days. I need some sunshine...Come on sunshine !
    Enjoy your day..Kathi

  5. I love the bird nest bed! I, too, want to be lazy and do nothing much at all. Alas, that's just not in the cards for today.

  6. It is a seriously lazy day. I do love the second bed makes my heart pitter and patter. I enjoyed the video.

  7. Hard to decide which I think I would like to try them all. Lazy day here just a few miles north of you, where it is drizzly, cool, a perfect gray day to nap.

  8. Oh how I WISH I could be lazy right now! I'd choose that marvelous distressed white bed with the aqua headboard. So many things going on here right now, that I can only be lazy in my daydreams (so long as I'm not driving on the road at the time)! =)

  9. I would choose to be lazy in bed number two. Love it!

  10. Thanks for spreading the word about my Give-away on your Blog!... I so appreciate that... beautiful blog by the way!... I'll have to add you to my blog roll :)

    ~ Johanna

  11. After a rather grueling PT, I am working HARD on being lazy!!!! But I sort of want to sneak off to the studio for a few minutes, and I just got two new art books.....I could be lazy and look at them.
    I could be a WHOLE LOT LAZIER in that first bed, and my Budgies would like it too! ;)
    It's just lazy weather; gloomy, rainy...snoozing follows.....


  12. AHH! How cool is that YouTube! Being a former dancer, I just get chills when I see Donald O'Connor and the lovely gals he danced with! I WANT TO BE LAZY TOO!! Great post my friend! Anita

  13. Oh those dreamy beds but that first one.......WOW! I see it pile so high that when you jump in it's like landing on a cloud! Ah those times to just BE!
    Ok, I have to track down that book. I've seen the movie SO many times I know some of the dialog by heart!
    Racier eh?
    You are such a font of information and wonderful images!

  14. Boy, I could dream up some great fairy stories in that first bed!
    Kaerie Faerie

  15. I want the bed behind door number three! So regal. Enjoy your lazy day, Tristan.

  16. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  17. Oohhh comfy, beautiful beds. Should I lie down again with all the rain outside? If only :-) Love the one with posts that mimics the tree branches :-)


  18. One of my all-time favorite musicals!!! Thanks!

  19. Wow, that first bed is amazing!! I love being lazy and so I loved this post, especially the poem. I'm going to copy it if you don't mind.

  20. Hellooooo,

    Well yes bed #1 is ever so dreamy. But I think I'll curl up in the last bed. I mean look all the work is done. Walls, decorating, wonderful canopy. It's all there. You on the other hand will be so busy decorating to fit the bed in you will have missed your lazy time :)

    Pattie ;)
    Mazatlan Mx.

  21. Loving the beds, with #2 my favorite. Grey, rainy, cool here today, and to have a bed like that to crawl into ....Bliss!

    Tristan - is it your birthday today? If so,


  22. Love bed #1. Heavenly. OMG I had just loaded Suzanne on my playlist to use later on as a "Theme". Great minds think alike!

  23. What beautiful beds you found.. is anyone of them yours?

    I loved MArilyn Monroe and also Mitzi and Donald... what fantastic dancers!

    If everyone wants bed #1 then I'll take #4.

    It's your Birthday? And your Lazy?

    Happy Birthday if it's today and HAppy un-Birthday if it's not~

  24. Howdy Tristan triple heart a la fabulous! I want to be lazy too. Hmmm, tomorrow maybe?

    I have 5 movies that arrived today. I should plunge and be lazy. I tell myself the same thing. Life is short, enjoy the moment! Carpe Diem, or whatever Horace says ;)

    Lazy lazy, lazy is gooooood. You have opened the doors to lazy lovely world for me ;)


  25. Oh, my God. That bed at the beginning is just heaven. I want it!!!

    And I love to read period trash novels, way more racy than 'Mildred Pierce.'

    Have you ever read "Laura", the book that the movie (with the great standard song) is based on? It's by Vera Caspary. It's totally fun, and as a Greenwich Villager, you'd love it.

  26. That first bed photo made me just want to climb into it and doze.


  27. Ah -- the eternal question:
    Lazy or Productive???

    I'm far too good at the former.


  28. I'm in! Lazy sounds good today and that first bed is looking really good...hehehe...

  29. I'm off for a nap!!!

    Just wish i had one of those cool BEDS to sleep on!!!

  30. Tristan,
    Your posts are like a grand performance. I love this video, there is no one like Marilyn. I love the beds, and it has been raining here in New England the last several there anything as fun as sleeping in on a rainy day? See you Pink Saturday.


    P.S. I was so glad that I could leave a comment. For some reason I have not been able to comment before.

  31. Hi, Tristan! I guess I'm a wee bit early for your Pink Saturday post, but I enjoyed this one. And that song is one of my all time favorites.

    Have a Happy Pink Saturday...


    Sheila :-)

  32. I haven't seen that piece of film in a zillion years. I always loved musicals. Thanks for sharing.
