Saturday, April 4, 2009

A Temporary Substitute Pink Saturday Post

So what does that "temporary substitute pink Saturday post" mean?!

No - I'm not sipping Bombay Sapphire Martinis this morning. And I haven't taken too many blood pressure and cholesterol meds. I am going someplace today that I'm very excited about - and which will comprise my real Pink Saturday post! But it won't happen until later today, so I will have to wait until then to post.

While you're browsing the other Pink Saturday posts, please, feel free to put your feet up on the pink saturday sofa of your choice below, with a cup of tea or glass of sherry (heck, with a Budweiser if that's your thing!) and enjoy your day. Hopefully, you'll come back when I post my real Pink Saturday post!

This one is a tad too traditional for me - however, I know that my sister would probably trade her husband for this living room - if they would swap the carnations for roses and put some decent pictures in the room.

This one is for my mother's bedroom. But she's a nice lady and will certainly let you enjoy it for the afternoon. It would be perfect for her to curl up in to read her magazines and have her tea. My mother has always been more into reading magazines than books. It's funny that I always picture my mother reading - yet, whenever anybody asks if she's read a particular book she always says she doesn't read!

Again - not my style. But, oh my! what style it has!

When we travel, we always go to Europe, never the Far East. But when I go to Japan -whenever that is - I want my hotel room to look exactly like this! Of course, by the time I go to Japan, the economy will be so bad, and I'll be so broke, I'll really have to look for an empty refrigerator box to sleep in. But the boy can dream, can't he?...

I found these pillows on eBay. I was very disconcerted because we bought these exact same pillows locally made when we were in Athens! Why disconcerted? Because on eBay they are made in India. As I'm a little off them right now, feel free to toss them on the sofa of your choice to rest your feet on.

Now. You'll have to forgive me. But you can't sit on this one. This one is mine Mine MINE MINE! I could die happily in this room - though, admittedly, I'd prefer to live happily in it. I totally lust for the sofa and chandelier and would commit a small felony for the walls!

It's funny how tastes change. Ten years ago, this would have been the living room nook of my dreams - and I still think it's very very nifty! But, it's now something I would rather sit in at your house. I guess I've gone through my pop art furnishings phase. It's cool - absolutely! - but no longer my particular brand of gin.

As sort of fun as this is, I frankly think it's rather graceless and ugly. However, I'm fascinated by it because this iconic lip sofa by Salvador Dali and was commissioned by the well-known British art patron, Edward James. Apparently it is inspired by the lips of Mae West. Now, I love Mae West - and love Dali - but I've watched a LOT of Mae West movies and seen a LOT of Mae West's photos. This sofa does NOT resemble her mouth at all. Except that it's pink. Oh, well. I felt it should be included. So it is.

This is yummy, isn't it? It would be like sitting in a down filled strawberry creme pastry! I like that the upholstery is a bit rumpled ... I wouldn't have to be worried about messing up this sofa. I could enjoy my time ensconced in it. I would place this in my parlor, next to a huge window, where I could look out and scribble and sketch in my journal...or just stare vapidly out the window and drink a double shot latte.

I do like Empire furniture - but I thought the pink on this particular sofa was just 'off'. It's too light - and it looks as if it's printed fabric and the pattern isn't woven. It's certainly not ugly - but not quite right. So, if it were mine I would welcome bids on it. It's not, so I can't. But ... anyway...

I haven't decided if this is absolutely insanely fabulous - or just insane.

Okay. So you can't sit on this one's really a jewelry box. But I though a rather ingenious one...and I have to admit, the first photo fooled me...I thought it was a modern sofa!
And this one was called an earring tree - though where the heck you're supposed to hang earrings, I have no idea. But it would be quite nice if it were much larger and made of pale beige rattan and were sitting in the gazebo by the koi pond in our back yard. That is, if we had a koi pond or a gazebo - or a back yard.

This one is for all you serious types you want a serious sofa that is sturdy and will accommodate the entire family for holiday portraits. Not the most lovely of pieces - but not offensive either.
Well, we're almost through with the sofa offerings today. As you can see, we're down to juuuuuust the peep of one through the dining room doorway. From in here it looks like that sofa has a gazillion button tufts! I loved button tufts and once had a wonderful many-buttoned-and-tufted slipper chair in the guest room. That's when I found out that each one of those tufts is the perfect magnet and storage area for dust, dog hair and any stray item that might be floating in the air, no matter how large or small. I think I found Jimmy Hoffa in one of the tufts once. I no longer own it.

I do have this one other photo to share. It has nothing to do with sofas. But the pale pink and crystal in this shop holiday display just spoke to me. So I decided to include it here, even though it's Spring and holiday time is a long way away. I found photo this at a wonderful spot called HiHo Home Market and Antique Center. It's in Gardiner, NY and looks like a wonderful place to shop! If you click on the photo, it will take you to the site.

That's it for now. Be sure to check out the other Pink Saturday folks participating in Beverly's Pink Saturday this week!

I'll be back later in the day with my Surprise Pink Saturday Post! Enjoy your day - and I do hope you find time to make something beautiful - or if not, to read or hear something beautiful!

¸.•´¸.•*´¨) ¸.•*´¨)
(¸.•´ (¸.•´♥ Tristan ♥


  1. Hi Tristan!
    Your sister has wonderful taste and I would definately trade Mr. Timeless Things for that room of loveliness!

    I will take those luscious pillows and rest my tootsies on that Pink Bazooka Gum looking sofa.

    Hmmm....about the walls that you would commit a felony for...I swear it looks like the walls of the mausoleum where Marilyn is buried...don't you think so? Stick a name plate and a vase of flowers from Joe Di Maggio and voila!

    I adore Heidi's HiHo Home Market! She's a sweetie!

    ¸.·´¸.·*´¨) ¸.·*´¨)
    (¸.·´ (¸.·´ Happy Pink Saturday
    Deanna :D

  2. Very neat, Tristan! Happy Pink Saturday!


  3. LOVE the toss them right on MY sofa and life will be perfect all over. I'll put my feet up on tem, take a photo for you to post and then you'll feel better.
    What more could you ask for??? ;)

  4. Great pictures. I love the chairs in the first picture.

    I can't wait to see the REAL Pink Saturday Post.

    I think I'm going to take part this week!

  5. Thanks for taking the time to put all those sofas together! I have a couple of favorites which always tend more toward the comfortable and pale tones. Happy Pink Saturday!

  6. Ohmygoodness, you really outdid yourself today. I ♥ coming by each week to see what you're sharing with us on Pink Saturday. Your blog is a delight.

  7. I am squealing with pink delight at all of this eye candy!!! My mind is whirling at the thought that I actually do not have enough pink in my life and have to go on a pink sofa hunting safari!! If this is your temporary post, I wait with great anticipation for the other. I shall return this evening!
    Happy Pink Saturday
    ♥ Teresa

  8. For my first time here, I am glad you found my blog so I can find yours. Love the chairs, I'll enjoy some tea on a pink chaise chair.
    I enjoyed reading through your blog. I'll have to be back to see your surprise pink post.
    I love the name Tristan. Yes I named my oldest Tristan for Tristan and Isolde and well, I also saw Legends on the fall. Thats first I saw Aidan Quinn in action, hence my youngest's name, Aidan.... =) I'm sure you needed to know all that...=)!!
    Happy PS

  9. You have the right idea today - get some fabulous pink furniture and lounge about!!

    How will I choose my favorite? I love the poufy one with all the pillows. Strawberry creme indeed!!

  10. Fabulous post. I love anything button-tufted!!! But the hours with the vacuum hose cleaning a tufted piece is hell. Right?
    I'll check back for your "real" post later.


  11. Are you sure you didn't knock back a couple of Bombays?

    I may have to get myself a pink sofa some day.

  12. OMGoodness... A pink blizzard!!
    Speaking of blizzards... It is snowing here!! (That in itself is insulting!!) LOL!!
    I want the Parfait sofa & Jack Daniels straight-up! Yep, lil' ole' me loves smooth Kentucky Sippin' Whiskey!! (A well kept secret!)ROFLMBO!!
    Love your post & thanks for the time you take to put it together!!
    Love Ya',

  13. I love the very first room, without carnations, please! I'd prefer roses or orchids...
    Happy PS,

  14. I love your blog and I loved this post!

    Your sister and I must have the same taste...loved that room!

    My four-year old LOVED the little jewelry boxes. She's currently practicing to be a diva; currently a novice princess LOL!

    I also can appreciate that tastes change. I am currently surrounded by lots of primitives and I'm wanting to shabby chic my entire house....aaaargh! Mid-life crisis? perhaps, but I totally agree that we must surround ourselves with beauty. LIFE is too short to live otherwise!

    Thanks for the inspriation,

  15. Just found your blog this morning and what a find! I loved it and all those pink sofas. Wonderful! I am now a devotee of your blog. Enjoyed looking at your art work too, gorgeous things. Also laughed over the priest's performance. Thanks for the smile I will be wearing all day long.

  16. Both your mother's sofa and your dream room are fab! *sighs*
    I love it all.
    Have a pretty pink filled day!
    I'm looking forward to your post :)

  17. OMG, you crack me up! Love your posts. I will be checking back later for the next installment.
    Have a great day!
    Tracy m.

  18. Oh, Tristan, what a wonderful post! I've got to do a million things today, but I always love to see what you do on Saturday! And I will definitely be back later to see what your "real" post is. I just happen to like your "faux" post a whole lot! :-)

    And my favorite picture is the one of the dining room where you can see the pink (and I believe tufted) sofa in the background.

    Thanks for sharing. Can't wait to see Part II...


    Sheila :-)

  19. Happy Pink Saturday!

    Awesome photos, great style...and taste!

    ~ Gabriela ~

  20. Love the pink-ness! Fab sofas, some more fab than others - particularly that delish pink strawberry puff
    pastry one. Want!

    hmmm, curious as to your
    next post later today - looking forward to it.

  21. A lot of dreamy pink goodness here. I do adore the reading chair for your mom. I can see myself sitting there curled up reading and blogging.
    If you need more pink goodness check out
    They have a lot of sweet pictures there. A lot of my graphics for my blog come from there.
    Have a beautiful Saturday.

  22. Hello Tristan! I love all of these pink couches... but I think the "insanely fabulous" one is my fave! haha

    Have a great day! xo Heather

  23. Thanks for sharing. Happy Pink Saturday. Check out my book giveaways!

    Come for Blue Monday.

  24. Oh Tristan (:)
    I want my hotel room to look like that too love it (:)
    Great post~

  25. Oh Tristan,
    This is a phenomenal entry! Wow. I want to move into a few of those houses. And I want the lips sofa. :-) This is gorgeous. I really enjoyed your entry.

  26. Beautiful. Everything was incredible to look at, to think about, to dream about. Thanks for sharing such Pink Fabulousness with us. Have a very Loveleigh Pink Saturday!

  27. What a wonderful post!!! Love, love, love the sofas(not all of them are my cup of tea but...) great selections for even the hard to please. I'll check back later for the "REAL" pink Saturday find!!


  28. Oh Tristan! What a delightul blog you have! All that pink furniture reminds me of my pink Barbie doll playhouse I had in my younger years. Thanks for taking all that time to show such wonderful pinks...I mean pics!
    Happy day!

  29. Love the room that your Sister would trade her husband for, LOL. Yes I would change the pictures, add some beatiful white, pink, and pale yellow roses. Add some pretty yellow touches with pillows, and BUNNIES and voila, perfect : )

  30. I'm with you ~ That sofa with the chandelier is the BEST! I'll fight you for it. How about an old fashioned game of Rook? lol

    Great pink post! Blessings... Polly

  31. Happy Pink Saturday! Love all the sofas - I read your later posts - sorry about the disappointing interior of the house! How can someone do that to such a treasure?

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