Monday, March 16, 2009

Relaxing Weekend, Prizes, Contests, Shopping, Awards....Oh, MY!

What a nice weekend. No guests - no errands or chores that needed immediate attention. Just a relaxing weekend to hang out around the neighborhood, chatting with neighbors and watching the world go by.
Of course, even though I didn't have work to do - the postman certainly did! Namely, to deliver my prize from the PFAAT giveaway! I won this very special pendant by Iva Wilcox, created with an optical lens, vintage images (on both sides) and a lovely piece of crumpled seam binding. She knew that I planned to give the piece to my mom for her birthday, so she also included a really lovely ATC for me to keep! Wasn't that generous of her! A gift included with a prize! And the necklace was beautifully packaged with shredded shiny paper and in a cellophane goodie bag - all ready for gift-giving! Now, that's a piece of mail worth getting off the street corner for!
This is the (far better) photo taken from the PFATT blog where I won the prize! It also shows the reverse side of the necklace pendant...quite nice, eh?!
Also went shopping on Saturday for a while. There was some kind of big sale going on downtown in all the shops, so off we went. We didn't go into all the stores...if they didn't want Dusty, they didn't want me! (Can you imagine anybody not wanting dignified, refined Dusty in their shop? And, yes, that's facetious, because I completely understand it.) We bought a few goodies on sale here and there - nothing to write home (or on a blog) about. But I did find these gorgeous trims which I thought would be perfect for a min-theatre piece or ...?!
Naturally, they were NOT on sale and were absurdly expensive, so we will probably be eating popcorn this week. But that's okay. We'll smile our way through poverty, knowing that things of beauty are worth starving for.
One thing that got the old blood pumping was the excitement of the treasure hunt over at Moonlight Hollow! And I won third place! I was actually the first to post 'finished' - but I made a mistake. sigh. Haste makes - well - you know. I thought that JFK and Jackie's favorite recipe was New England Clam Chowder...turns out, it was the Daquiri! I certainly can't argue with them...even if it did cost me first place! It was a really fun treasure hunt - took me almost an hour to complete it - and I was not wasting time! My fingers were fairly flying over the keyboard!

Then, I received this wonderful and thoughtful award from Lola at Lola Enchanted's Flea Market. Be sure to check out the goodies she offers! I think this is a special award, as it's for people who we have come to regard as friends, although perhaps we've never met other than online. Nice idea, I think!
Oh, yes!, there are blog festivities being thrown in honor of the new Somerset Studio publication, Marie, which is due out April 1st (actually, I understand some people have already received their copies - I, however, have not. Ahem). Two blog events I'll share today:
Now, I'm completely embarrassed that I can't remember who is having the first one (above). I pulled the button in order to let you know about it ... before I realized there was no address on the button! But, as I do my daily blog perusal, I'll find out where it's happening and let you know!

How thick of me! I just discovered that it's from Gabriela Delworth's blog! I knew I would find it as soon as I started my blog tour of the day! Click the link to learn more! I guess I forgot because, as it's one of my favorite stops, I presumed I'd remember. Argh. Anyway.

The second celebration (below) will be hosted by Joy at Cupid's Charm. Be sure to stop in there - and look at her last few posts. Joy has been visiting the gracious southern city of Savannah and has posted several times with loads of photos of her tours of this beautiful city's garden, architecture and interests.
And, finally, I have to thank the amazing Lisa Kittel for the magnificent Carnival Soiree over at Faerie Enchantment - be sure to look at her posts regarding this event this past Saturday - they were delightful beyond words! There are 7 of them - right in a row - don't miss any of them!

I leave you today with my little homage to the court of Marie Antoinette..

"of course I knew it was you, you silly b*tch"

Now, it's a gorgeous Monday - go make something wonderful!

¸.•´¸.•*´¨) ¸.•*´¨)
(¸.•´ (¸.•´♥ Tristan ♥


  1. Hello Tristan,Thought I would pop in.I enjoy your post so much.Congrats on your award.I love the French music.What a beautiful pendant.The ATC card is not to shabby eother.I can't wait till the Marie issue from Somerset comes my way.My name is Marie Antoinette so of course I guess I'm one of the thousands that are intrigued by her. Take care Marie Antionette

  2. As always I Love your posts. In fact I start my Blog Day out by checking to see if you have posted! Your off-beat sense of humor always makes me smile!! :)
    Have a Wonderful Day!!

  3. Hi Tristan,

    It sounds like you had a nice weekend. I love the trims you got, just beautiful. Thanks for the info on the random generator, I am still pretty new to blogging and have not figured it all out yet. Love your post as always. How do you get that heart flourish by your name? Have a wonderful day !

  4. I see you already have one, but I left you a friendship award on my little blog...although we just met, I adore you! **blows kisses**

  5. I can always count on you for a smile. I'm glad you had a nice weekend. Love those trims. I would gladly eat popcorn to get my hands on those! Necklace is pretty too.
    I've got an award in the hopper for you too!

  6. Another post to make me smile. I love where you're coming from!

  7. The first photo is great, it *ahem* almost reminds me of the good old days...

    ...and a popcorn diet is actually extremely healthy.

  8. I think a popcorn diet is ok!! Great blog!

  9. I've just had a wonderful Monday evening reading your blog post, drooling over the trims and promissing myself a visit to the Marie sites you mention. The "Marie" pics gave me a final laugh!! Thanks for that!

  10. Tristan I just discovered your blog a couple of days ago and it is one of the
    "funnest" blogs I've read. Your posts and the music make me smile.

    Congrats on your awards, your wins and finding those delicious trims.

  11. Popcorn is good...especially when accompanied by a nice cold drink! Looks like you had a fun weekend...hanging out on the street corner and all! So glad you participated in the Treasure Hunt! It was fun! Thanks for following my new blog too!


  12. You won a beautiful pendant and ATC.
    Popcorn is part of my diet too, like you said we must smile our way through! Congratulations on your award. I am looking forward to the Marie events.

  13. Tristan, I don't know how you manage to get the perfect photos!!!! Congrats on the treasure eyes glazed over reading the clues!!! Fun anyway.
    I must tell about my latest mail!!!!! My "pear de resistance" arrived and is now next to glenda the good witch(I'll take a picture and post it) too fabu!!!!! thanks!
    Also my own marilyn quilt, man-made by tristan arrived!!!!! Hooray for hollywood....and talented artists like yourself!!!

  14. Those trims you purchased are fantastic, and definitely worth eating popcorn for a week.

    Congratulations on your award.

    I'm a fan of Gabriela, too. She creates such beauty.

  15. So happy to have stumbled into your blog♥
    I love it all!

  16. I am with Deborah, even though we just met, you are a doll and a half!! And you have excellent Karma flowing over!! Treasures must come to your doorstep from now until always!!!

    Happy Monday, I think I have to read your post again. No, I am sure of it... too much gooooodnessss. But really, is there ever too much, no way!! ;)

    Happy day! xo, V

  17. Hi Tristan!

    Just discovered your blog from Tales from an O.C. Cottage. I love it! I'll definitely be back! :)


  18. Hope you are having a great week Tristan! Thanks for the nice comment on my blog! ;)

  19. Always a lot of fun visiting your blog Tristan! Have a great day,
    Tracy M.

  20. Hey can I use your photo of the two smiling boys in a collage . If I post it on my blog I will link back to you? Pretty please....
