Friday, April 17, 2009

An Award and a Fab Giveaway!

All awards are special and great fun to give. The Renee Award is relatively new and was created by Bella and Ces in honour of their friend Renee, an incredibly lady who in the face f a frightening life battle is tackling each new day with great spirit and courage. Please check out the blogs of these three creative women.

I have to thank Sue of Barton Originals for passing this award on to me - thanks, Sue!

Here is what Bella says of the award:
"This is a brand new award and I have the pleasure and honor of spreading the seed, watching it grow. I hope it finds its way to those who are like Renee: the acorn, a small package becoming a tall and sturdy oak, giving more acorns, becoming tall and sturdy oaks, giving acords..."

In accepting this award, my task is to now pass it on to eight other deserving bloggers who I feel fulfill the same qualities as the little acorn and the tall sturdy oak who is constantly giving back.

It is, of course incredibly difficult to come up with only eight! All of the bloggers with whom I'm a regular reader and enthusiastic fan should be nominated. But, as I can only nominate 8, here goes, in no particular order ...

Anne at elMilagro Studios
Bernadette at Artifacts
Valarie at Glittery Daze and Nights

These are only eight of the many bloggers on my list that make my day more enjoyable, more insightful, more informed - and more filled with beautiful images of art and vintage treasures. If you aren't familiar with their blogs, be sure to give them a visit. Some make art, some make poetry, some make sense - but they all make life more beautiful.

And, all of you who are listed, please take the (lovely!) button above and add it to your blog and pass it on to eight of your favorite bloggers who 'give back!'

And here is a wonderful give-away from the Baroness Bijoutery, who makes absolutely enchanting creations! Her fanciful and whimsical faeries are a real treat! Click on the mermaid to enter her contest!
My favorite is her Magical Forest Faery ... which one is yours?! much writing and linking!...doing all that linking takes some time! I must stop this post and start working on my Pink Saturday post. Geesh. If I spent this much time at a real job, I'd be driving a much finer car than I am!

Hope you are either just finished or getting ready to make something that will excite you!
¸.•´¸.•*´¨) ¸.•*´¨)
(¸.•´ (¸.•´♥ Tristan ♥


  1. LOL...I love you Tristan -

    I'm reading your rather serious (well, that serious) post about the Renee Award, scrolling down to the blurb about Baroness' wonderful work and her Friday giveaway. My mind is in a certain gearshift - know what I mean? Until.... whoa all of a sudden I feel like I'm helping Mr. Hotness drive his convertible. Bit jarring to the ole brain (in sucha nice way though, hee)

  2. gawd, I really need to get more than 3 hours sleep tonight.

    First line should read: (well, not that serious)

  3. Thank you Tristan!!! Big HUGS HUGS HUGS!!!!!!
    And I love the car naughty boy---totally messed with my ability to THINK for a while! LOL!!!!!
    Will proudly post the award and start sending them on!


  4. Hi Tristan! Nice post! I enjoy you very much and I am looking forward to seeing your Pink Saturday post! Take care, Anita

  5. You are pretty adorable. ;-)

    I can't believe how creative and prolific you are being ... I can hardly find enough time to write, let alone create anything.

    By the way -- everyone who sees your quilts just loves them. I am so lucky to own them. And even Morgan -- who as a teenager hardly admits to loving anything her mother loves -- won't relinquish her hold on hers.

  6. I came by to take in you Saturday posting in pink. Not meaning to be pushy, I do hope the women potted under the hairdryers are not your Pink Saturday post.

    Congratulations on your award....and thank you for all the links (to the other sites).

  7. Hi Tristan,
    Congratulations to you on receiving the award and thank you so much for passing it on to me. Tears came to my eyes when I read the story behind this award. This week is the anniversary of the death of a dear friend of mine who died of brain cancer. Brian often wore pink shirts and sometimes pink socks would peak out from the cuffs of his business suit. He was the definition of satrorial style!I am touched by this honour and will endeavour to live up to it!!!!
    Have a beautiful Saturday. I might just stare at that hunk all afternoon :)

  8. Hellooooooooo Tristan,
    Hope you are having fun at the Party, I had to drop by one of my fave places to visit. Here's to Mermaids, Tea and Fun!

  9. i'll tske one of these please.thank you...ann

  10. Congrats on your award!
    Where do you find all these beefcake pics? ;)

  11. Such a wonderful and inspirational post! Just swimming by from Lisa's site! I am enjoying your wonderful blog!

    All the best!

  12. awww tristan, you are so good to me! thank you so much for this lovely award. i will enjoy exploring new blogs and finding terrific peeps to share this with. thank you so much, dearie!

  13. Thank you, Tristan for a beautiful award. Reading about Renee who the award is named after touched me.
    I'm going to look out for the Jean Simmons movie on TCM when it comes on again.
