Tuesday, March 3, 2009

My First Ever Blog Give-Away!

I'm so pleased that in less than two months I've 50 people following my blog ... and, here I was afraid that nobody would ever read anything I was interested in writing or seeing photos of things I wanted to share with others!

So, in honor of my 50th 'follower,' I'm having a giveaway! That's right folks - there really is such thing as a free lunch! - or free paper arts, anyway!

I realize that I have Beverly's Pink Saturdays to thank for so many of you finding me, so I decided that it would be entirely appropriate to offer one of my featured Pink Saturday items as my giveaway.

So, I'm going to send off this vintage style tussie-mussie/display cone to the lucky (or I hope they think they're lucky) winner of the ubiquitous random generator.

All I ask is that you post the giveaway on your blog and link back to me, and leave a message here. If you don't have a blog, I like you, too - so just write something that will make me forgive you for not being a blogger. :-)

So, there you have it! My first every blog giveaway! The winner will be chosen March 10th (one week from today). I'm not going to set a certain time, so I won't worry about being late or early. It will be sometime after I awake on Tuesday and before I retire!

And, most importantly, thank you all so much for your interest, your inspiration, your encouragement, and for sharing your work with the rest of us!
¸.•´¸.•*´¨) ¸.•*´¨)
(¸.•´ (¸.•´♥ Tristan ♥


  1. How wonderful Triston,that you have 50 followers and.....that you're having a guveaway.And it just happens to fall on my birthday.Have you noticed all the bithdays lately?Theres a bunch of us pisces running around.Count me in. i'm grabbing a button now...Ann

  2. oops,i mispelled your name .sorry.

  3. Your button is up,Tristan...Ann

  4. Congratulations on hitting 50! You and Barbie will be celebrating this month! LOL.
    You've made quite an impression in only 2 months. Bravo.

  5. Oh I think this give-wawy is wonderful. Congrats to you and thanks so much for the give-away. I'll be blogging about it soon.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Wow 50 followers!! I tell myself at only 20 in a couple of months that I don't really care.... HA! I love it that people follow little ole' me! Seriously, I love your blog. It is suprising & unusual...

  8. Congrats Tristan, I would be happy to blog about your give away, but I still hope I'm the lucky one. Pam

  9. *Throwing Confetti and Blowing A Party Horn* Congrats!

    I had actually featured you on my Blog on Sunday and just went in and added to my post about your Giveaway :)

    Olivia and Harlow send cyberspace dog treats to Dusty!


  10. well congrats to you on your 50th! followers i think are tough to get--and even tougher--to get folks to post! count me in...oh wait-I have to do something-lol let me go check!

  11. I don't know how I found my way here today... But you are FUN, and that bannnnner!! Goodness me!! Dreamy stuff I tell ya ;)

  12. Well, I have to tell you....I have been following your art before you had a blog. Your quilts got me started...CONGRATULATIONS!!!!
    I'd love a chance at this tussie mussie pretty in pink cone!!!!

  13. Hey Tussie Mussie Me! I love your colorful work and I would be proud to own an Original Tristan. Thanks

  14. Oh such congratulations Tristan.....I think it is so wonderful what blogging does for us, yes?

    Of course you have so many followers ~ you are a very interesting artist and I've a piece of the artwork that shows it!


  15. Congrats to you on the big 50!! I found you through Frippery and your giveaway. Tussie Mussie was the real draw and once here...I'm so glad I came! Off to blog about the give away in tomorrow's post. I have my fingers crossed!

  16. WTG, How wonderful, and such a beautiful proze to boot!!

    Off to add you to my Blog!! Congrats!

  17. oops PRIZE ..LOL sometimes I crack myself right up with my typos :)

  18. Tristan, congratulations. I felt the same...never thought anyone would care to here my thoughts or see my work but not so! I think we are all inquisitive beings and we all want to be loved and appreciated...we want to share what we know and what we can do so that others can too. You sound like such a fun person with a heart of gold. Keep on blogging!

  19. Congrats Tristan - you are now officially a '50 something'!!! LOL
    When I saw the title of your post I thought poor Dusty poochie might be the subject!
    Have added you to my blog - right above my profile!

  20. Just discovered your blog - what a delight! Truly magical!! Off to add you to my list of links now...

    ~ Carolee
    PS - LOVE your playlist too!

  21. Tristan,
    I just wanted to say I love reading your blog. I just started also and I found you before hyperlinking and got lost (oh my.) Such a blonde moment..Needless to say I found you again! (Yeah) By the way, I just love Dusty!!!

  22. Yay! Congrats on your 50th reader!
    I will be sure to give your giveaway a shout on my blog!

  23. You've just been shouted on my blog...I'm still crossing my fingers here for that Tussie Mussie!

  24. Congratulations! I totally know what you mean about being amazed and thrilled about having people want to read about what you have to say. I have a new blog to, Posh Adornment at poshadornment.blogspot.com and hope you'll come and visit. I'm going to add your post for your free giveaway and wish you all the luck in the world. Toodles, Susan

  25. Oh Sweet! I hope I win. I follow your blog on my Sage-Too. So that's at least 51 folowers.
    Have a great day,
    Tracy M.

  26. Thank you for the opportunity to win. I would love to have a piece of your fabulous art.

    I have included a link to your giveaway on my post tomorrow.

  27. Okay,

    I posted your give away on my blog with a whole huge paragraph I think I might have even been gushing. I posted the picture of MY tussie mussie and linked back to your blog. So all that is left is to dig out my lucky faux rabbit foot key.chain :)

    Pattie ;)
    Mazatlan Mx

  28. Tristan, I came over to your blog from my friend Beverly at How Sweet the Sound. I saw your pink the first time you joined Pink Saturday. I was intrigued by your art work ability and today I tuned in to your U-tube quilt show. Beautiful work and it is nice to meet you.

    I would be so pleased to be entered in your give-a-way. I'll be thrilled to have something you created. I hope I am lucky.

    See you again soon...Jeanne

  29. I won't be so gauche as to beg, sweetpea; I'm just telling you to please put my name in the proverbial hat for the drawing and wish me luck, honey. THOSE are the colors I love - flamboyant pinks, greens, fuchsia and just GORGEOUS!!!

  30. well - i just "found" your blog - and i'll be going back and seeing what i've missed! congrats on your followers - and i'm lovin the music you on here!!!
    thank you for the opportunity to win a lovely tussie musie...thank you

  31. CONGRATULATIONS! Isn't Bloglandia wonderful? Love your Tussie-mussie!

  32. Hello Tristan.
    I found your blog via Pearl,via Tolentreasures.
    You do lovely work.
    I would like to be entered into the giveaway. I am from Ontario Canada so if I am not eligible I do understand.
    I will be back to visit again if you don't mind.
    Thank you for sharing.

  33. Sorry Tristan. I meant to mention that I have added your blog to my side bar and have posted on my blog about the give-away.
    I hope you don't mind that I copied the picture to go with the posting.
    Thanks again.

  34. Congrats on your 50th follower. I'm doing a giveaway for a similar reason soon. Love the tussie-mussie (although I had forgotten what that word meant until I came over from Beverly's to take a look :O). Changing subjects, my husband is from Woodbridge (not one of the rich folks though). His sister use to work at Yale.

  35. This comment has been removed by the author.

  36. Hi Tristan,
    I will be sure to post about your giveaway and link back to you. I am also having a giveaway on Pink Saturday make sure you leave a comment to be entered into mine.

    Thanks so much for entering me into your giveaway. Isn't it grand that you have such a following!!


  37. Hi Tristan,
    Seems a lot of us are having a give-away, including me. Congratulations on your 50th follower!


  38. As one Pink Saturday person to another---YES, YES, oh YES!! I want a chance to win that wonderful prize of yours!!!

    See you tomorrow!


  39. Hello,
    So happy to have found your blog. Please enter me in your giveaway!

  40. Tristan ~ Such wonderful and fun things! I love your art! I also love the "tussie mussie"!

    I would like to extend an invitation to you to follow me, I am very happily following you. Also I am having a "Support Our Troops" Day on March 21st, would you please participate? You can read all about it on my blog!

    Love the music on your blog too! So fun and refreshing!


  41. Hi Tristan, glad to meet ya ! Beverly told me to come on over here, so here I am. LOL . OK sign me up !

  42. Tristan, I dropped by to visit you last Saturday and enjoyed your post. And then I read on Beverly's tonight about your giveaway. I would love to be entered for the tussie mussie. It's adorable!

    I'm going to post a link to your blog on my sidebar if I can figure out exactly how to do that!

    Would it be possible for me to copy the picture of the tussie mussie and put on the sidebar, linking it to your blog giveaway? I don't want to borrow your picture to post without asking.

    Thanks for the offer to let us enter your giveaway...

    Sheila :-)

  43. Why I'd be more than happy to mention your good fortune giveaway on my blog! Cool. BTW, you've got talent!

  44. Congrats on your 50th follower, Tristan. I will go and try to figure out how to link your website in my blog and Happy Pink Saturday!

  45. Hello Tristan....
    Loved your piece on Hollywood Regency; but then I love all that you write about. I feel I have already won a prize.......when I ventured your blog during Rhonda's "Mon Amour de Toutes les Choses Francaises" event and every time after. I do offer my congratulations, as well, for your 50 followers....and know well of why they return.
    Hope your weekend is a beautiful one.

  46. Love the Tussie Mussie, and the music.

  47. Isn't it so exciting every time you see a new Follower? I love blogging!

    Your tussie mussie is just wonderful!


  48. Congrats Tristan! I will be posting about your giveaway and am adding you to my blog list. Love your posts!

    Hugs :)


  49. wish I had lots of time to read every one of your posts....One late night I'm sure.

    A new pinky Heidi

  50. Love your blog....love your style!

    Please enter me in your drawing!


  51. Tristan,

    Looking forward to spending more time at your blog~looks very interesting so far (love the music!)

    Count me in on the gorgeous tussie mussie!


  52. Congrats on your 50followers. I hope I am not to late. I have liked your giveaway on my right sidebar. (I am also holding a giveaway today)

    =) melanie
    melanieadey at hotmail dot com
