Friday, May 1, 2009

Am I a Lucky Dog, or What?!

So, how do I feel?

Another day of swaps and gifts from far and near! I feel as if today I should be channeling Julie Andrews and singing "I Must Have Done Something Good."

First, I received my swap Carnival Tokens made of altered poker ships. These were part of the wonderful Carnival Soiree that Lisa Kittell at Faery Enchantment threw a few weeks ago. I love the tokens - and amidst all the sparkle and glitter and noisemaker, there are several of her marvelous paper clay embellishments that I can't wait to paint and use in a piece of carnival/circus piece!

Then, I had mentioned that I was on lookout for some vintage trims and laces and tatwork to use in my collage camp workshop at K.C.Willis' Lipstick Ranch.

Well! Just look what Joyce Stahl from Enchanted Productions sent me! A virtual treasure chest of laces and trims and lovely stained tatting - all ready to be incorporated into new artwork! Is that just the sweetest?! If you're not familiar with Joyce's work, be sure to check out her blog - she makes the most adorable and creepy dolls ever! ... sort of like Walt Disney meets Tim Burton.

And, finally, a fellow member of the Collage Camp, Patti, was in New Haven last week and dropped this box off for me at her friend's business for me to pick up - which I did today. And was completely gobsmacked again. I knew that she was going to share a piece of nest paper with me that we need for our workshop - and which has suddenly dried up on the internet and is not available anywhere. Now that I've seen it, I can't wait to work with it. It's about one quarter to one half inch think, and has bamboo and vines and who-knows-what-all in it. It's gorgeous.

However, in this BOX (I was expecting an ENVELOPE) was a rolled piece of the most lovely fine handwoven cloth - like soft-as-silk burlap (I don't know what it is, but it's gorgeous), and another piece of handmade paper tied up with a lovely piece of trimming.
Just look! The silken burlap was actually wrapped around all these gorgeous pieces of ticking to be used in our work. I had collected a few to use - but none as nice as this! And the handmade paper package was filled with ribbons and trims and ledger sheets and gorgeous vintage sheet music and lace trimmings and pearl jewelry and and and...! Amazing! It is, indeed, an embarrassment of riches. But I'm grateful for every single item! I would never have been able to collect this much beautiful stuff to work with at once! Obviously, Patti has been collecting awhile.

As I said. Gobsmacked.
I am so excited - and humbled - by all these kind generous people, I'm not sure I can cut into these things to work with them ... but I'm going to sit down and look at them and decide what to do.

Have you started making wonderful things yet, today? I'm going to do it. Really, I am!
¸.•´¸.•*´¨) ¸.•*´¨)
(¸.•´ (¸.•´♥ Tristan ♥


  1. You lucky pup! Now you have more pretties from which to create more goodies when you recuperate :)

  2. Oh, Tristan, you really are a lucky boy today. You must have been extremely good lately.

    Thanks so much for faithfully commenting on my musings. It's such a wonderful thing for you to do for a newbie; I know that you know how much that means sometimes to know you aren't talking to yourself online.


  3. Wow !!
    Lots and lots of thoughtful and
    grand treasures ... .. .
    I'm having a moment of being thrilled just imagining how you must feel !


  4. Tristan,

    I should be in my studio making funky stuff, but I just had to come back again and visit my favs. Love all the stuff you got, you lucky guy!! Can't wait to see what you will create with all that wonderful material.

    Have a great weekend.


  5. Oh that lace is divine. After all that research I did, I am starting to appreciate it in a new way. I can't wait to see what you'll make with it!

  6. You lucky guy! You made out like a bandit Tristan!!!! Well, I am enjoying my book so much. I hope you are feeling better from your ear infection. What better way to recuperate than to rummage through some goodies! Bon weekend mon cher! Anita

  7. I know, I know, I know that's quentin t!!!!!!
    I am SO EXCITED to see this awesome video!
    sendin it to my "boys"!
    once again, you made my day!

  8. What a wonderful surprise for you!
    Now, your mission if you decide to accept it is to show us all what you are going to do with these amazing treasures!!!
    Happy May Day!

  9. What wonderful surprises and gifties for you Tristan! Puts a smile on your face! Love the video too.

  10. What a great day..and such lovely goodies..

    And one more little surprise for you Tristan..You won the Key to your Heart Pendant..Some more pink for you...Convo me with your mailing address and I will get it off to you right away. Have a great day Tristan.....

  11. I just wanted to stop by and tell you what a lovely blog you have. Just gorgeous!
    Happy Creating,,, gail

  12. You lucky dog, you! I am so jealous about that lace and birds nest paper! Do you have something in the mail every day? I am taking you are on a roll!


  13. Your treasures take my breath away. So lovely.
    I am a sucker pretty little things.
    Until PS,

  14. Just gorgeous and so lucky. I'm all inspired now...what to do with the poker chips. Must investigate.

  15. SCORE!!!!!!!!! Lucky you Tristan! JoycEE told me that she sent you some goodies! =o)


  16. It's like Christmas over here! You are the most popular guy on the block. These trims and laces are going to give you hours of creative fun for your beautiful theatres. Some people just know how to work a crowd!!! Will miss my visits with you this week. Glad you enjoyed the story of the French lady pirate. I couldn't believe it! Wishing you lots of inspiration and fun,

  17. how lovely! omg right before i read this post i was quoting the song must have done something good...ahhh the kavorka is strong today! tristan, you make so many people so happy it is no wonder loverly things come to you! i hope you are recovering. did you do the salt bag thing? it really does work.

  18. I'm glad you liked the carnival token I made. I loved all the detail you put into yours :)

    Sandy xox
